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3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

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  • #16
    Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
    Both DSi and DSi XL are region-locked, DS Lites are not.
    According to Wikipedia: "Due to regional differences in Internet services and parental controls, DSi-specific software is region locked. Cartridge software compatible with previous models, Internet browsing, and photo sharing are region-free."

    So basically, DSi and DSiXL are region locked for downloadable games and games that use certain online connectivity. But once again it depends on the games. You should be able to use the majority of imported games on the DSi and XL, and I'd imagine quite a few of the 3DS games will also be region-free, although obviously we can't say that for sure.
    Hume M - War lv.10 - Bastok


    • #17
      Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

      Originally posted by Kailea View Post
      well when I first watched the video it looked spliced to me, but after watching it a second time, I know it's not, and thats pretty cool, might get this version of DOA.
      Another reason it interests me is it has a lot of the features Super Street Fighter IV has, plus a few multiplayer staples DoA is known to do.

      Its not my favorite fighter out there, but Samus Vs. Hayabusha? I can get behind that idea. I still intend to pick up Super Street Fighter IV for PS3 when I get a PS3 so the 3DS version will be nice to stay in practice when I can't be at home.

      But man, MvC3, DoA:D, SSFIV 3D and Dissidia Duodecim within two months of each other? Fighter overload.

      BlazBlue: Continuum Shift 2 was also confirmed for both 3DS and PSP later this year.

      Went out and pre-ordered my 3DS. Once SSFIV3D is in the system, I'll go pre-order the games.


      • #18
        Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

        I've a friend that owns his own game store, and specializes in imported games for all systems. The only games that have ever been region locked on the DSi, are DSi specific titles and anything you download from the DSi store. The DSi store was region locked anyway, so if you had an imported system from Japan in the US, you couldn't access the US store period.

        And I believe there was only ever 4 titles that were DSi specific titles as developers just didn't bother to make em, or they chose not too so they could still get money from importers.

        Other than those few titles, every game on the DS was universal no matter what region or language it was released in. More than likely the same will happen for the 3DS, and the store for the GB, GBC titles will be region locked to that system.


        • #19
          Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

          OK, so I don't know the difference in which is region locked and which isn't. I guess part of it is just my apathy toward importing, I've not imported a thing since Soulcalibur 2 for GameCube.

          There's been a ton of panicking about whether 3DS is locked or not, mostly just by people that just want to be pissed about something, not because they're going to import a damn thing or get a 3DS.


          • #20
            Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

            Cool, so the DSi XL will play all region free DS games and may or may not be locked for DSi games. With the DSi store being completely region locked (though I doubt I would've used it anyway.)

            I think I'll go with that if I can get a decent price for it.
            "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
            Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



            • #21
              Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

              Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
              Cool, so the DSi XL will play all region free DS games and may or may not be locked for DSi games.

              All games on the DSi {DS} are region free, but there are a handful of titles that are labeled DSi only and those are region locked to that console ~ meaning you can't play a DSi title from Japan on a US DSi, or a US title on a Japanese DSi.

              As well as the DSi Ware games which are from the DSi store, those are region locked too, but most the DSi Ware titles are mostly fluff anyway, and from looking at the list of titles most it would appear would be the same in each region just in their native language.


              • #22
                Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                Originally posted by Raydeus View Post
                Cool, so the DSi XL will play all region free DS games and may or may not be locked for DSi games. With the DSi store being completely region locked (though I doubt I would've used it anyway.)

                I think I'll go with that if I can get a decent price for it.
                There's not a terrible lot of DSi-specific game carts, the only one I've ever even seen was the latest KORG Synthesizer software which used the slight amount of extra processing power DSi models had to run a second synthesizer alongside the first. If used in the DS Lite it would be restricted to one.

                Its also worth noting the existing DSiWare software will be available and more accessible on the Nintendo E-Store for 3DS, so if downloading games and apps to 3DS or DSi is in your interest, as well as web-browsing, I'd actually defer to the 3DS because DSi is pretty crap on the store front and the browser is horrible.

                Also, Flipnote Studio and Cave Story DS are awesome, both available on DSiWare and will be there on the E-store. Flipnote Studio is a free hand-drawn animation app that you can post toons online with.


                • #23
                  Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                  Got back from GS a bit ago.

                  Seems the only $49.99 games at or near launch are Dead or Alive Dimensions and Samurai Warriors Chronicle.

                  In other words, its Temco-Koei thinking they're hot shit.

                  Everything is $39.99, which as I recall is where DS games started out at launch, so prices will come down to $34.99 and $29.99 as time goes on, I figure.

                  I preorderd an Aqua Blue 3DS, Super Street Fighter IV and DoA Dimensions. Considering how intense March is with Pokemon, Okamiden and Dissidia already, I figure that's more than enough for a bit.


                  • #24
                    Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                    Well, unfortunately it has been confirmed that the 3DS will be region locked. On a good note though, most games are released globally at the same time or within a few weeks or months this generation, so it doesn't really matter. What I don't understand, Nintendo has said the only reason behind the region lock is due to the parental control and the ESRB or whatever ratings system for each country.

                    Its not like there are children importing "Mature" games, or for that matter buying foreign titles from private game stores, so it doesn't make much sense.


                    • #25
                      Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                      さらばだ 3DS! /fakecry
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #26
                        Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                        Originally posted by Khalus View Post
                        Well, unfortunately it has been confirmed that the 3DS will be region locked. On a good note though, most games are released globally at the same time or within a few weeks or months this generation, so it doesn't really matter. What I don't understand, Nintendo has said the only reason behind the region lock is due to the parental control and the ESRB or whatever ratings system for each country.

