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Cave Story to get 3DS remake

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  • Cave Story to get 3DS remake

    Not a joke: Cave Story being remade for 3DS- Destructoid

    This might come as strange news since Cave Story is a game that's become popular on Wii and even recently on the DSiWare service (for what little that is used beside downloading Flipnote Studio and WayForward games), but Cave Story is indeed several years old, starting out as a freeware game on PC with retro-NES sensibilities.

    There seemed to be a PSP version slated at some point, but I don't think it was ever realized, at least not for a western release.

    Earlier this week, this image was rolling around the web:

    People assumed this might mean that NIS was bringing Cave Story to PS3, but seems as of right now NIS is just publishing the remake for 3DS.

    The better part of this news, however, is that Nicalis' very own Pixel stated he fully intends to get to work on a sequel. So that's two doses of good news.

    If you still haven't played it, it comes in three flavors currently - PC freeware, WiiWare for 1200 points or DSiWare for 1000 points. I went with the DSiWare version, its just feels right there. The Nintendo versions have additional content that wasn't in the original PC release.

    Its a little bit Metroid (weapon and item upgrades), a little bit Contra (the guns and it pretty easy to die) and a little bit Mega Man (platforming) in how it plays.

    /cue J9 pretending she was down with this game all along
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-11-2011, 03:16 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Cave Story to get 3DS remake

    wow, nice to see a game that started out like that, turn into something this big. I always heard about Cave Story, but never really even seen it, let alone played it, till I got in on Wiiware. Fell in love with it, and I will be buying this 3DS remake for sure.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: Cave Story to get 3DS remake

      Here's another surprise.

      Its actually a 3DS launch window title, so they were working on this for quite a while.

      There are some comparison shots in this link

      Cave Story 3D Is A Nintendo 3DS Launch Window Title // Siliconera

      And the Gamespot announcement/interview, with some very early footage of the game's 3D conceptualization.


      • #4
        Re: Cave Story to get 3DS remake

        NISA had their San Fran press event today.

        Cave Story 3D and the new Ar Tonelico games were the big showings. They hinted that there was an NGP game of some kind in the works, but they said it wasn't ready for the showing so that should come in the coming weeks. Rumor has it, however, that Sony had another Badman game in the works (as in the Holy Invasion of Privacy, Badman!/What Did I Do to Deserve this My Lord?/No Heroes Allowed! series) and this is likely that since NISA does do the localization and publishing for that series.

        Here's some stuff from the press event, quality isn't that great, but its nice to see how NIS has grown in the last several years and that Cave Story has become one of those heartwarming success stories like Disgaea was for NIS originally. This is particularly special since the Nintendo fanbase seems reluctant to embrace indie games and third party efforts a lot of the time.

        Also, I just find it sort of funny immediately at the end of this video there's a push to go get the press drunk.

        Well, that might have been necessary if Ar Tonelico was the next major showing that day.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-12-2011, 04:56 PM.

