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Dead Space 2 walkthrough

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  • Dead Space 2 walkthrough

    Well it seems okay, but it's not actually scary, just actionish.
    [ame=]YouTube - Dead Space 2 Walkthrough: Chapter 1 - Part 1 (PS3/X360/PC) [HD][/ame]

    Oh mew, PS3 should get a new Fatal Frame (that isn't a remake). Well at least Silent Hill 8 looks like it could be the scariest game this year.

  • #2
    Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

    Go wait in the car.


    • #3
      Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

      Seaman was quite possibly the scariest game I've ever played.


      • #4
        Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

        a true horror game is not scary unless you are playing it, and wearing headphones only adds to the crap-your-pants-ness
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

          I would get excited about this, but I've seen Alien before. this just takes out xenomorphs and replaces them with a weird zombie mutation. Oh, gee, just to be different we'll call them "necromorphs!"

          See? Totally not a generic zombie apocalypse now. And it takes place in space!


          • #6
            Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            I would get excited about this, but I've seen Alien before. this just takes out xenomorphs and replaces them with a weird zombie mutation. Oh, gee, just to be different we'll call them "necromorphs!"

            See? Totally not a generic zombie apocalypse now. And it takes place in space!
            When was the last time anybody got excited over an Aliens game? I am literally shitting out of my dick in excitement for this game.


            • #7
              Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
              When was the last time anybody got excited over an Aliens game?
              Aliens Vs. Predators last year - hey, some people did.

              But more importantly the forthcoming squad-based shooter Alien: Colonial Marines is certainly something to be excited about, as Gearbox is making it. Once they get Duke Nukem Forever out, we're likely to hear quite a bit about that at E3, I'd wager.

              I am literally shitting out of my dick in excitement for this game.
              You might want to see a doctor about that.


              • #8
                Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                I would get excited about this, but I've seen Alien before. this just takes out xenomorphs and replaces them with a weird zombie mutation. Oh, gee, just to be different we'll call them "necromorphs!"

                See? Totally not a generic zombie apocalypse now. And it takes place in space!
                You sound like you're jealous it's not released for Wii or 3DS. This is more creative and exciting than anything Nintendo has done recently. Oh wow Zelda 64 on 3DS, like that hasn't been played before.


                • #9
                  Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                  Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                  You sound like you're jealous it's not released for Wii or 3DS. This is more creative and exciting than anything Nintendo has done recently. Oh wow Zelda 64 on 3DS, like that hasn't been played before.
                  Actually, from my posts you can see rather clearly that I just don't give a damn. Wii had a Dead Space game, I just don't care for on-rails cinematic-style shooters so much.

                  They're boring.

                  I like the Panzer Dragoon/Sin and Punishment style rail shooters, though.

                  As for the survival horror versions of Dead Space. I'm just tired of OMG ZOMBIES. Fucking tired o fit. That's why I liked that RE moved on to Las Plagas, which is a but more Lovecraft-style monsters than Ridley Scott wannabe bullshit. Dead Space is Romero-meet-Scott wannabe bullshit. Not interested.

                  And really, I don't give a damn about Zelda OOT, either. Good game, but grossly overrated. The Final Fantasy VII kind of overrated. I'll probably get it, but I'm certainly not heartbroken it didn't make launch. However, I'll be really happy if Zelda: Link's Awakening DX is on the Nintendo E-Store at launch. That's one of my favorites, probably #2 to Majora's Mask. #3 is LTTP, #4 Minish Cap so that puts OOT at #5.

                  I care more about Skyward Sword this year as far as Zeldas go, its looking to shake up the formula a tad.

                  Super Street Fighter IV 3D, RE: The Mercenaries 3D and SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked I am quite interested in for the 3DS. Devil Survivor was one of my favorite RPGs a couple years ago, so an I'm all for an enhanced port of that. RE: The Mercenaries 3D - now I can finally play The Mercenaries with other people. Super Street Fighter IV - should be self-explanitory, perfect for portable play.


                  • #10
                    Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                    Las Plagas zombies aren't much different than necromorph zombies, they simply fall in seperate places on the zombie spectrum.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                      Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                      Las Plagas zombies aren't much different than necromorph zombies, they simply fall in seperate places on the zombie spectrum.
                      Las Plagas are parasites controlling human hosts, only really coming out when they have to protect themselves and the human can't cut it. At least that's what I understand of it

                      Nercromorphs just seem to the reamimation and mutation of something that was previously dead. Plus that little plague got loose because someone moved the religious artifact that was sealing it away. Stupid humans.

                      I guess they both rank on the fictitious biohazard scale, but Plagas aren't zombies because they're living.


                      • #12
                        Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                        Zombies are zombies, but I've always found necromorphs to be intriguing. Here's an excerpt from the Dead Space Wiki

                        The DNA patterns covering the surface of the Black and Red Marker's are the codes for the Necromorph infection as noted in the logs as a "recombinant life form". According to data logs, the first known Necromorph infection was during the reverse engineering project of the Black Marker subsequently creating the Red Marker, which occurred on Aegis VII hundreds of years ago by the original Aegis VII doctors. They had set up the lab on a deserted planet so they could test the Marker and its effects well away from any outposts of human civilization. The Aegis VII doctors copied and recreated the life form using the DNA patterns listed on the Markers, resulting in the creation of the lifeform. Initially the "recombinant lifeform" existed only in a petri-dish and remained dormant (what exactly the lifeform resembled is unknown). The lifeform did not react to any of the doctor's tests, and was about to be deemed a failure. However, one day, a doctor did not fully decontaminate himself when entering the lab and a few dead skin cells fell into the Petri dish. As such, the infection by the recombinant lifeform immediately activated and reanimated the dead skin cells.

                        The Red Marker actually inhibited the necrotic flesh testing and it was then that the scientists noticed that it produced an apparent "dead space" field, inhibiting the Necromorph infection from spreading.

                        Soon afterwards, an accident similar to the Petri dish incident resulted in the infection of two doctors. They were promptly quarantined, where they soon died and shortly after infection, the two doctors transformed into the very first Necromorphs (one doctor became a Leaper, the other an Infector). When the Leaper pierced a ventilation shaft it promptly began to kill the other doctors, which the Infector then began transforming. This caused the outbreak to commence.


                        • #13
                          Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                          Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                          a true horror game is not scary unless you are playing it, and wearing headphones only adds to the crap-your-pants-ness
                          I got a brand new set of Turtle Beach headphones just waiting to be used on Dead Space 2 tomorrow.

                          EDIT: Las Plagas are technically parasites controlling the host, while they are still alive thus not really Zombies. Necromorphs take over and reconstitute dead tissue, so they are for all intents & purposes alien-zombies.

                          "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                          • #14
                            Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough


                            The best scare in the whole thing, mew. 00:05-00:14

                            [ame=]YouTube - Dead Space 2 - Gym Class is Over Gameplay (HD 720p)[/ame]


                            • #15
                              Re: Dead Space 2 walkthrough

                              Ugh...pop out scares? Really?

                              It's not scary unless is fucking with my mind hardcore.
                              Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                              Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                              Name: Drjones
                              Blog: Mediocre Mage