                        Its not like there are children importing "Mature" games, or for that matter buying foreign titles from private game stores, so it doesn't make much sense.
                        So far it doesn't even look like there's a game that's going to Japan that isn't going to 3DS in the US, its just games like Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle that are a bit more involved to translate and record. Otherwise this launch is pretty much 1:1 in all territories. And if Iwata is to be believed, most 3DS releases are to be this consistent and steady.

                        Time will tell on that one.

                        I don't think anyone's worrying about missing Konami's Doctors Whatshisface and the Obvious Layton Ripooff, though, even in Japan. .

                        SMT: Devil Survivor Overclock is supposed to be a short time after 3DS launches, English dub and all. Granted the game had already be localized once before, but not with voice last time. This is one of the fastest turn-arounds Atlus USA has done and they're pretty quick.


                        • #27
                          Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                          Here's the list of games we'll see for sure by June, if Kotaku is to be believed. I've heard numbers all over the map, up to 40 games by June, but that's just internal Gamestop rumormongering.

                          The 23 3DS Games You Can Play By June

                          Pilotwings Resort
                          nintendogs + cats
                          Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked
                          Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
                          Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
                          Madden NFL Football
                          The Sims 3
                          Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D
                          LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
                          Ridge Racer 3D
                          Dual Pen Sports
                          Super Monkey Ball 3D
                          Thor: God of Thunder
                          CRUSH 3D
                          BUST-A-MOVE UNIVERSE
                          Samurai Warriors Chronicles
                          Dead or Alive Dimensions
                          Asphalt 3D
                          Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars
                          Combat of Giants: Dinosaurs 3D
                          Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D
                          Rayman 3D
                          Rabbids Travel in Time

                          They said they took things a step further with Nintendogs this time out.

                          If you ever dabbled with the original version, you know the dog came to know your voice specifically and could distinguish it from other people's voices and be more responsive to its master's voice. Well, in this version the camera also comes into play and the dog can visually recognize you. Now they get timid when they see a new face.

                          Its not something I'd buy again, but something I can appreciate. Its a neat way to integrate camera without putting you on the screen or something. I know Kinect does facial recognition, too, but not for AI characters so far. Get Sega to make a version of Seaman and I'll get that, though.

                          Well, maybe not, he's prone to insult just based on what you tell him. There's no telling what he'd say once he knew what you looked like.


                          • #28
                            Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                            Team Ninja stated Samus is only making a guest appearance in DOA Dimensions. She won't be playable, the reason given was that she wouldn't "make sense" in the story.

                            But fighting over a lava pit in space station while a space dragon shoots fireballs at you?

                            That makes sense, apparently.

                            And really, when has a DOA story ever made sense? Story in fighting games is like story for porn.

                            I mean, sure, the story bits for Street Fighter IV are better than most fighters do, particularly compared to TN and Namco's laughable story bits, but even for Street Fighter they're not exactly needed.


                            • #29
                              Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                              Just watched some footage of the OOT remake and noticed a few things here and there, these are differences I'm noticing based off the VC version I've been revisiting lately.

                              - Enemy models haven't changed much, they're just smoothed up a bit
                              - Link and NPCs, however, got a fair touch-up, though not quite on par with other 3DS offerings
                              - Link seems to have gained a bit more frames of animation for his actions to make them more fluid, but the speed hasn't changed.
                              - Camera sticks behind Link rather well, so no constant positioning it behind him, though I imagine its still an option
                              - Equipment changes are done via touchscreen, so no 3D menu on the bottom screen.
                              - The delay time on hitting triggers, switching to climbing or using a particular tool seems faster this time out
                              - Text transitions are quicker, making dialog more bearable
                              - Textures are a bit more crisp, but not spectacular
                              - Navi seems more annoying, but then I was watching the Deku tree stuff and she wouldn't shut up there anyway.
                              - Z-Targeting is just Navi-targeting now, as there's no Z button.

                              So overall its looking good and there don't seem to be any compromises made how the original played, just parts of its sped up and smoothed over. I do wish Nintendo would say something about whether or not the Master Quest is in there, though.


                              • #30
                                Re: 3DS NY live event blog - gogogo

                                So it launched in Japan today, various sites are covering it so pick your flavor on that.

                                It was pretty quiet launch, mostly because retailers let people know in advance that there would only be enough for those that pre-ordered. As such, no one else showed up with the hopes of getting one.

                                I expected outraged moms and grandmothers when it launches here in the US all the same. Here in American people don't understand that "limited" means you should pre-order. I can understand the confusion, though because Activision and other companies say "limited" but they mean "mass-produced, overpriced version" of a game.

                                Still, I wish people would just pre-order their shit if they even remotely suspect there will be a shortage. There will be a 3DS shortage, only pre-orders will be filled.

                                I just really don't know what to tell people when the show up for something like Call of Duty and they want it the day its out and they didn't pre-order. Well, OK, I do know what I'd tell them, I just can't say it while I'm working.

                                Saw a dude get all mad because he couldn't have the LE of MVC3 the other week and he was raging in his blog about how he hates pre-ordering things and they should have had it for him. No sympathy here.

                                Also, while I find Nintendo's eco-friendly 3DS game packaging to be incredibly tacky, this was cute and I can't deny that:

                                OMG huge (and adorable) image

