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Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

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  • #31
    Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

    Pretty graphics =/= good game. Unfortunately, this is ringing true with each game SE pushes out. WTF happened to gameplay QA?


    • #32
      Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

      Zippers and buckles happened, that's what.
      Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
      Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
      Name: Drjones
      Blog: Mediocre Mage


      • #33
        Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

        Don't forget inexplicable chains. Also, lots of shorts.


        • #34
          Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

          SPIKEY HAIR!
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #35
            Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

            Originally posted by Aeni View Post
            Pretty graphics =/= good game. Unfortunately, this is ringing true with each game SE pushes out. WTF happened to gameplay QA?
            Dissidia Duodecim
            Tactics Ogre:LUCT
            The 3rd Birthday
            Dragon Quest IX
            Crisis Core
            Kingdom Hearts BBS

            They'd all like a word with you on that gameplay thing. But I suppose that would require actually playing games.

            They don't just make Final Fantasy games, you know.


            • #36
              Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

              Not that I'm attempting to discount the handheld market, because obviously it's huge, but I simply do not play it. Why can they make enjoyable handheld games but have a tougher time making enjoyable console games?

              (Yes, I know those are not all handheld.)


              • #37
                Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                NEW SCANS MEW! 4 characters so far introduced.

                New scans!




                • #38
                  Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                  Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                  Dissidia Duodecim
                  Tactics Ogre:LUCT
                  The 3rd Birthday
                  Dragon Quest IX
                  Crisis Core
                  Kingdom Hearts BBS

                  They'd all like a word with you on that gameplay thing. But I suppose that would require actually playing games.

                  They don't just make Final Fantasy games, you know.
                  Last I checked SE absorbed various developers and are mostly publishing games. Most of what you listed are not SE but the developers they merged with or absorbed. In any event, none of those games are eye candy types either and last I checked this thread is about ... FF?


                  • #39
                    Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                    Not that I'm attempting to discount the handheld market, because obviously it's huge, but I simply do not play it. Why can they make enjoyable handheld games but have a tougher time making enjoyable console games?

                    (Yes, I know those are not all handheld.)
                    Actually, they're all handheld games.

                    Tradtional RPGs are very difficult to realize on HD consoles due to budget constraints limiting asset creation. It limits what you can do and naturally, SE wants to push the envelope on graphics, which proved to lead to a number of FFXIII's problems.

                    You'll note Nomura got wise to this and decided to implement some throwbacks to prior generations with FFvsXIII, such as the use of a top-down overworld. Better to cut and paste those generic spaces in between cities than blow millions on realizing them in HD and 3D. And this gives him more freedom to realize the game he wants to make.

                    Handhelds don't have HD restricting them in the way consoles do. Even with 3DS and NGP, you're going to see developer be able to realize games just like they could on PS2 because they're spending less on graphics, allowing them to focus more on game content creation.

                    This is why many people regard PSP and DS as havens for the traditional JRPG and its honestly where a lot of them have gone this generation as people wait for the cost of developing in HD to stabilize.

                    Obviously there are some traditional RPGs that work within the current-gen model - games like Persona and Rune Factory are based in one town, so they're not spanning the globe as they are in Final Fantasy games.

                    But even for an RPG in one town, just look at what HD costs and deadline pressure did to Dragon Age 2 in that regard. Lots of obvious, unsightly. sloppy cut-and-paste, which is a shame because the art style and locales were nice otherwise.

                    Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                    Last I checked SE absorbed various developers and are mostly publishing games. Most of what you listed are not SE but the developers they merged with or absorbed. In any event, none of those games are eye candy types either and last I checked this thread is about ... FF?
                    I don't know how you can say these teams are external when they've been part of SE for years. I could see your point if we were talking about Eidos games as they're based in Canada and pretty much do their own thing - SE just pitches in with CG and tells them what to make a priority, though I doubt Kane and Lynch were ever among them.


                    • #40
                      Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      Handhelds don't have HD restricting them in the way consoles do.
                      The irony of this is absolutely delicious.
                      Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                      Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                      Name: Drjones
                      Blog: Mediocre Mage


                      • #41
                        Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                        Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
                        The irony of this is absolutely delicious.
                        Maybe it is to someone that thinks better graphics/horsepower let you do so much more, a lot of people still hold on to that myth. This will pass one day, just like all those people that thought the world was flat.

                        Maybe you haven't noticed your $59.99 games don't ship complete any more and the devs still want more money after that price point. I sure have. Apparently those game budgets still need to be mitigated even after I've paid $59.99.

