I mean, if you were playing it, shit like FFXIV would be the furthest thing from your mind.
Also known as Mabinogi Heroes in Korean, Vindictus is the newest MMO from Nexon. Yes, Nexon is a Korean developer, but stick with me because Vindictus is actually amazing.
Vindictus is not your typical MMO. The combat is completely real time and is similar to games like Demon's Souls or Monster Hunter, but faster paced and with some additional tweaks. Almost everything can be picked up and be thrown or used as a weapon until it breaks. Even regular enemies can be grabbed and thrown, beaten or finished off with a technique that varies depending on what's around you when you execute the command. Since it's basically a hack n slash game and it runs off the Source engine it can easily be set up to be played with a controller instead of the usual mouse and keyboard.
You can solo, or you can group with up to 3 other people for normal missions and some amount of players I am not sure of for the missions with the real big bads. The game is currently in open beta, being updated constantly and all characters made during any phase of the beta will carry over to the official launch. It's free to play with a cash shop, but the cash shop stuff is generally just cosmetic things that are completely optional. New hairstyles, armor and weapon dye, etc.
Some gameplay footage:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnKJpXZxmyU"]YouTube - Vindictus Online (Gameplay)[/ame]
Character creation is a bit unique too. Instead of creating a character and choosing a class, you choose a "hero" to play as, and the hero you choose determines your "class". There is no actual "classes," but each character has unique weapons and play styles that basically constitute a class. The game is very story oriented and as you play you are essentially learning the story of these characters that became heroes long before the time in which Mabinogi takes place. There are currently only 2 heroes available (Lann the dual sword guy and Fiona the sword and shield girl) but the 3rd is on the way shortly (Evy, a mage girl that can also use scythes) and apparently they plan on eventually having up to 14 different playable characters.
I could go on for a while, but seriously, just try the game. It's free, it isn't graphically intensive (my laptop with a HD 4330 can run it at 40+ fps consistently) and it's damn fun. Like Monster Hunter, it's one of those games you can keep on playing for hundreds of hours simply because the gameplay is enough fun to keep you coming back even if you feel you've accomplished all there is to accomplish.
Also known as Mabinogi Heroes in Korean, Vindictus is the newest MMO from Nexon. Yes, Nexon is a Korean developer, but stick with me because Vindictus is actually amazing.
Vindictus is not your typical MMO. The combat is completely real time and is similar to games like Demon's Souls or Monster Hunter, but faster paced and with some additional tweaks. Almost everything can be picked up and be thrown or used as a weapon until it breaks. Even regular enemies can be grabbed and thrown, beaten or finished off with a technique that varies depending on what's around you when you execute the command. Since it's basically a hack n slash game and it runs off the Source engine it can easily be set up to be played with a controller instead of the usual mouse and keyboard.
You can solo, or you can group with up to 3 other people for normal missions and some amount of players I am not sure of for the missions with the real big bads. The game is currently in open beta, being updated constantly and all characters made during any phase of the beta will carry over to the official launch. It's free to play with a cash shop, but the cash shop stuff is generally just cosmetic things that are completely optional. New hairstyles, armor and weapon dye, etc.
Some gameplay footage:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnKJpXZxmyU"]YouTube - Vindictus Online (Gameplay)[/ame]
Character creation is a bit unique too. Instead of creating a character and choosing a class, you choose a "hero" to play as, and the hero you choose determines your "class". There is no actual "classes," but each character has unique weapons and play styles that basically constitute a class. The game is very story oriented and as you play you are essentially learning the story of these characters that became heroes long before the time in which Mabinogi takes place. There are currently only 2 heroes available (Lann the dual sword guy and Fiona the sword and shield girl) but the 3rd is on the way shortly (Evy, a mage girl that can also use scythes) and apparently they plan on eventually having up to 14 different playable characters.
I could go on for a while, but seriously, just try the game. It's free, it isn't graphically intensive (my laptop with a HD 4330 can run it at 40+ fps consistently) and it's damn fun. Like Monster Hunter, it's one of those games you can keep on playing for hundreds of hours simply because the gameplay is enough fun to keep you coming back even if you feel you've accomplished all there is to accomplish.