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Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

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  • #46
    Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

    Skill level takes into account your critical thinking and team work.

    PSN players generally have a lower mastery of technical skills (ie. aiming in FPS) as opposed to players on XBL. Both consoles have about equal mastery of critical thinking and teamwork (or lack of it lol).

    I actually have no fucken idea what this has to do with Diablo, btw.
    Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


    This is why I J9:


    • #47
      Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

      Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
      I've been thinking about this, and that just doesn't seem fun. I'm well aware of what it's like to run the same instance for days just for a single piece of equipment, but allowing everybody to obtain the same drop seems like it's watering it down a little too much.
      Until you have the same assholes looting the same equipment before you can every god damned time because the stats can vary wildly. At least that was the case in Diablo II, and I seriously hated that. Why the hell Blizzard didn't just have set values on Uniques and other rare gear instead of the bajillion variations of the same items is just beyond my comprehension.



      • #48
        Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

        Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
        I've been thinking about this, and that just doesn't seem fun. I'm well aware of what it's like to run the same instance for days just for a single piece of equipment, but allowing everybody to obtain the same drop seems like it's watering it down a little too much.
        You're constrasting that an online P2P dungeon hack with an MMORPG, though. A game like Diablo can have guilds, but they're not exactly required, they can often just be one-off team ups if you don't want to commit to a group.

        Games like PSO Blue Burst and Monster Hunter have adapted the "universal loot" concept often because while some players might prefer one job over the other, there's often the option to change classes or even multi-classnow, so what you pick up might be useful to you later or useless.

        I like to to be a Ranger with access to Techs, a Tech Ranger, if you will, if Phantasy Star Portable 2, so while a wand or a staff might not be useful to others, it could still be of use to me because I like to support and nuke at times when rifles and dual pistols don't serve me will. Hell, I could reallocate my skill points and pick up a giant axe if I wanted to.

        You're not really watering down anything considering its just a loosely allied four-player online game.

        They do put a time limit on how long you have until you can grab a rare, but what's useful to one person as a rare isn't always to other. Rares only have value if you trade them to others, too, as these days NPCs won't pay shit for them.

        In Monster Hunter, monsters don't drop weapons, just parts of weapons and armor, so what you might use for an upgrade might differ from what someone uses the same part toward. So everyone can get the same thing and use it to completely different ends since everyone builds weapons and armor with different goals in mind.

        These are concepts I'd hope Blizzard would be looking upon since its been a long time since Diablo II and a lot of great ideas from Phantasy Star, Monster Hunter, Baulder's Gate: Dark Alliance, Guild Wars and more have since innovated the genre a bit.

        Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
        Skill level takes into account your critical thinking and team work.

        PSN players generally have a lower mastery of technical skills (ie. aiming in FPS) as opposed to players on XBL. Both consoles have about equal mastery of critical thinking and teamwork (or lack of it lol).
        Aiming with Dual Analog is grossly inferior to mouse/keyboard and motion controls, be it Move or a Wiimote. Most kills in console FPS these days are ADS kills, which only require aiming in the general direction of your enemy before switching to ADS compensates. Its not auto-aiming, but it might as well be.

        Give that to a person with mouse or motion controls and you're only giving them an even greater advantage, and this is considering they already have the advantage firing from the hip.
        Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-18-2010, 07:57 PM.


        • #49
          Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

          Depends on what game you are playing.

          COD rewards tactical and intelligent positioning and yomi. It does not reward twitch aim. Mouse/KB will not help in that department. Are there the odd times that you WILL have to twitch? Sure, but in the long run, your knowledge of the game, the map, weapon matchups, and opponent thought pattern is much more critical to success.

          There is no ADS/auto aim in MAG.

          Why are you even bringing mouse and keyboard into this? I thought we were comparing 2 consoles, not 2 consoles and a PC.

          I still have no fucken idea what this has to do with anything regarding diablo.
          Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


          This is why I J9:


          • #50
            Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

            Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
            I still have no fucken idea what this has to do with anything regarding diablo.
            The false distinction that platform dictates "skill," "teamwork" and "intelligence."

            Platform only dictates control and communication method, nothing more, nothing less. The fact of the matter is that 360 and PC have a larger online userbase. More does not mean better, more skilled or smarter, however - it just means more people. Statistically speaking, PC gamers are more likely to be grown-up as investing in a top-end PC for gaming is not something kids do can commonly do even with a disposable income.