                        PSP and DS aren't without their limitations, but when you're spending so much less on graphics and asset creation, you're going to be able to provide a lot of gameplay content.

                        I've logged countless hours into DQIX, MGS Peacewalker and many other games between PSP and DS. There's just tons of content in those games.

                        When I play Okamiden, its clear there are some trade-offs, but the core mechanic of the Celestial Brush is realized better on a touch screen than it ever was on a console with analog or motion control. So the puzzles and combat elements central to that mechanic go off without a hitch. There's a few more areas to load, even within the old areas from the console game, but its a small price to pay since the campaign is just as long and enjoyable as the original.

                        But the original was a PS2 game, so yeah - try pulling it off on PS3 without an immense budget.

                        I just don't invest much thought into OMG TEH PRETTY GRAPHICS.


                        • #42
                          Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          Maybe it is to someone that thinks better graphics/horsepower let you do so much more, a lot of people still hold on to that myth. This will pass one day, just like all those people that thought the world was flat.
                          You're preaching to the choir BBQ. I'm just enjoying how the industry was so focused on upping the graphics for so many years and how it has now come full circle and begun to hinder their ability to create games. It's funny because it's the misfortune of others and entirely self-inflicted.
                          Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                          Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                          Name: Drjones
                          Blog: Mediocre Mage


                          • #43
                            Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                            Well, that explains why I can't find many current gen RPGs that feel like the ones I used to love.


                            • #44
                              Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                              You're preaching to the choir BBQ. I'm just enjoying how the industry was so focused on upping the graphics for so many years and how it has now come full circle and begun to hinder their ability to create games. It's funny because it's the misfortune of others and entirely self-inflicted.
                              This is how I feel.

                              I've also been contemplating ever since the current generation of consoles started, what's going to happen when the next generation comes out and ALL the consoles are capable of ridiculous HD graphics? Is this going to become an arms race of who can jam the most gizmos and doodads into their consoles instead? Nintendo's already started that war and they're not even ahead on the graphics department.


                              • #45
                                Re: Final Fantasy Type-0 the ultimate Final Fantasy story?

                                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                                This is how I feel.

                                I've also been contemplating ever since the current generation of consoles started, what's going to happen when the next generation comes out and ALL the consoles are capable of ridiculous HD graphics? Is this going to become an arms race of who can jam the most gizmos and doodads into their consoles instead? Nintendo's already started that war and they're not even ahead on the graphics department.
                                Its actually developers that push the silly graphics arms race and they'll continue to push it even though we're pretty much facing diminishing returns on graphics from here on out. They always want new graphical toys to play with, but they don't give much thought to changing how games are actually played or who they can appeal to.

                                I'll continue to applaud Nintendo and anyone that really contributes to finding new ways to play games. Going from playing games on fake, button oriented guitars to actual guitars is a serious evolutionary leap in my mind. I couldn't get my head around a guitar game with buttons instead of strings.

                                Cameras, gyros and motion controls will continue to evolve in gaming. I know some people have convinced themselves that all these things are fads and gimmicks, but fads and gimmicks fade - 3D and motion controls will not fade for gaming.

                                In fact, I think less of the developers that shun such technology. Bioshock Infinite's director said he won't put Move support in his game. And he actually said the word "waggle" at some point in regards to making a yes/no choice in the game. This is what his concept of motion control is while I'm over here thinking how it could benefit in the same way it benefited a game like Metroid Prime Trilogy, Resident Evil 4 or SOCOM 4.

                                So maybe I'll pass on Bioshock Infinite since it won't play to my preferences. Its something I might forgive Deus Ex Human Revolution for as its street date is pretty much set in stone, but not Bioshock Infinite.

                                Originally posted by Murphie
                                Well, that explains why I can't find many current gen RPGs that feel like the ones I used to love.
                                Its part of why handheld gaming is a big part of my gaming focus these days. Consoles have become a dead end for the JRPG and I think western RPGs are getting weaker because of their shift from PC to console. This isn't a PC nerd thing, really, but I can't help but feel a bit sad that they seem more interested in pandering to the fratboys than the audience that has propelled them for so long.

                                Fortunately the much older western approach is still popular in Japan, I mean, they have Wizardry now and Atlus just looooves to make games in that vein.

                                Anyway, if you're looking for that JRPG fix, my suggestion is either catch up with PS2, download a PSOne classic to your PS3 or get a handheld. People are selling their DSes this week for the 3DS, so those will likely be fairly cheap and easy to come by.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-24-2011, 04:29 AM.

