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Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

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  • Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

    ya it doesn't make sense people liking Halo so much since they are all the same and not that exciting. But people get overhyped anyway and one friends lists its the only game they see.

    [ame=]YouTube - Awesome Reach[/ame]

    Reach is a very dumb game, in my opinion, it really doesn't deserve the hype (or any mews for that matter)

    What do you think will be the next overhyped shooter on xbox360? Maybe Square-Enix should make a Final Fantasy multiplayer shooter and show the west how its done. -.-;

    Oh wait there is that Mindjack game! but it seems kind of restricted and linear. -.-;

    [ame=]YouTube - Mindjack -Game Trailer Release Date 3/31/2011[/ame]

    Well there is Dead Space 2 multiplayer beta

    [ame=]YouTube - DEAD SPACE 2 BETA - MULTIPLAYER[/ame]

    Portal 2 will be good with its co-op, mew, but not really meant for large parties

    [ame=]YouTube - Portal 2 - Full Co-op Trailer[/ame]

    What do you think will be the best shooter in 2011? It's a shame that Timesplitters 4 might not happen, there is no news about what the developers are doing in their new company or whatever.

  • #2
    Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

    I had to stop watching the Dead Space 2 beta video because he kept calling them zombies.


    • #3
      Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

      That's what hype does to you. It kills things. I bought Reach expecting the same amount of fun I had with 3 and hey, it worked! Now'an days I only play it when friends are on BECAUSE THAT'S HOW IT SHOULD BE PLAYED. Well, not should, but y'know.

      I'm not even gonna touch that FF shooter comment because it's pure gold, and only someone awesome and sacred should make a lolzy reply.

      Portal 2 is not a shooter.
      Originally posted by Yygdrasil
      Originally posted by Nandito

      You make me want to hurt things.


      • #4
        Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

        Console Shooter vs. Console Shooter vs. Third-person shooter vs. Puzzle shooter (?)

        Well, console shooters are out because lol, console shooters. I wouldn't call Portal a shooter by any stretch of the imagination since it's really all about puzzle solving.

        So, that leaves one option. The best shooter of 2011 will be..

        The winner

        500 hours in MS paint


        • #5
          Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

          oh ya! Duke Nukem Forever! Who knows how that multiplayer will work. xD


          • #6
            Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

            Dunno why people try so hard to have a problem with Halo.

            Yes, it does nothing innovative.

            What it does, particularly as a multiplayer game, it does extremely well. That's why people like it. It also tends to have a pretty epic soundtrack to go with it. That's why I've enjoyed what little Halo I've played.

            I mean, its not like I'm seeing a bunch of other FPS titles innovating the genre, either.

            Halo just is to FPS what FFVII is to RPGs or Zelda:OOT is to action/adventure games.

            A really great game that has a massive number of drooling fucktards to overrate it and never let it go.

            Do I hate Halo? Hell no, i hate its fans. I can't blame MS and Bungie for the inbred halfwits most Halo fans act like.

            I mean, do you ever see anyone have a Castlevania discussion where some asshole comes in and shits all over the series because they thing Super Metroid is better than all of them? I haven't, but I've seen plenty of cases where Final Fantasy VII gets interjected into a conversation about RPGs for no other reason that to thump other people with it as "teh best evar." Doesn't matter if you're talking Dragon Age, Borderlands or FFXII.

            Seems like they have no education in the RPG genre other than one fucking game they really liked. If you can't talk up Phantasy Star because you haven't played it, mentioning FFVII is the best ever does nothing to help a conversation about it.

            And how many of these Halo fans play other first person games? Do they know what Half-Life is? Counterstrike? Goldeneye? Unreal Tournament?

            Not likely. That's why I hate Halo fans.
            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 10-11-2010, 11:12 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

              I just wanted to point out (again) that Richard Lord did a much better job as Wheatley's voice than Merchant. (Portal 2)

              Even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #8
                Re: Halo Reach vs. Mindjack vs. Dead Space 2 vs Portal 2

                Hadn't seen the Portal 2 trailer yet. Looks fun as hell.

