New Castlevania: Lords of Shadow trailer is positively nuts | Joystiq
Well they sure make it appear epic, but it's still not really a good mew direction to take the franchise.
If it's true they are starting a new timeline for the franchise, I will be so miffed. >.<
If Lords of Shadow is successful, that might mean less of the classic Castlevania style and timeline. >.<
I disagree with people saying it's like Simon's Quest, because it's not. First of all it's not 2-D, second of all, LoS only has
1 town (Simon's Quest has several), Third of all, Simon's Quest wasn't linear, it was open world.
LoS allows backtracking but it's still nothing like Simon's Quest besides being in locations besides the castle (like Order of Ecclesia).
And fourth of all, LoS has some generic monster/boss designs without bringing more memorable enemies from Castlevania classics!
Ya it mixes characters like Camilla, Brauner and Death for fanservice but it's still like an arranged version of Mozart's work.
Nothing beats the classics, mew.
Oh ya and also it seems there is only one playable character, and the way the whip is used doesn't look that cool, might as well call it laser whip or something. At least Leon's whip (LOI) and Trevor's whip (CoD) acted and looked more like a whip.
but oh mew I guess LoS will succeed because of Kojima's name, and the cinematic production values, but this may doom Castlevania's future into a flavor of Castlevania not all fans would like.
oh well, I will still be playing Castlevania HD many more times than people will be replaying LoS, that game really looks like it's only worth playing through once or twice at most.
Well they sure make it appear epic, but it's still not really a good mew direction to take the franchise.
If it's true they are starting a new timeline for the franchise, I will be so miffed. >.<
If Lords of Shadow is successful, that might mean less of the classic Castlevania style and timeline. >.<
I disagree with people saying it's like Simon's Quest, because it's not. First of all it's not 2-D, second of all, LoS only has
1 town (Simon's Quest has several), Third of all, Simon's Quest wasn't linear, it was open world.
LoS allows backtracking but it's still nothing like Simon's Quest besides being in locations besides the castle (like Order of Ecclesia).
And fourth of all, LoS has some generic monster/boss designs without bringing more memorable enemies from Castlevania classics!
Ya it mixes characters like Camilla, Brauner and Death for fanservice but it's still like an arranged version of Mozart's work.
Nothing beats the classics, mew.

but oh mew I guess LoS will succeed because of Kojima's name, and the cinematic production values, but this may doom Castlevania's future into a flavor of Castlevania not all fans would like.
