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Catherine (PS3/360)

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  • #31
    Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

    Very easy mode? wow thats sad ;p did not know that was even there.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #32
      Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

      I haven't had much time to throw at Catherine yet. Like BBQ, I've got Gold trophies on Normal for the first two chapters. I'm currently pausing to pick my way slowly through the Rapunzel arcade game. It's really tricky; I'm on level 7 after about 2 hours of playing that side-game.



      • #33
        Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

        I wouldn't rely on the Rapunzel game for a frame of reference to the game at large. It plays by a couple different rules and the block types don't see the kinds of upgrades the main game does. I've only gotten to level 6 on the mini-game and I've moved on to Day 7's Nightmare, so I doubt I'll do much more of that until another playthrough.

        That's not to say Rapunzel isn't fun, its just the three credit limit is annoying.

        Also, why do I have to choose Katherine or Catherine when I want to choose Erica?
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 07-29-2011, 11:28 AM.


        • #34
          Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

          I'm nearing the end. It can be beaten on normal.

          There have been some interesting twists, though I don't know how much of it is affected by Law or Chaos ratings. I'm full-tilt on law right now and some suspicions I had about this game have more or less been confirmed. Let's just say the apple doesn't fall far from the Persona tree. I think that's keeping it safe and spoiler free.

          All in all, this has been one of those games I just love because its so brutal and yet so giving at the same time. Kinda like Donkey Kong Country. You will die, die horribly and die a lot but once you're in the zone its all good.

          I'm on the final stage - three part to this one. I gotta sleep, though, gotta help with a wedding photo shoot later today.


          • #35
            Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

            Finished Catherine this morning and got the True Ending.

            Big ol' spoilers, click at your own perill

            I've gotten 3 of 4 Babel levels unlocked now, gonna work on the next one now and then treat myself to Easy and make Vincent do the wrong thing to get the other endings. I think you have to get levels 6-through 8 Gold before the final Babel area unlocks, because it didn't unlock for 6 and 7.

            Silvers just unlock new jukebox tunes, it seems.
            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-02-2011, 03:55 AM.


            • #36
              Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

              I've done True Lover and True Cheater endings now (the latter pretty funny, way out there and makes a nod to a series Atlus helped make popular).

              If you're curious about how to get the endings of the game - there are eight.

              More or less it works like this:

              The the majority of the game you have the law/chaos meter that drives Vincent's inner-dialog and how certain events unfold around him (mostly subplots you wouldn't otherwise see if you go one way or the other).

              There are three endings each for chaos and law, these endings are determined by questions you answer after what we'll just call a point of no return. These answers do not affect the meter, just what ending you'll get under your law or chaos rating.

              there are two neutral endings as well, but they rely on you staying right in the middle of the meter and are also based on how you answer those questions.


              As for my run on Easy after originally completing the game on normal, its pretty damn easy on Easy, they just push the endurance of the final levels on you at the same length, however, the block arrangement is softened a bit.

              I died less than twenty times on Easy and I can't even be bothered to count how many on Normal. Lots.

              So there ya go.
              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-10-2011, 11:43 PM.


              • #37
                Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

                Still haven't had as much time as I'd like to throw at Catherine, but I did a little work on Rapunzel and Babel mode yesterday. Got up to level 38 in Rapunzel after learning a new technique, and cried a bit inside after failing Babel: Altar at step #126 of 150.



                • #38
                  Re: Catherine (PS3/360)

                  Also just went and got Normal Cheater Ending.

                  I think I'm good for now, I'll work on Bad Cheater this weekend.

