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Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

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  • #16
    Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

    I don't know what FFXII has to do with Last Remnant, but stop talking nonsense about FFXII because I've called people on that shit before. Its not my problem if a few flowery words threw you off on that plot, but its far and away an example of something SE needs more of these days, not less.

    FFXII had the right sense of scope and damn mature narrative. Its just weeaboos are too mentally underdeveloped to appreciate something that deviates more to western tastes. And ironically, many Japanese gamers consider FFXII the best recent FF. But then, they've become very accustomed the games with a lighter narrative and more exploration. Dragon Quest VIII, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest IX, more Monster Hunter.

    Plus the "small fries" like Atlus, XSeed and others are really bringing out some strong games these last few years. They're bringing out more refined approaches to the traditional JRPG. Stories that are more progressive, mature and offer a good bit of that all-important freedom. No serious gamer looks at SE as the end-all/be all of RPGs anymore.

    That aside, I see no reason to doubt Agito FFXIII at all. All SE's PSP offerings have been satisfying, though they've been far less plentiful than what they bring to the DS. Dissidia, Crisis Core and KH: BBS have all been excellent games that have pushed the limits of the PSP and that trend seems to be continuing with The 3rd Birthday and Dissidia 012 Duodecum.

    And DQIX on DS more than proved you don't need an intense narrative and non-traditional experience, just quaint stories, customizable characters and loads of content to keep people happy.


    • #17
      Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

      Originally posted by Malacite View Post
      Thank You. Dear God it's hard to find other people who loved TLR. Kinda kicking myself for not picking up that used copy I saw for $10 though. I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever find time for it and when I finally made up my mind, sadly it was gone
      You two aren't the only ones. I actually liked The Last Remnant. I loved its battle system.


      • #18
        Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        I don't know what FFXII has to do with Last Remnant, but stop talking nonsense about FFXII because I've called people on that shit before. Its not my problem if a few flowery words threw you off on that plot, but its far and away an example of something SE needs more of these days, not less.
        What plot would that be?
        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



        • #19
          Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

          Agito XIII will be so exciting! Many agree Agito XIII definitely feels like it will be the best Final Fantasy, or at least the best of the 3 FNC games.

          [ame=]YouTube - Final Fantasy Versus XIII & Agito XIII TGS 2010 Gamplay Trailer[/ame]


          • #20
            Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
            What plot would that be?
            Oh, I don't know - the whole "truth behind the history" bit Matsuno seems so fond of doing with FFT/Tactics Ogre games. That Basch really isn't dead, but to keep the trust of the populace our "heroes" must maintain the lie that he killed the King of Dalmasca when Gabranth and Vayne were responsible for the King's death and Dalmasca's occupation. That even though they might have avoided the lures of their self-appointed "gods" in the Occurians that the heroes ultimately still did their dirty work?

            You know, that whole thing that, along with Revenant Wings, sets the stage for Final Fantasy Tactics?

            Vayne did kind of have a valid reason to hate the Occurians and want them taken out, he just didn't care about the "little people" that might get crushed amidst his ambitions. That whole "the reins of history back in the hands of man" bit Cid talked about?

            The subplot? Redemption of a villain. Gabranth dies a hero, even though he murdered a king, but gets to live on in name as his brother takes on his guise. Basch dies a villain in eyes of history to protect Ashe's ascension to the throne, even though he's actually maintained his both he and his brother's honor by taking on his brother's charge to protect Larsa, which in turn assures Ashe will rule in peace.

            Or as Vaan just simply put it: "Don't believe Ondore's lies. Basch lives."

            The rest? Basicially the plot to Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Fighting off the lust for power and revenge and all that.
            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-29-2010, 09:57 AM.


            • #21
              Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

              Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
              Agito XIII will be so exciting! Many agree Agito XIII definitely feels like it will be the best Final Fantasy, or at least the best of the 3 FNC games.

              YouTube - Final Fantasy Versus XIII & Agito XIII TGS 2010 Gamplay Trailer
              Haven't you said that about XIII and XIV already, and both have flopped?


              • #22
                Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                Haven't you said that about XIII and XIV already, and both have flopped?

                nuuuu! when I was referring to XIII I meant that at least one of the XIII's would be of great quality and success!

                and XIV didn't flop (mmorpg only flops if it was cancelled or no longer updated.) Ya it got bad first impressions, but it's IMPROVING as time passes, mew! Eventually people won't recall its bad origins and will only remember it for its great things it has/will have!


                • #23
                  Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                  Haven't you said that about XIII and XIV already, and both have flopped?
                  FFXIII sold over five million copies. That's not a flop by any stretch. Maybe FFXIII is a bit of a disappointment as a game, but its far from a failure.

                  Jury's still out on FFXIV. I'll call it a flop if/when it goes free-to-play in less than a year. That said, MMORPG players are very much like abused wives. They won't leave because they hope beyond hope that things will get better. Plus they generally need something to complain about while continuing to subscribe to the MMO regardless.


                  • #24
                    Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    FFXIII sold over five million copies. That's not a flop by any stretch. Maybe FFXIII is a bit of a disappointment as a game, but its far from a failure.

                    Jury's still out on FFXIV. I'll call it a flop if/when it goes free-to-play in less than a year. That said, MMORPG players are very much like abused wives. They won't leave because they hope beyond hope that things will get better. Plus they generally need something to complain about while continuing to subscribe to the MMO regardless.
                    For me it was a flop. I HATED the game play of the FF game and I was VERY disappointed by it.

