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Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

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  • Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

    Blizzard unhappy with Valve trademarking DotA -

    OK, so Warcraft III has a popular fan mod called Defense of the Ancients. I'm sure some of you know about that. Well, it seems Valve decided to do what they did with Counterstrike and hire up the people that created DotA to make it a franchise with them.

    Now Blizzard is upset that they didn't think of that, even though it was under their noses for, oh, five years. Even more upsetting to Blizzard is Valve has now trademarked the mod's name.

    Solution? Claim Valve is taking away from the fans when Valve are actually the good guys here and just made Blizzard look like chumps. Valve and the DotA creators will leave the Warcraft mod be.

  • #2
    Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

    I've already decided to name my first-born son Valve, not sure what else I can do to show my appreciation....


    • #3
      Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

      Definitely a name that other companies should look up to.
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • #4
        Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

        [ame=]YouTube - Basshunter - Dota[/ame]



        • #5
          Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

          It's always nice seeing Valve pwning other companies Spy style.
          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



          • #6
            Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

            League of Legends already exist so I'm not sure what Valve is trying to pull. If the ideas become too similar to that of LoL, regardless of who came first, then Riot Games (and not just Blizzard) will go after Valve.


            • #7
              Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

              uhhhh what?

              Heroes of Newerth is easily the closest DotA clone. Hell, the characters abilites and stats are port right from the WC3 version of DotA.

              There's no "going after valve" seeing as AoS is just a game type that became it's own genre. And valve trademarking the Defense of the Ancients title is a smart move, but that doesn't mean it's enroaching on other companies' games.

              Blizzard missed their window of oppurtunity for capturing the idea, their own fault. No symphathy.

              Also, just off the top of my head, I can think of 3 relatively success AoS stand alone games: Demigod, LoL, and HoN. DotA 2 (to be released by valve) will just be lumped in with the rest.
              Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


              This is why I J9:



              • #8
                Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                Meh. Don't really care much for Warcraft but I appreciate the gesture, Valve.
                Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                Originally posted by Nandito

                You make me want to hurt things.


                • #9
                  Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                  Every time I see that music video I wish I could sing in Dutch or whichever that language is. Also that my LAN parties were that pimp.

                  That aside, looks like not all is well in Valve thanks to this: The Truth About IceFrog: Behind the Bullshit


                  • #10
                    Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                    A new two post, profile-less blog trying to tell "the truth" seems suspect to me not matter how much the author sounds like he knows what he's talking about. If it looks like sockpuppet and sounds like one, it probably is. I'm sure the issue is white hot enough with some people in the community for it to grab that many followers, too.


                    • #11
                      Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                      Valve was lacking a RTS game in it's repetoire, so this move isn't unexpected.

                      Best part will be when they give DotA the Valve treatment like they did with Narbacular Drop to turn into Portal. All with the major Mod support included as it would be expected from them. Heck, we may be even witnessing one of the last pieces in the Orange Box II puzzle .

                      Doesn't matter how much Blizzard cries about it, once it's been released by Gaben&Co., if they do it right as usual, the game could be lightyears ahead of the WCIII (yes I went there) that spawned it.

                      Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.
                      "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                      Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                      • #12
                        Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        A new two post, profile-less blog trying to tell "the truth" seems suspect to me not matter how much the author sounds like he knows what he's talking about. If it looks like sockpuppet and sounds like one, it probably is. I'm sure the issue is white hot enough with some people in the community for it to grab that many followers, too.
                        I really hate fanbois. Valve is no different than Blizzard. They both strive to make quality games that reach out to the multitudes. They also strive to make as much money as they possibly can. Anyone that think one company is more noble than another in that respect really needs to go do us all a favor and drink some arsenic and roll over and die.


                        • #13
                          Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                          Originally posted by Aeni View Post
                          I really hate fanbois. Valve is no different than Blizzard. They both strive to make quality games that reach out to the multitudes. They also strive to make as much money as they possibly can. Anyone that think one company is more noble than another in that respect really needs to go do us all a favor and drink some arsenic and roll over and die.
                          Considering I've never owned one Valve or Blizzard game, I'd appreciate it if you didn't jump to conclusions, particularly given your huffing fumes from Blizzard's asshole one second and acting like SE's AND Blizzard's battered wife the next.

                          I mean, by the end of the blog he was pulling out some real tinfoil hat shit, citing the Huffington Post and campaign contributions. I'm still wondering what any of that even has to do with Valve or developing video games.

                          And no, from what I know of both companies, they couldn't be more different. Valve is a business, but to say they're a business like Blizzard is rather disingenuous. As an outside observer who plays neither Blizzard or Valve games, Blizzard has grown from this small group that once made awesome little games like The Lost Vikings into a large, soulless corporate entity that even its creators have left. Those people are making games like Torchlight now.

                          Valve, on the other hand, always seems to build its next big franchise from the PC gaming community itself. I mean, just look at what happened with TF2 - where else does that happen in gaming. How did Counterstrike begin? Or Portal? Or L4D? These guys look for and recruit talent and make them part of the company.

                          This game we're talking about now sat right under Blizzard's nose for five years and they never touched it. They could have done what Valve does, but they're owned by Activision and that's not the kind of company Activision is. Activision is about milking the consumer and running franchises into the ground.

                          What I appreciate about Valve is that they are a forward-thinking company. A rarity in this generation of gaming. While other companies are out looking for ways to punish the consumer, to punish the fans (and oh man Activision is one of those), Valve seems to be about rewarding fans, assimilating fans and building a better business.

                          So yes, they are a business, but never tell me one business is just like any other. There are very few developers or companies out there than enjoy the long-term loyalty and, yes, Blizzard can lay claim to that just like Valve can, but I don't see them growing anything out of their own community quite like Valve's been known to.

                          I like companies that take in fans. Atlus is another company like that. Its because of those fans that Persona 4 and Persona 3 Portable are so awesome and why a project like Catherine is happening. I wish more companies across the globe would be so proactive with their fans.

                          Not just "listen" to fans, but hire them.
                          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-25-2010, 10:29 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Valve to build another fan mod into a game, Blizzard whines about it

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            YouTube - Basshunter - Dota

                            [ame=]YouTube - The new Basshunter - DotA video.[/ame]

                            He looks hotter here. >.>; But his insistence on having a solo rave party in a chair is a slight turn-off.

                            @Armando - 'Tis Swedish.

