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Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

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  • Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

    TGS: Sega announces Phantasy Star Online 2 for PC- Destructoid

    To put it simply, I'm skeptical abou this one at best.

    A lot of people complain about how slow SE is about addressig issues, but Sega takes it to a totally different level.

    Took 'em five years to get PSO right, even after they had the audacity to charge monthly for a game that clearly was not an MMORPG. Blue Burst was half worthy of the fees, but still lacked true content updates.

    PSU was garbage from the outset, it only got better in its handheld version and PS Portable 2 and PS Portable 2 Infinity are the best versions of PSU period, largely because they picked up innovations from Blue Burst and Phantasy Star Zero.

    I am enjoying PS Portable 2 very much now that servers are up, however, Sega needs to tread carefully regarding PSO2.

    If they're going to charge monthly fees again, they need to bring the service to justify it. GMs, server-side saves, quarterly content updates (at mimimum),. Would also be nice if they brought the new classes from Phantasy Star Zero, the gunblades from that game, too. Clothing options from PSU would also be nice.

    Some innovations from Monster Hunter wouldn't hurt, either. If we can have fun customizing mags, why not build weapons, too?

  • #2
    Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega


    I have to agree though, the only reason I quit PSU for 360 was because of the poor service from Sega.
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #3
      Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

      I just hope they revamp the lobbies. I'll enjoy everything else.


      • #4
        Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

        they shouldn't hold off content from the disk, they really lost a lot of psu customers after the first 2 months.

        But PSU did have the most wonderful lobbies ever in the online psu series. and some things were better than PSO, but
        its level design wasn't as creative as PSO in some ways.

        but personally it would take a full fledged PS mmorpg (not simply ORPG) to maybe convince me to try it. open worlds,
        connected areas and towns, like the classic PS worlds but in 3-D.


        • #5
          Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

          never thought I would thank you for somthing J9 (no offence ;p) but damn, right on the head.
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

            They bring change you can really believe in, I hear.

            Or completely useless novelty items. Depends what they're carrying in and if you can catch them.

            This is a poster I just unlocked in PS Portable 2, I found it amusing enough to use for decoration in my character's room.


            • #7
              Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

              Never mand that PSO was boring as fuck. The higher difficulties were just reskins of the same previous enemies and levels, and there pretty much was nothing to do but grind mobs... I mean shit, why pay for that PoS when you had Diablo II available? (and 3 is on the way now)

              No, for all it's annoyances, I think I'll be quite happy with XIV for some time, barring some outstanding MMO release (and thus far nothing's really caught my eye save DC universe). Besides, it's not like XI isn't still worth playing either; I just want a break from it.

              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


              • #8
                Re: Phantasy Star Online 2: Don't screw this one up, Sega

                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                Never mand that PSO was boring as fuck. The higher difficulties were just reskins of the same previous enemies and levels, and there pretty much was nothing to do but grind mobs... I mean shit, why pay for that PoS when you had Diablo II available? (and 3 is on the way now)
                Well, it did have better music and events. Both are quite a bit outdated now, but we can just look at PSO BB, PSU/Portable and PSZ and see what we could expect. They'd probably add the new classes and weapons of PSZ, the wardrobe and decoratable rooms of PSU as well as PSP2's class extension system (though I would limit how much you can do with it compared to PSP2).

                They just need to ditch the beast race from PSU, they suck.

                In PSP2 I can honestly say my character feels unique in appearance. Furthering that trend is a good thing. Dragon Quest IX and Monster Hunter are fairly good in that regard as well.

                If they make it an actual MMO, then they can't just reskin enemies and send you through the same zones over and over. Well, they would reskin enemies, everyone does, they'd just have to find some other place to put them.

                I just did a "VR" level in PSP2... they were areas from PSO or just meant to look kinda like them. The boss was a familiar face.

