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Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

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  • #46
    Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

    Once again with this "main character dies, you lose" BS. Unless the story has some significant reason for you to lose once Noctis is knocked out, I see no point in it; why not just make the enemies harder if you want the game to be more difficult?
    Hume M - War lv.10 - Bastok


    • #47
      Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

      Originally posted by Cheezeman3000 View Post
      Once again with this "main character dies, you lose" BS
      Explain how failing to defend the leader and that resulting in a loss is BS?

      And no, you can't point to the rest of the series as an example. This is FFvsXIII, not those games. And I can point to a number of RPGs that follow the same criteria. They're entirely fair for going this way


      • #48
        Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

        Well, you're correct, but, and maybe this is just me holding onto 'antiquated' game mechanics, but I have always assumed that when you get "KO'd" in an RPG it just means you are literally "knocked out" and not "dead." So it just irks me when they change it... it seems counterintuitive that when a leader get's "knocked out" that one member of their support team can't just revive them, especially when they can revive each other.

        Sure SE can do whatever the hell they want with the battle system, but it just doesn't make much sense to me that one character can't be revived while all the others can. Ah well, no point in arguing over something like this. It just bugs me.
        Hume M - War lv.10 - Bastok


        • #49
          Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

          Eh, I just think if you're going to go from turn-based to action-based or even just to a more fast-paced system that the penalty for making mistakes should be that much steeper.

          Plus we have games now that really do show you how you could be playing in games like Persona 3 or 4, you really do know why you lose - it was because you didn't succeed in covering the leader's weakness and that of other members as well. I mean, Persona even spills the beans on most enemy weaknesses, so if you can't follow what you've learned, you should kinda die.

          And with FFvsXIII, its primary inspiration was Kingdom Hearts (though I hope the combat's just a little deeper that the PS2 games were). Sora can revive Donald and Goofy, but not the other way around. They become really competent as you get closer to the end of those games, so you really should lose if you die.


          • #50
            Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            * You can revive characters who run out of HP, with the exception of Noctis, the game ends when he dies

            All interest in game lost.

            There are very few game mechanics that irritate me so much I would refuse to play the game, but this is one of them.

            500 hours in MS paint


            • #51
              Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

              Terrible mechanic is terrible.

              I'm sure your party members are not incompetant buffons if the main character dies, so why should the game end when that happens?

              Stupid, bad design.
              Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


              This is why I J9:



              • #52
                Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                Originally posted by Tickmeoff View Post
                All interest in game lost.

                There are very few game mechanics that irritate me so much I would refuse to play the game, but this is one of them.
                Really? I hate the mechanic too but, I don't think it's necessarily a deal-breaker.
                Hume M - War lv.10 - Bastok


                • #53
                  Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                  I'm curious about the difficulty thing.

                  Since SE's trademark "Higher difficulty" usually means giving player characters crappy stats while buffing enemies and giving them immunity against your attacks unless you attack them in some misterious and completely unintuitive way based on whatever random crap they happen to be thinking at the time.

                  Instead of bothering implementing good old good gameplay and challenging fights that require actual skill to complete. <_<

                  Or maybe it's just my recent complete lack of faith in SE talking, and everything will be A-OK and Chocobo Unicorns (Chocobocorns? Unicobos?) will be playable.
                  "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                  Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                  • #54
                    Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                    Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
                    Terrible mechanic is terrible.

                    I'm sure your party members are not incompetent buffoons if the main character dies, so why should the game end when that happens?
                    In FFT, if Ramza dies, its game over.

                    Pretty much the case for SPRGs all around unless there's some kind of morale element, then their performance is just lower and they don't fight as well because, well, the leader is dead.

                    Every SMT game - Leader dies, game over. Scan function told you want enemies can do to you, you didn't cover a potential weakness with the knowledge provided. Matador says "Thank you and come again."

                    Some games start rationing out saves and continues, and if you really aren't doing that well they unlock some wimpier mode or way of doing things to basically insult your pride. Devil May Cry (at least the older ones) and even Donkey Kong Country Returns do this. Hell, DCKR will let you take the easy way out, but it'll laugh and withhold all reward for using super guide.

                    Prinny 2 has Baby Mode. Infinite lives, but you're forced to wear a diaper for access to infinite lives.

                    Maybe FFvsXIII can have a Baby Mode. This way no one's feelings are hurt when they lose.


                    • #55
                      Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      In FFT, if Ramza dies, its game over.
                      If Ramza dies, not gets KOd. You can still revive him before the counter runs out. FF13 (and now seemingly 13-2 as well) run on the mechanic where just getting KO'd = automatic loss, which is bullshit when your AI partners can revive you.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #56
                        Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        If Ramza dies, not gets KOd. You can still revive him before the counter runs out. FF13 (and now seemingly 13-2 as well) run on the mechanic where just getting KO'd = automatic loss, which is bullshit when your AI partners can revive you.
                        Well, seems to me if Ramza bleeds out in three turns, he's dead. You lose.

                        Dead is the criteria for a loss and in FFT you may be forced to choose him over someone else that might expire that turn - someone you spent countless hours building at that. That loss is supposed to sting, but you'll just reset the game when that happens, so how is this any different?

                        FFXIII and vsXIII just skip KO and go straight to "dead," it seems. Plenty of games do that.

                        Hell, FFXIII was so pussified that they let you restart any battle after losing. This as opposed to starting from the last save point or something. And with Full Health/MP at restart.

                        What else do you want? The game to play itself?


                        • #57
                          Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          What else do you want? The game to play itself?
                          It already does. Just keep hitting X.


                          • #58
                            Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                            WTF is VXIII? V13? Some new Nazi terror missile?


                            • #59
                              Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                              Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                              WTF is VXIII? V13? Some new Nazi terror missile?

                              I think we skipped a few numbers.


                              • #60
                                Re: Square Enix Event today VXIII, AgitoXIII, and Duodecim full reveals!

                                yay! Final Fantasy Type-0 official trailer! (we saw it but it looks clearer now. They should put it on Japan PSN too. FFXIII-2 trailer looks mew mew AMAZING on TV!)

                                [ame=]YouTube - FINAL FANTASY 零式 Trailer 01[/ame]