            Does that mean the PC gamer community is more mature. Perhaps in online play, perhaps in clans and guilds, but that really depends upon the game. If its based on a popular franchise, I have my doubts that would be the case.

            Put it this way - DCU Online, City of Heroes or a theoretcial Marvel MMO - which one is going to attract the least mature crowd? I'm going to say Marvel without hesitation. It might attract more people and the presence of more people might lead to the belief its the game where all the smart and skilled people are, but I'm going to say that chances are greater that DCU and City of Heroes would draw more seasoned, mature gamers.


            • #51
              Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

              Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
              There is no ADS/auto aim in MAG.
              I could have sworn there was... but yeah, I don't know how you find Motion Controls better for FPS over sticks BBQ... Even in Metroid Prime 3 (which I still maintain is the epitome of good FPS controls for the Wii) can be a little awkward at times. Mouse & Keyboard does reign king, and likely always will but sticks are still the 2nd best thing, especially for people who can handle 10 sensitivity... those people just scare the hell out of me. I've managed to work my way up to around 5 or 6, sometimes 7 but 10 is just... yeesh.

              Damn crack addicts.

              ---------- Post added at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:34 AM ----------

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              The false distinction that platform dictates "skill," "teamwork" and "intelligence."
              I don't think anyone takes that literally man, seriously. It's just that certain people gravitate towards each of the platforms and for better or worse, time & again the PSN community hasn't really proven itself terribly capable. I have gone on absolute fucking massacres on MAG & Resistence 2 the likes I could never dream of on Halo or CoD (well, not quite so much CoD because of the absurdity of killstreaks - sweet Jesus the Gunship in Black Ops is the most OP thing ever!)

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #52
                Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                I could have sworn there was... but yeah, I don't know how you find Motion Controls better for FPS over sticks BBQ... Even in Metroid Prime 3 (which I still maintain is the epitome of good FPS controls for the Wii) can be a little awkward at times
                Just because you'll only play Metroid Prime Trilogy (which technically isn't even a FPS) and stink at adjusting to Wiimote controls in other games doesn't mean all FPS games with motion control aren't good. Seriously, I wish you'd stop cockrinding Nintendo and try some of the games you talk shit about but have never played. The Conduit is not Red Steel 2, its not Goldeneye or Call of Duty: Black Ops.

                Motion control is my preference and what I do better with offline and online than dual analog. I don't care if its Wiimote of Move, I find it vastly superior to Dual Analog because it is the closest thing to mouse and keyboard outside of mouse and keyboard itself. If you want to bring a knife to a gun fight, be my guest.

                I don't think anyone takes that literally man, seriously. It's just that certain people gravitate towards each of the platforms and for better or worse, time & again the PSN community hasn't really proven itself terribly capable. I have gone on absolute fucking massacres on MAG & Resistence 2 the likes I could never dream of on Halo or CoD (well, not quite so much CoD because of the absurdity of killstreaks - sweet Jesus the Gunship in Black Ops is the most OP thing ever!)
                I like how you make a statement and then immediately contradict yourself here.

                You can't even begin to compare Halo, CoD or Resistance to MAG. MAG is probably the most structured online shooter ever conceived, to the point it makes anything in those other games look like a loose alliance. You don't have to follow orders in those other games, in MAG you absolutely have to if you want to move up through the ranks. We're talking about games that look militaristic and one that actually behaves that way.

                You think the little kids throwing ragequit hissy-fits in Halo and CoD can even begin to to appreciate that?

                It really comes down to the game itself. This will dictate the kinds of people that it attracts. Chances are if I play Civilization V over Starcraft II, I'm going to get people that don't ragequit so much.

                For all the trash that was talked about Everquest Online Adventures, the people I encountered there were more mature than who I encountered in FFXI by leaps and bounds. Were it not for the linkshells I came into in FFXI, I would have quit FFXI a lot sooner than I did.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-19-2010, 12:33 AM.


                • #53
                  Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

                  What the hell are we talking about?

                  All I said was giving everybody the same drop seems to go against the sense of adventure most games attempt to create.


                  • #54
                    Re: Diablo III supports 96,886,969,344 builds PER CLASS!

                    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                    All I said was giving everybody the same drop seems to go against the sense of adventure most games attempt to create.
                    That typically wears out very quickly regardless.

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

