FFXI and WoW are two very different games, but one thing they do share in common are some mob/npc types. So guys, let's do this. WHO WOULD WIN?
FFXI Goblins, the beastmen that terrorize you from approximately level 5 and well on to the end of the game no matter what your starting allegience are well regarded as an excellent source of experience points for parties of all levels. Some are more deadly than others (Goblin Smithy in a level 25 mandy party in Kazham? No PL? Certain death.), but almost all of them have the ability to blow themselves up if they drop the bomb at their feet, which also gets a hilarious reaction as they look down at their feet in an "oh fuck" moment, and die. Some are friendly, but most are aggressive to the player character and will not hesitate to slice and dice you.

The cunning Goblins of WoW are money-grubbing sneaky bastards. If it's not going to result in profit, they're not inerested. These goblins share some similarities with their FFXI counterparts = they're often tinkering with shit, and they sometimes wind up blowing themselves - and their surroundings - to smithereens. Their starting area is a small island which is a total dump. They end up leaving there for another island which they also trash, and eventually onto Kalimdor, which they've not completely jacked up, but have trashed a part of Orgrimmar, the main Horde city, affectionately called the Goblin Slums. They are a playable race, but there are plenty of goblins remaining which align themselves to neither faction. They'll kill you and they'd steal your gold, if they were able to.

These bad boys didn't show up until ToAU, but damn, they sure put the fear into the average player running through to Cerberus or just trying to get some xp off puddings. Huge brutes and tricky classes (PLD and RDM, anyone), they're not a target people really want to fuck with if they can possibly help it. Perhaps an in-joke of SE's (not that I give them that much credit) is that if you "feed" the trolls, they will make your life miserable. Even Galka do not find Trolls to be something to fuck with, so "Pick on someone your own size" doesn't quite qualify. And not only are they tough as nails, their undispellable Stoneskin effect is another kick in the nuts to having already engaged one of these annoying fuckers.

WoW Trolls can be a bit tricky. There are still many Trolls throughout Azeroth that conduct voodoo rituals - and while I've never come across one that's "hexed" me, so to speak, I have no doubt that if I pissed one off they might try to poison my breakfast one day when I'm not looking. Many trolls try to kind of chill within nature - forest trolls are a common variety. They're a bit taller than your average human, but nowhere near the hulking size of a Vana'dielian Troll. Those tusks though? I bet those would hurt like a bitch.

Putting the fear into San d'Oria starters since the dawn of time, Orcs are ugly bastards that will fuck you up and call their buddies along to help. Those big eyes they've got mean sight aggro. Yeah, good luck hiding from an Orc. And those armored ones? As if they weren't intimidating-looking enough. Orcs swing their arms rather wildly (watch one, you'll see what I mean) but that wild swinging hurts when it hits, dammit. And they have the power to stun you and bind you in place, making it pretty hard to escape your ultimate rape.

Orcs in WoW are fierce motherfuckers, and they have a beserk (Not called that, can't remember its name) racial that gives them an attack boost. While they started as a calm, shamanistic race, most were corrupted by drinking blood in order to gain power and defeat ... some bads (forgive my lore knowledge). Many still harbor this corruption, though others have been healed of it. This is differentiated by color. So if you see a red orc ... yeah, he's gonna fucking kick ass and take names. Orcs are strong warriors and typically close combat fighters, so good luck not getting sliced up by pointy things.
So this is what I've done with my Friday afternoon and now I'm going to take a break, so tell me, of the three I mentioned, who would win in your opinion? If I get a good response I'll add more.
FFXI Goblins, the beastmen that terrorize you from approximately level 5 and well on to the end of the game no matter what your starting allegience are well regarded as an excellent source of experience points for parties of all levels. Some are more deadly than others (Goblin Smithy in a level 25 mandy party in Kazham? No PL? Certain death.), but almost all of them have the ability to blow themselves up if they drop the bomb at their feet, which also gets a hilarious reaction as they look down at their feet in an "oh fuck" moment, and die. Some are friendly, but most are aggressive to the player character and will not hesitate to slice and dice you.

The cunning Goblins of WoW are money-grubbing sneaky bastards. If it's not going to result in profit, they're not inerested. These goblins share some similarities with their FFXI counterparts = they're often tinkering with shit, and they sometimes wind up blowing themselves - and their surroundings - to smithereens. Their starting area is a small island which is a total dump. They end up leaving there for another island which they also trash, and eventually onto Kalimdor, which they've not completely jacked up, but have trashed a part of Orgrimmar, the main Horde city, affectionately called the Goblin Slums. They are a playable race, but there are plenty of goblins remaining which align themselves to neither faction. They'll kill you and they'd steal your gold, if they were able to.
My opinion:

These bad boys didn't show up until ToAU, but damn, they sure put the fear into the average player running through to Cerberus or just trying to get some xp off puddings. Huge brutes and tricky classes (PLD and RDM, anyone), they're not a target people really want to fuck with if they can possibly help it. Perhaps an in-joke of SE's (not that I give them that much credit) is that if you "feed" the trolls, they will make your life miserable. Even Galka do not find Trolls to be something to fuck with, so "Pick on someone your own size" doesn't quite qualify. And not only are they tough as nails, their undispellable Stoneskin effect is another kick in the nuts to having already engaged one of these annoying fuckers.

WoW Trolls can be a bit tricky. There are still many Trolls throughout Azeroth that conduct voodoo rituals - and while I've never come across one that's "hexed" me, so to speak, I have no doubt that if I pissed one off they might try to poison my breakfast one day when I'm not looking. Many trolls try to kind of chill within nature - forest trolls are a common variety. They're a bit taller than your average human, but nowhere near the hulking size of a Vana'dielian Troll. Those tusks though? I bet those would hurt like a bitch.
My opinion:

Putting the fear into San d'Oria starters since the dawn of time, Orcs are ugly bastards that will fuck you up and call their buddies along to help. Those big eyes they've got mean sight aggro. Yeah, good luck hiding from an Orc. And those armored ones? As if they weren't intimidating-looking enough. Orcs swing their arms rather wildly (watch one, you'll see what I mean) but that wild swinging hurts when it hits, dammit. And they have the power to stun you and bind you in place, making it pretty hard to escape your ultimate rape.

Orcs in WoW are fierce motherfuckers, and they have a beserk (Not called that, can't remember its name) racial that gives them an attack boost. While they started as a calm, shamanistic race, most were corrupted by drinking blood in order to gain power and defeat ... some bads (forgive my lore knowledge). Many still harbor this corruption, though others have been healed of it. This is differentiated by color. So if you see a red orc ... yeah, he's gonna fucking kick ass and take names. Orcs are strong warriors and typically close combat fighters, so good luck not getting sliced up by pointy things.
My opinion:
So this is what I've done with my Friday afternoon and now I'm going to take a break, so tell me, of the three I mentioned, who would win in your opinion? If I get a good response I'll add more.