                    As for FFXIV, I wont touch it until they put in an AH, when it comes out for PS3, and just make it funner.


                    • #25
                      Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                      Originally posted by Takelli View Post
                      For me it was a flop. I HATED the game play of the FF game and I was VERY disappointed by it.

                      As for FFXIV, I wont touch it until they put in an AH, when it comes out for PS3, and just make it funner.

                      they added (or is it next patch?) a search function for the market ward, that is about as close to an AH it's going to get, at least for a good while.

                      and I fully agree about FFXIII, when I buy a game, and feel I am wasting money, the game failed (had to buy it for my collection -.-)
                      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                      • #26
                        Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                        Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                        they added (or is it next patch?) a search function for the market ward, that is about as close to an AH it's going to get, at least for a good while.
                        That still is not close enough to an AH that I would like. They should have kept the AH from FFXI IMO.

                        And how exactly are you able to search? Does it tell you the price as well, or no? If not, then its gonna be a while before a stable economy is made.


                        • #27
                          Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                          Sadly XIII and Modern Warfare 2 were both successes from a bussiness point of view, even if the final products were such huge dissapointments as games.

                          This teaches publishers that with enough hype you can release a rushed, subpar and/or incomplete product and still profit heavily from it.

                          However MMOGs are not in a position where they could use the same faint and run away with the money instead of delivering as promised tactics. Which is why XIV is where it is right now. They really understimated their costumers and their fanboyism when they decided to release XIV in such a state.
                          "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                          Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                          • #28
                            Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Oh, I don't know - the whole "truth behind the history" bit Matsuno seems so fond of doing with FFT/Tactics Ogre games. That Basch really isn't dead, but to keep the trust of the populace our "heroes" must maintain the lie that he killed the King of Dalmasca when Gabranth and Vayne were responsible for the King's death and Dalmasca's occupation. That even though they might have avoided the lures of their self-appointed "gods" in the Occurians that the heroes ultimately still did their dirty work?

                            You know, that whole thing that, along with Revenant Wings, sets the stage for Final Fantasy Tactics?

                            Vayne did kind of have a valid reason to hate the Occurians and want them taken out, he just didn't care about the "little people" that might get crushed amidst his ambitions. That whole "the reins of history back in the hands of man" bit Cid talked about?

                            The subplot? Redemption of a villain. Gabranth dies a hero, even though he murdered a king, but gets to live on in name as his brother takes on his guise. Basch dies a villain in eyes of history to protect Ashe's ascension to the throne, even though he's actually maintained his both he and his brother's honor by taking on his brother's charge to protect Larsa, which in turn assures Ashe will rule in peace.

                            Or as Vaan just simply put it: "Don't believe Ondore's lies. Basch lives."

                            The rest? Basicially the plot to Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Fighting off the lust for power and revenge and all that.
                            See, I was wondering if you played a different game then everyone else and thought you were playing XII since you seem to think it was a good game.

                            Basically yes, that was the plot to XII, and while you tried to make it very epic sounding, it's also the plot to something like half of the games carrying the title 'Final Fantasy.'

                            Truth behind history? Final Fantasy X, X did it better too.
                            Valid reason for hating the 'gods'? Again, Final Fantasy X, just replace Vane's attempt at becoming a god with Seymour's attempt to become and control Sin. 9 has Zidane fighting against his creator to make his own fate.

                            Redemption of a villain? Hell lets be honest, it happens in one way or another in most of them.

                            One of the really sad things of FFXII, you spent as much time summarizing the plot as the game did in presenting it. The whole thing pretty much happens in the last 10% of whatever was going on, SE would probably try to call it gameplay. There is really no plot going on until you reach the imperial capital. You could have had the game be the imperial capital, the lost city and then Bahamut and you would know just as much.

                            XII was just not as epic as you're trying to make it out to be. It was a pretty generic FF plot, very horribly executed.
                            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                            • #29
                              Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                              I seriously don't see how anyone who played TLR would think XII was a good game.

                              XII should've been Microsofts RPG and TLR should've been the Final Fantasy game.

                              But we can put all of that behind us, for science.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #30
                                Re: Agito XIII and Versus XIII leaked gameplay

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                FFXII had the right sense of scope and damn mature narrative. Its just weeaboos are too mentally underdeveloped to appreciate something that deviates more to western tastes. And ironically, many Japanese gamers consider FFXII the best recent FF. But then, they've become very accustomed the games with a lighter narrative and more exploration. Dragon Quest VIII, Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest IX, more Monster Hunter.
                                12 did have a very mature plot and I appreciated SE's effort on that front. I still maintain that it turned to garbage though towards the end, and had a few too many duds (I'm looking at you Vaan). 12 did have the best Cid though by far. Yeah I suppose the mad scientist thing was a bit cliche, but I just felt he brought an interesting take on it. He was certainly more emotional and engaging than Hojo ever was.

                                It's not that I hated 12, I just felt that Vaan & Ashe were too much of a let down. Larsa, Bosch and Balthier were all far more interesting. Vain could have been one of the best villains ever, if he hadn't just totally gone against his own principals and everything he was struggling for.

                                Not sure where Ray is drawing the connection between TLR & FF12 though, other than they both have similar settings. I never finished TLR though, sadly. I got about 60 hours in I think only to find out I had like another 30~40 to go (TLR is one seriously fucking long game >_>)

                                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"

