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Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

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  • Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

    Retro Neo Geo Games Beat Up The PlayStation Network [Update]

    Osaka-based game company SNK Playmore, best known for its fighting games, is unleashing a whole slew of titles on the PlayStation Network.

    Titles include Fatal Fury, Alpha Mission II, The King of Fighters '94, Samurai Shodown, Baseball Stars Professional, Magician Road, Metal Slug, League Bowling, Super Sidekicks and Art of Fighting.

    Downloads start on December 22 and are available through the "Neo Geo Station" on the PSN. PS3 versions of the games are ¥900, while the PSP versions are ¥700. Many gamers probably already have many of these titles, but for those who do not, well, have a go.

    This year marks the 20th anniversary of SNK's Neo Geo, which was a cartridge-based gaming system for arcades and home consoles.

    Update: Neo Geo games are headed to the U.S. PSN on December 21. The PS3 versions cost $8.99, while the PSP ones cost $6.99.

    NEOGEO Station

    SNKƒvƒŒƒCƒ‚ƒAAuNEOGEOv20Žü”N‹L”OƒvƒƒWƒFƒNƒg¢NEOGEO Station£PS3‚ÆPSPŒü‚¯NEOGEOƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹‚ð12ŒŽ22“ú‚É”zMŠJŽn -GAME Watch

    This is great news, mew! This means they are also preparing to reveal the console version of KOFXIII!

  • #2
    Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

    So I can not buy them and go from my PS3 to my PSP, they are seperate versions? Wow.....way to fail there SNK (or would that be Sony?)
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

      it's for a good cause, mew! SNKP deserves more money. They don't screw people forcing them to pay for DLC like Capcom does nowadays with MVC3 characters like Jill and Shuma DLC Making a PS3 version and a PSP version is a lot of work! And I heard the PS3 versions of 2 players games might include online play (maybe).


      • #4
        Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

        Two pricing schemes + Ad Hoc-only support = fail.

        Better off just getting it off Virtual Console for the Wii, where its been for, you know, four years.

        Its not like it was a big surprise anyway, the firmware updates for Neo-Geo and PC Engine games were put in the system several months ago. But to wait all this time and find out there are two versions and that they're not transferable between PS3 and PSP like PSX games are is massively disappointing. Its not like Neo-Geo games are an overwhelming task for either system/

        And personally, I care more about the PC Engine games. Metal Slug notwithstanding, SNK is just a poor man's Capcom and Konami. They already have collections for Metal Slug on the PSP

        Also, Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath are not paid DLC with the CE of MVC3.


        • #5
          Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          Two pricing schemes + Ad Hoc-only support = fail.

          Better off just getting it off Virtual Console for the Wii, where its been for, you know, four years.

          oh ya right like most PS3 owners are going to buy a Wii just to buy and play them there, mew
          Wii's controller isn't good for most games, especially fighting games.


          • #6
            Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

            Wii's controller isn't good for most games, especially fighting games.
            Remind me again what's the difference between a Classic Controller and a PS3 controller.

            Also if you're that picky, you should be using an arcade stick.


            • #7
              Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

              Originally posted by Armando View Post
              Remind me again what's the difference between a Classic Controller and a PS3 controller.

              Also if you're that picky, you should be using an arcade stick.

              Nuuu! For generations, Sony always had good quality standard controllers for fighting games and all types of games, and just as many people prefer d-pad instead of arcade stick. On Sony consoles you really didn't need to buy a new controller to play a fighting game unless you are the arcade stick type.

              Also Classic Controller has less buttons than PS3 controller.


              • #8
                Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                For generations,
                The previous generations are irrelevant for purchasing something in the present.
                and just as many people prefer d-pad instead of arcade stick.
                Only people that play casually and thus can't justify buying an expensive controller to play a game they're not serious about actually prefer a d-pad to an arcade stick. That or they don't play well enough to understand the difference yet. Count the number of top players Street Fighter IV, MvC2, or CvS2 using d-pads, I dare you.
                Also Classic Controller has less buttons than PS3 controller.
                1) Nobody likes L3 and R3.
                2) They're not used for anything in fighters.

                Classic Controllers are like $20, jeez. How much are people paying for Move and Kinect again?

                Either way your argument is invalid because there are actually PS2-to-Wii converters out there. Pay $20 once, use your pre-owned PS2 controllers to play your precious fighters.
                Last edited by Armando; 12-08-2010, 07:36 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                  it still stands that Neo-Geo station on PS3 and PSP is a good thing for those who don't own a Wii (which is the majority of PS3 owners.)

                  So there, mew.


