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PSP2 (NGP) Info

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  • #16
    Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

    But at least both dual analog sticks and HD collections present some benefit when compared to the original.

    Analogs bring much better control than the virtually useless thing on the PSP (which I of course avoid using as much as I can) and are one of the traditional features Playstation gamers love from their consoles. HD collections on the other hand bring better graphics and additions to games you actually like, while giving you a decent discount for purchasing them (2 or 3 enhanced games for the price of 1.)

    So even if their real value is debatable at least they do add something to the mix.

    Which means even if Sony actually went as far as to release some USB converter to transfer games from UMD to PS3/PSP2 format I doubt many would bother with it unless they were given a very good reason to do so. Since PSP games don't have the nostalgia factor NES/SNES/PS games enjoy today.

    Let's see if Sony can provide the incentive required for that to happen.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #17
      Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

      Originally posted by Absentia View Post
      Not being rude, but how did you see Twilight Princess in 1080p? I thought the Wii was only capable of going to 480p with component cables?
      done the same way I do it, I own a Wii and the games I have ISO copies of, and I play most of my Wii games on my PC using the emulator Dolphin. A USB bluetooth thingy will allow a Wiimote to connect to a PC as well, so your pretty much just swapping out the Wii box for your PC.

      With Dolphin you can force AA and AF along with other fun options to make the games look 10x better then on the Wii itself.

      Games like Zelda TP and SSBB, and Metroid OM look wonderful in 1080p
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #18
        Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

        @Absentia: Like Kailea said, Dolphin is a Gamecube/Wii emulator that can output whatever resolution your monitor/TV will support and also apply Anti-Aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering (up to x16.)

        You don't have to go as far as 1080p to make Gamecube/Wii games look good, even just 720p is a huge step up.


        • #19
          Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

          Originally posted by Absentia View Post
          Not being rude, but how did you see Twilight Princess in 1080p? I thought the Wii was only capable of going to 480p with component cables?
          I'm sensing emulators at work here.

          And the fuck if I have to re-buy my PSP collection. Sony can damn well release a peripheral (any more than $20 and they can shove it up their ass too) of some kind or another.



          • #20
            Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #21
              Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

              Iwata commented on the NGP saying the following:

              They are trying to appeal to customers from a different direction than us. The customers will decide which is correct.
              Its a very diplomatic way of saying:

              For over 20 years our competitors have tried that and lost. Aside from us, only Apple seems to understand consumers here.


              • #22
                Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                the only "thing" that bothers me with the PSP2 at the moment is that it seems to have way to much stuff...

                I mean look at it. Two analog sticks, thats cool.....a touchpad on the back?.....ok....touch screen as well?...uuummm ok.........motion control.....really?

                It has to much, it would be fine without the touch pad. To me that's the one feature that seems to be pointless and adds a good amount to the price.
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #23
                  Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                  They could just ditch the touchpad on the back because if a game uses that and the analog sticks at the same time, I could see some awkward things coming from that. I would suggest a wrist strap so its not dropped, because we all know how durable this thing is going to be.

                  Then again, the touchpad is their grand excuse not to include a UMD drive for true BC.

                  And I guess I can expect Sony not to support BC on the PS4, whenever that happens, because then they can resell all the games to us in 3D.


                  • #24
                    Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                    you know, I wonder how much it does add. There are plenty of cheap keyboards out there with touchpads built in. touch-based sensors are replacing dials and sensors on a lot of things. Depends largely on how sensitive it is.

                    Either way, I'm all for the introduction of more interesting control schemes-- the problem is getting software that makes good use of it. First generation PSP could've had a LOT of great study titles if it'd had a touch screen-- it didn't, and a lot of that market was constrained to the DS, and really really bad ports. DS study games, on the other hand, are constrained by lack of marketing and lack of good development. It's really kind of sad to go to stores here and see sections devoted to practice games, education games, and the sort of generic 'training games' where brain age and flash focus fit in; when in America (and I'd imagine Europe) there's maybe ten or twelve educational titles even worth taking a look at.

                    ---------- Post added at 09:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 AM ----------

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    They could just ditch the touchpad on the back because if a game uses that and the analog sticks at the same time, I could see some awkward things coming from that.
                    Actually, now that you mention it, that seems like a REALLY good way to get around the issue of "You have both thumbs on the joypads, so how do you press buttons?". Trigger fingers for important features like firing, gestures or mapping on the back for features like weapon toggle, grenade throw, maps, ordering allies, etc.


