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NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

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  • #61
    Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

    If they don't add anything to the game, you don't have to buy it. What you value isn't what other people value, and vice versa. I bought them because they are cool as shit and I'm not going to complain about it because it makes MY play experience better. Like you said, it adds nothing to the game... to you.

    And if they do it for MvC3 and people buy it, good for them. Better for the bottom line, more money for the company, more reason to invest in developing fighting games. Everyone wins.

    Your sense of entitlement is unreal. Go back to your nintendo and your handhelds.
    Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


    This is why I J9:


    • #62
      Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

      Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
      If they don't add anything to the game, you don't have to buy it. What you value isn't what other people value, and vice versa. I bought them because they are cool as shit and I'm not going to complain about it because it makes MY play experience better. Like you said, it adds nothing to the game... to you.

      And if they do it for MvC3 and people buy it, good for them. Better for the bottom line, more money for the company, more reason to invest in developing fighting games. Everyone wins.

      Your sense of entitlement is unreal. Go back to your nintendo and your handhelds.
      Uh. you know how they say the customer is always right? We're starting to see an industry that is hostile toward the consumer and that is not a good business practice

      Maybe you haven't noticed the growing resentment of how DLC is handled, but spend enough time in some serious gaming communities and you'll see it. The attitude in many places is starting to become hostile

      And that's because developers are making moves to eliminate consumer choice. The markups to $60 dollars have not helped them as planned. The DLC is not adding the desired revenue they're seeking, as proven by the NPD.

      SO now there are things like the online multiplayer vouchers for PSN that have started going out. Buy new and you redeem the voucher for free online play. Buy used and fuck you, you gotta pay $10 to go online with it.

      EA cuts content to issue DLC vouchers as incentives for buying games new. THQ, Ubi Soft and Activision are looking for ways to do it.

      And they say they're doing it to combat piracy. That's bullshit because they can't stop it.They're doing it because it is the developers that have developed this outrageous sense of entitlement, not consumers. They want to suffocate the secondhand/used market since they can't profit from a second sale. Some even want used sales outlawed - which will never happen because it is economically bad and has been overturned everwhere its been tried.

      They could combat used easily through raw digital distribution, but they're too whipped on the instant gratification of a retail launch to ever totally adopt a Digital-only console market. Yet it works perfectly fine for PC, it seems. Valve seems to done quite well with Steam.

      But hey, keep turning a blind eye to the truth if you want to. I need nothing EA, Ubi Soft, Activision or THQ sell, so if they choose to continue or implement such strategies, I'm more than content to boycott them entirely.

      They seem content to bite the hand that feeds them. That's not going to work out for them in the long run.


      • #63
        Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

        Too bad the customer isn't always right because the customer is usually an idiot. Have you ever worked in retail? Clearly, the customer is not always right.

        Serious gaming community? That's pretty elitist. Just because I'm not a hardcore gamer with hardcore gamer friends doesn't make my opinion any less valid. The way DLC has been handled seems fine to me. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Is it so hard to understand? It's not like you paid 60 dollars for a game and they took out the ending. Or some basic game function. The DLC available is optional, something extra to add value to a game for a small price. And honestly, I pay for the experience, not for the right to own it.

        The only legitimate complaint anyone should have with DLC is something that Chromhounds did. Using DLC to unlock content already on the disc is blatantly wrong. But other than that... the developer used time and money to develop content after the game was released, why shouldn't they get reimbursed for it?

        Like I said before, developers still have a passion for making games and want to pushed out the best product possible. They're not this evil corporate entity out to steal all of your money.

        Publishers, on the other hand, play by a different set of rules.
        Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


        This is why I J9:


        • #64
          Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

          EA announces Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition- Destructoid

          Electronic Arts has announced the impending release of Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition. This retail release collects the original Dragon Age: Origins with the content from Awakenings and six downloadable content expansions. It's a value of $114 but you'll be able to buy it soon for the low, low price of $59.99. No exact date of release has been given though it sounds like a good deal if you haven't picked up the game yet.
          Go on, tell me they released this game last year as a completed product.

          Tell me they didn't nickel-and-dime their customers to the max.

          I look forward to buying this used.


          • #65
            Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            I'm more inclined to believe the content for Borderlands and GTA IV were being developed as the base versions went gold than I am Capcom whipping up some costumes in such a short amount of time.
            ...are you serious? People make custom costume mods for fun in that game, it's not hard to develop a costume change. Especially when you have the proper programs on hand. Hell, FFXIV saw full fledged dat mods while the game was still in open beta. It probably takes Capcom longer to get the new costumes on XBL/PSN then it does for them to actually make them.

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            spend enough time in some serious gaming communities and you'll see it
            Complaining? On gaming forums? NO WAI Gtfo, just gtfo right now! No one ever complains on a gaming forum unless it's a serious, credible complaint!


            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            They could combat used easily through raw digital distribution, but they're too whipped on the instant gratification of a retail launch to ever totally adopt a Digital-only console market. Yet it works perfectly fine for PC, it seems. Valve seems to done quite well with Steam.
            ....where the hell do you get this stuff from? PC gaming suffers from more piracy then any of the other consoles combined. For purely single player games, there's no reason to have any kind of official version, you can just pirate a copy and play it as normal. Selling keycodes to play online games is certainly not something new however, hell I could download FFXIV right now off a torrent, but I wouldn't be able to play without that code in the back of the book. Since PC Piracy is so widespread, the codes are one of the few ways the devs can still make an actual profit.

            And for the love of god *NOBODY IS DEFENDING EA*. Stop bringing up their crappy games and actions as examples of how terrible DLC is when nobody has said otherwise. I mean jesus christ, if those few companies make you rage so much stop caring about them and move on. Other games, other companies and other products come out hand over fist that blow away any of the generic money grubbing crap they put out. Give them your money and your attention and ignore the jackasses you don't like.

            Go support Media Molecule, Naughty Dog, From Software or any other dozens of quality game makers instead of foaming out the mouth over whatever new dickish thing EA is doing to their blind, loyal, rabid fanbase.
            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


            • #66
              Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

              I loved Boarderlands when I tried a friends copy....I was going to buy it, but I waited, and I am glad I did.....the GotY edition is coming out and it has all 4 expansions in it for 59.99

              There is some DLC that is "worth it" and some that is plain BS, and I agree that games now...just are not as "finished" as they used to be.
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #67
                Re: NPD: 6% of console gamers use DLC

                Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                I loved Boarderlands when I tried a friends copy....I was going to buy it, but I waited, and I am glad I did.....the GotY edition is coming out and it has all 4 expansions in it for 59.99

                There is some DLC that is "worth it" and some that is plain BS, and I agree that games now...just are not as "finished" as they used to be.
                All in all, I believe video games are becoming too mainstream and corporate. Not too long ago (16/32 bit eras), games came out as art. Look at your Final Fantasies from that era, your Resident Evils, and many other games. Now look at today's video games. Rarely are there games that draw you into their stories as the games from the past did. Most games are 10-20 hours long, and focus on replay value, or some online multiplayer to keep people playing. Most companies are simply pushing more and more crap onto the shelves to make a quick buck.

                I wish there was a developer that would focus more on quality and story than pushing out a shitty video game with great graphics and a multiplayer that will keep you playing for 1 year while they work on the next iteration of the game.

                I would DARE a video game company to make another Xenogears. I play that game not for the graphics, but for the work of art that it's story was.
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