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Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

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  • #76
    Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
    There's a difference between reusing textures and certain models, which most games do, and reusing entire maps without changing a single bit of them for multiple locations.
    Using an example more rampant than DA2: Dawn of War 2 and the expansions had 4 maps (6 in the first expansion, 7 in the second expansion) used for the entire campaign that were constantly reused but with a slightly different camera angles and became critically acclaimed. Were the campaigns fun? Hell yes, turning an RTS into a Diablo style RPG for a single player campaign really does work, especially in the second expansion where each faction gets characters based on RPG class archetypes (Each faction gets a Tank, a healer, a Ranged Attacker with Stealth capabilities and a fourth member who can be built to do magic or physical damage). Did they have an excuse to constantly re-use the exact same environments across the campaigns of three separate games? No, not with the time and money that Relic put into the games.

    Mass Effect were even worse for it. How often did you land on the exact same planet, with the exact same geography, with the exact same research stations or military instalments? The moon base was wa t worst one since you had to raid three identical buildings, with identical enemy placements and identical "puzzles" (for lack of a better term) and do the exact same thing in each one.

    At least ME2 varied the environments a bit until you realised that "planetary exploration" in that game was watching a landing on a loading screen then appearing in the exact same two rooms/courtyards every single time.

    None of the games I listed were clearly rushed or had a problem with budget but are as rife with copy and paste environments as DA2, what is their excuse?

    I assure you I have not missed the point, its just that Bioware were chronic copypasta artists before DA2, the fact that it stands out to people now goes to show just how rushed the game was. How many times did I talk to a Sith soldier or similar model in KOTOR voiced by Cam Clarke with a slightly different accent? At least a dozen.
    Sorry, it just seemed like you were singling out DA2 when there are far worse examples from games that really have no excuse (or "PS2 limitations").

    It was funnier in Oblivion where each city had buildings with identical interiors taken from a pool of about 4 different houses for each architecture, caves, ruins and forts were more or less made up of the same copy and pasted blocks and the Oblivion planes were one of seven randomly picked layouts.
    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
    Reiko Takahashi
    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
    Haters Gonna Hate


    • #77
      Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

      Hope they do away with the Friend Code syste. Seriouslly now! But since they put it on the 3DS I doubt it somehow. *insert random Pinkie Pie grumble pic here*


      • #78
        Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

        Originally posted by IceWolf762 View Post
        Hope they do away with the Friend Code syste. Seriouslly now! But since they put it on the 3DS I doubt it somehow. *insert random Pinkie Pie grumble pic here*
        The problem now isn't really even friend codes, I don't see the problem with the code itself - I just see people wanting to have a problem with it. Its universal and they only have to be entered once for the system, you no longer register the games themselves individually. The problem is there's very little you can do with the friend system right now other than see who's online or look them up while they're playing a particular game you also have.

        This needs to be addressed with a messaging system, invites (though I honestly loathe invites as they serve as little else but something to pester others with) and potentially also raise the friend list cap.

        Not that I understand why people need to friend every random person they meet, but 100 is a bit oppressive to social butterflies, I suppose. I remember amassing friends on XBL and never seeing them again after the particular game I met them on. I guess I only find it useful when there's an actual real community for a game that's there to stay and not just flutter away the second "New Online Flavor of the Week" comes out.

        Maybe that's why I'm skewing to fighters again.


        • #79
          Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

          well now (on the 3DS) it is just one code for the whole system, so now the Friends code is more of a system ID
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #80
            Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

            Originally posted by Kailea View Post
            well now (on the 3DS) it is just one code for the whole system, so now the Friends code is more of a system ID
            Hmmm, well that's not too bad. Just like an Xbox Live tag, just with numbers!


            • #81
              Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

              Originally posted by IceWolf762 View Post
              Hmmm, well that's not too bad. Just like an Xbox Live tag, just with numbers!
              Yeah, except the friend code is linked to your Mii rather than their 360 knockoffs.


              • #82
                Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

                oh it is linked to the Mii? thought it was the system itself, interesting
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #83
                  Re: Nintendo HD? Wii 1.5? WTF?

                  Well, if you reset the system entirely, you get a new code its just whatever Mii you assign with the crown is your online face, so to speak.

                  And who gets kidnapped for Find Mii.

                  I have almost saved myself for the first tier of Find Mii.