                    • #25
                      Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      Actually, now that you mention it, that seems like a REALLY good way to get around the issue of "You have both thumbs on the joypads, so how do you press buttons?". Trigger fingers for important features like firing, gestures or mapping on the back for features like weapon toggle, grenade throw, maps, ordering allies, etc.
                      Which only serves to really push a console experience, which always fails or puts you at a distant third on handhelds no matter how pretty the graphics get. It doesn't give rise to new gameplay design, but rather, restricts the new technology to emulating what could be done on older technology for the sake of a console experience.

                      I could see something like Little Big Planet or The Sims drawing benefit from it, but then, those are games that translate well to a handheld experience with touch pads... but that could just as easily be done on the front screen touchpad.

                      Plus most people just going to go "Well, if this is just going to give me the same kind of experience I have on PS3, why bother?" iPhone games are popular because they're usually fun and different from what we'd play on consoles, handheld games were once that way and now can be a bit more sophisticated but tend to succeed on the same merit of being different from what you'd play on a console.


                      • #26
                        Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        Then again, the touchpad is their grand excuse not to include a UMD drive for true BC.

                        And I guess I can expect Sony not to support BC on the PS4, whenever that happens, because then they can resell all the games to us in 3D.
                        sadly this. One of the things that made them so great with the PS2 was the BC and support for their base, then ever since PS3 they've gotten all Bobby Kotick on us. Wake the fuck up already Sony.

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #27
                          Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                          So.......... They added touch screen......... On the front and back.

                          I am unimpressed. Just putting that out there.


                          • #28
                            Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                            sadly this. One of the things that made them so great with the PS2 was the BC and support for their base, then ever since PS3 they've gotten all Bobby Kotick on us. Wake the fuck up already Sony.
                            Sony's going to say:

                            "Well, the Blu-Ray format allowed us to make such large games that they're not practical for download even with broadband penetration being what it is, plus adding backward compatibility to PS3 would place additional cost to the system's retail value."

                            What they'll really mean is:

                            "We designed Blu-Ray to be an uncompressed clusterfuck of data so our games would take hours to download for most people, then removed compatibility to ensure we could still sell PS3s and clutter up your entertainment center with a new, bulkier PS4.

                            I just annoys me that here I can have a 3DS and still be rocking DS games as they come out alongside 3DS games and Sony's just out to repackage and sell me games I had bought in UMD for practical reasons - like not devouring my memory stick whole or cluttering up my PC harddrive with PSP games.

                            I'm convinced that whatever Nintendo and MS do right and Sony does wrong, Sony will never admit to. They will simply assimilate and pretend like they were on-board all along.

                            This even though PSN is shit compared to Live. That and Move is for all intents and purposes is a flop.

                            MS got Oprah to hype Kinect. That was all it took. Moms and grandmoms around the world heard her. And they got the right software, they jumped right into some of the core things that sold the Wii. MS shifted what was already a social platform and incorporated Nintendo's "lifestyle" platform ideas.

                            I mean, that's some of what the Wii is and Nintendo's even expanding that to the 3DS now. No only can a make Miis and pick up others in SpotPass, but it'll function as a pedometer, too, giving me "Game Coins" for going out to take a walk.

                            I have to admit it kinda worked for Pokemon HG/SS. Run children, and get your Bulbasaur some volts. Catch pokemon while your DS is at home in this shrunken down version of the game.

                            Now your 3DS can just look at you and probably go, "Take a walk, asshole, you need it. I will count the steps and calories burned."

                            And 360 can do that now, too. Its actually got better fitness titles than PS3 because they wanted in on Nintendo's market. Its working, too.

                            Sony, on the other hand, is probably toiling away at getting 3DTVs in our homes.

                            They had a prototype TV at CES that was glasses-free.

                            Or as we can really see it, an admission that Nintendo was right. Again.


                            • #29
                              Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                              First time I hear about PS3 loading issues.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #30
                                Re: PSP2 (NGP) Info

                                Er... no one's said anything about PS3 loading issues, what I said is Blu Ray is a clusterfuck by design. And it is. They make developers use data inefficiently on purpose for "lossless audio and video" which means they take up more space than they really need to.

                                Anyway, this image sums up my feelings on current-gen graphics on a handheld:

                                Keep telling yourself it will be different this time.
                                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-02-2011, 07:54 AM.