                  • #10
                    Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                    As a quick OT, there are actually some pretty decent pad players in IV. You don't see them in the top 8 because even with stick, they wouldn't be in the top 8, so it's not like pad is holding them back.
                    Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                    This is why I J9:



                    • #11
                      Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                      these trailers are well done.

                      [ame=]YouTube - PS3 / PSP "FATAL FURY" on NEOGEO Station[/ame]

                      [ame=]YouTube - PS3 / PSP "ART OF FIGHTING" on NEOGEO Station[/ame]

                      [ame=]YouTube - PS3 / PSP "THE KING OF FIGHTERS'94" on NEOGEO Station[/ame]

                      The rest of them are here:
                      YouTube - snkplaymoreGame's Channel

                      They should bring the Psycho Soldier arcade game next year!


                      • #12
                        Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                        Originally posted by Armando View Post
                        Remind me again what's the difference between a Classic Controller and a PS3 controller.

                        Also if you're that picky, you should be using an arcade stick.
                        Sorry, Armando, but I have a Classic Controller for my Wii, and 2 Dual Shock 3s + 3 SixAxis controllers. I despise using the Classic Controller, even for playing stuff like Street Fighter II. It looks cheap, it feels cheap. I'm not hard on my hardware at all, but every time I pick up my Classic Controller it feels like I might accidentally twist it into a pretzel just through normal use.

                        Granted, if you're serious about fighting games you're probably using a fightstick anyway, but honestly, championing the Classic Controller?

                        As for the Neo Geo offerings themselves, they get mostly a big meh from me. Metal Slug is really the only standout title amongst them, and as noted it's already available on the PSP. A PS3 version is sort of cool... I guess, but $7 of cool? I'm not so sure.

                        The rest of the games are mostly weak. Art of Fighting (and to an extent Fatal Fury KOF) is interesting from a video game history standpoint, but the gameplay doesn't hold up. Samurai Shodown is a better offering, but suffers from some balance issues and some wonky fighting mechanics.

                        Everything else is incredibly forgettable. Magician Lord is pretty but has some of the worst controls I've ever seen in a scrolling beat-em-up - even worse than Altered Beast, and that takes a lot of doing. Alpha Mission II is a ho-hum shmup with nothing particular to recommend it. The sports games are even less memorable, especially viewed in a modern context.



                        • #13
                          Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                          Sorry, Armando, but I have a Classic Controller for my Wii, and 2 Dual Shock 3s + 3 SixAxis controllers. I despise using the Classic Controller, even for playing stuff like Street Fighter II. It looks cheap, it feels cheap. I'm not hard on my hardware at all, but every time I pick up my Classic Controller it feels like I might accidentally twist it into a pretzel just through normal use.
                          Trust me they are strong, I have the classic Pro (came with my Monster Hunter Tri) and it has keept up with all my insane monster killing adventures ;p

                          I would agree on the arcade stick though, I have alot of arcade emulation, and I have started to look for a decent Arcade Stick that will work on at least PS3/PC but I really want one that will work on PS3/360/PC. That way I can use it for Soul Caliber IV, MvC3 and my arcade emulation.


                          I want to build me one sooooo bad.... but I dont have the extra scratch rigth now to do it.....wonder if they can make a custom cabinet for a 46" LCD... *grin*

                          I honestly would be happy with a Arcade stick stand, that had 2 pads on it that I can move and store, so I can just sit it in front of my TV when I want to play arcade emulation, but still have the coin slots and stuff of the arcade machines..... mmm now that I think about it, that might not be a bad idea, I will look into that........
                          Last edited by Kailea; 12-08-2010, 11:05 PM.
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • #14
                            Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                            Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                            Trust me they are strong, I have the classic Pro (came with my Monster Hunter Tri) and it has keept up with all my insane monster killing adventures ;p
                            I'm not saying it won't. I'm saying that my Classic Controller doesn't at all feel sturdy. I can hear the creak of the plastic bending in my hands, and the buttons feel awful. It's still a "less terrible" option than using the Wiimote for games that were designed for a more standard control scheme, but that's not saying much.



                            • #15
                              Re: Neo-Geo Station on PSN Dec. 22!

                              Originally posted by Icemage View Post
                              I'm not saying it won't. I'm saying that my Classic Controller doesn't at all feel sturdy. I can hear the creak of the plastic bending in my hands, and the buttons feel awful. It's still a "less terrible" option than using the Wiimote for games that were designed for a more standard control scheme, but that's not saying much.


                              ah I see, mmmm never noticed that myself, although to be honest I never really listened/looked ;p
                              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

