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  • Gamestop!

    Why, when I ask for a new copy of a game, you grab a game case from your glass display behind the counter that has clearly been opened and has a hole in the top of the case?

    How can you charge full price for a damaged product?

  • #2
    Re: Gamestop!

    you know you could have asked for a different one, and yes they should have given you the shop warn discount if it was broken.

    When Dragon Age 2 came out, we got a copy in that was sealed, but the case was completely smashed, everything else was ok on it though, so we took it out, replaced the case with one we had sitting around, and used it as a display copy.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: Gamestop!

      Originally posted by Kailea View Post
      you know you could have asked for a different one, and yes they should have given you the shop warn discount if it was broken.

      When Dragon Age 2 came out, we got a copy in that was sealed, but the case was completely smashed, everything else was ok on it though, so we took it out, replaced the case with one we had sitting around, and used it as a display copy.
      That was the only case they had besides one display case.


      • #4
        Re: Gamestop!

        They get away with it because they really don't have any competing video game store chains.
        Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
        Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
        Name: Drjones
        Blog: Mediocre Mage


        • #5
          Re: Gamestop!

          Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
          They get away with it because they really don't have any competing video game store chains.

          Apparently for 'new' games, they're now putting them in plastic sleeves after your purchase them, a la comic books. You can return the game for a full refund as long as you don't open the sleeve, but if you do they can only give you trade-in value.

          So, you can take a new game, unwrap it and damage it and sell it for a full price but not take a full refund because someone removed the game from your STORE'S wrapper?


          • #6
            Re: Gamestop!

            Originally posted by Absentia View Post
            Why, when I ask for a new copy of a game, you grab a game case from your glass display behind the counter that has clearly been opened and has a hole in the top of the case?

            How can you charge full price for a damaged product?

            Better question: why are you paying full price for it? If you want a brand new, sealed copy of the game you should probably be going to Best Buy, Fry's Electronics or whatever similar electronics store you have.

            500 hours in MS paint


            • #7
              Re: Gamestop!

              Originally posted by Absentia View Post
              So, you can take a new game, unwrap it and damage it and sell it for a full price but not take a full refund because someone removed the game from your STORE'S wrapper?
              On what planet do store employees go out of their way to damage a case?

              That likely happened in shipping, which sometimes can't be helped - especially now that Nintendo and MS both make "recyclable" cases that are easily damaged. I'd say if I had to pick something to be the display case, the damaged one would be a candidate for display.

              More importantly, why did you buy an open and damaged copy anyway? Seems a bit stupid to me and this is where you forfeit your right to complain, as it seems like you bought the game anyway.

              This clearly bothered you enough to come and QQ about it here, but not enough so long as you got the game you were looking for.

              This is what I hate about gamers these days - they're spineless. They'll let publishers, developers and retailers dictate how they get their content and while they'll complain about it, they won't do anything to stand up to it. They just go cry on their favorite forum and that changes nothing.

              Why should anyone care if you're not going to show an ounce of initiative or backbone?


              • #8
                Re: Gamestop!

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                On what planet do store employees go out of their way to damage a case?

                That likely happened in shipping, which sometimes can't be helped - especially now that Nintendo and MS both make "recyclable" cases that are easily damaged. I'd say if I had to pick something to be the display case, the damaged one would be a candidate for display.

                More importantly, why did you buy an open and damaged copy anyway? Seems a bit stupid to me and this is where you forfeit your right to complain, as it seems like you bought the game anyway.

                This clearly bothered you enough to come and QQ about it here, but not enough so long as you got the game you were looking for.

                This is what I hate about gamers these days - they're spineless. They'll let publishers, developers and retailers dictate how they get their content and while they'll complain about it, they won't do anything to stand up to it. They just go cry on their favorite forum and that changes nothing.

                Why should anyone care if you're not going to show an ounce of initiative or backbone?
                You're 100% correct. I didn't have a backbone. I did ask if he had another case, and he said the only one was the display case. I guess it was when he decided to come around the counter to show me the case that I felt like the sale was already going on, and I didn't want to decline then. I suppose it didn't really hit me until after I got home and I wondered why I even bothered.

                I guess I just wanted to avoid any conflict at the time, which is -- as you say -- spineless. I did go back the next day and return said game for a refund. I can definitely see where it was stupid on my part, no question about it. /equip flamesuit

                @BBQ I also never mentioned that the employee went out of his way to damage anything, so why would you even bring that up?


                • #9
                  Re: Gamestop!

                  I think it's pretty shady to be selling damaged copies as anything other than Used.
                  Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                  Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                  Name: Drjones
                  Blog: Mediocre Mage


                  • #10
                    Re: Gamestop!

                    Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                    I think it's pretty shady to be selling damaged copies as anything other than Used.
                    When we get items that are damaged from shipping, or from just being handled by customers, we give shop warn discounts, (10%) and in the instance of a broken case, I try and replace it with one of the extra ones we just have lying around.

                    Never accept a broken case as anything but shop warn.

                    It seems to me that GameStop needs to look over some of their stores, because half the stuff I hear would make my manager angry.
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #11
                      Re: Gamestop!

                      @BBQ I also never mentioned that the employee went out of his way to damage anything, so why would you even bring that up?
                      Its hard not to get that meaning when you worded it the way you did, read what I directly quoted. You made the damage sound some employee did it when common sense tells me it happened during shipping. Nothing anyone can do about that.

                      It pays to know how your retailer works and be a polite customer. Disputing the quality of a product is not something an employee or manager is going to take as confrontational unless your tone makes it seem that way. If fact, you probably could have taken that game to another local Gamestop (provided there is another in the area) and made a return for a refund you could have put toward the new copy you wanted. They would honor it.

                      I can't speak for your area, but my area has six Gamestops. Three of them are less than a mile from each other, two of them in the mall I don't live too far from. We're held to incredibly high standards and, strangely, even though my store gets more traffic, pre-orders and business, we're held to an even higher standard and higher quotas than the two nearby.

                      So I don't know what your town and your Gamestop is like. Even with six stores in my area, we have intense competition from two Wal-Marts, two Targets, multiple K-Marts, Sears Electronics, Toys R US and a local chain. Then there's a state run store called Edward McKay's - they deal in used games too. Maybe when you have no competition you really can be as lax as some people make other GS locations sounds.

                      That's something I'd take up with the district manager if it proves to be a constant problem.


                      • #12
                        Re: Gamestop!

                        Guess that may be the case then, because over here we have my store, a Walmart right behind it, and to the side a Best Buy, then on the City over there are three GS there all within 3-4 miles of each other, and I am to guess 2 Walmarts, and a H-E-B

                        My store has a nice problem though, stolen stuff being brought over from the Walmart and traded at out store for cash...... some of the stuff brought in we can tell right off the bat is stolen, but we can not say anything -.- drives me nuts. Our manager has started to make up reasons for not taking in stuff when we know it is stolen ;p
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Gamestop!

                          Here's your reason: this is stolen.

                          I already aired my grevances in another thread, but I'll note you two don't seem to really be in the dark when it comes to Gamestop incompetencies.


                          • #14
                            Re: Gamestop!

                            Having a job even with a company that maybe doesn't have the best business practices is still better than not having a job. I wouldn't blame either of them for sticking around in this economy regardless of how they feel about the company for which they work.

                            Just like I personally think Coke is disgusting and tastes like dogcrap, they were willing to pay me so I stuck around. I don't have to like it. It's a job.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
                            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                            • #15
                              Re: Gamestop!

                              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                              Here's your reason: this is stolen.

                              I already aired my grievances in another thread, but I'll note you two don't seem to really be in the dark when it comes to Gamestop incompetencies.
                              Here, let me help you.

                              (1) Having a job is better in helping you find new work than not having a job is. The concept that I should quit this job on "principles" is fucking stupid. What would I replace it with? There's not much out there, but statistically speaking, keeping any work is going to improve my chances of getting another job.

                              Its not a logic I invented, its what the baby boomers live by and the logic I have to subject myself to until they are dead and buried. Seems a bit cruel to me that an unemployed guy with a college education can't get a job just because he hasn't held one within the last three months and there weren't any to have.

                              See, the baby boomer still lives the fantasy that a college education and perseverance are all you need. They got where they were because they knew people, not because they were skilled or educated - they fear other people with skill and education. If you want to get ahead on skill, talent and drive you really just end up owning the place.

                              (2) I like working there.

                              (3) Employee discount. I like my 15% off new and used. It stacks with the 10% I get off used with the rewards card. I like to save money.
                              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-18-2011, 10:39 AM.

