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Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

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  • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

    10: "Stuff my mouth with" (Goes with 11)
    11: "Ripe rowland beef"
    Oh dear.


    • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

      Originally posted by Gobo View Post
      Prishe - Julie Nathanson

      Another left field pick by SE....

      Julie Nathanson - IMDb

      Still, she sounds just fine. I kinda like my choice better but meh

      *sigh* if only we had JP language option for Hirano Aya



      • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

        In this case, there probably just can't be an option. The original game was 1.25GB on PSP. UMD maxes at 1.8GB when dual-layered

        There's been some model rescaling, likely a bit of audio and slight bit of video compression just to squeeze all this new content in with the original campaign from the previous game. So perhaps Duodecim eeked out a little more space to play with, but probably not a lot.

        Also, I don't profess to know if SE farms out for audio recording like they do for music these days, but when that sort of thing happens licensing issues come up and those JP actors want a bit more for their performances. Its just much easier to drop the JP audio entirely at that point because American actors aren't any cheaper and you're asking the US version to be financially and technically burdened in ways the JP version wasn't depending upon the game type. At the end of the day these games still have to sell and cut a profit on the western side, too.

        If you want the JP voices my advice is import or sign up for a JP PSN account and get it that way.


        • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

          Originally posted by Armando View Post
          Oh dear.
          Apparently the guy never played XI before.

          She actually says, "Stuff my mouth with, Ripe Rolanberries"

          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


          • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

            Its kinda crazy how just about everything in Dissidia has a precedent and it manages to work. Then again, so does Smash Bros. and it something appears in it that doesn't appear in the games it will soon enough.


            • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

              She actually says, "Stuff my mouth with, Ripe Rolanberries"
              Well that makes much more sense.
              Then again, so does Smash Bros. and it something appears in it that doesn't appear in the games it will soon enough.
              Can you give me an example of this? Nothing really comes to mind.


              • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                Wonder if they'll make DLC for Dissidia? As long as it's nothing obscene like Capcom with MvC3, I wouldn't mind paying a buck or two for Lilisette or Edge :D

                Where the hell is Edgar already for that matter? He's one of the very few truly unique characters left that they haven't added. They could save his chainsaw for his EX mode and have his finisher be the Hockey Mask insta-kill O.O LOL!

                EDIT: Just found this a few seconds ago, HILARIOUS! XD


                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                  403 Forbidden. Is Edgar in?
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                    The URL goes to Danbooru, so my guess is no.


                    • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                      Originally posted by Armando View Post
                      Can you give me an example of this? Nothing really comes to mind.
                      That scene where Meta-Ridley grabs Samus and scrapes her across the wall is one.

                      Happened in Smash Bros. Brawl long before they conceptualized Metroid Other M. Ridley could grab Samus in Super Metroid, Zero Mission and Metroid Prime 3 Corruption for some manner of melee attack, but it was never to the same effect.

                      They now use that scene again in Dead or Alive Dimensions for 3DS, where Ridley grabs whoever gets kicked out of the arena gets grabbed, scraped against the wall and fireballed. Then Samus shows up and runs off after Ridley.


                      • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                        I have just started Laguna's chapter.

                        In just one fight, he has become my favorite Dissidia character.


                        • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                          Hey hey. This baby came out yesterday. Where's all the impressions? Reviews? Favorite characters? Do thy love or do thy hate?!

                          Is Shantotto still kicking ass?
                          Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                          Originally posted by Nandito

                          You make me want to hurt things.


                          • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                            Ah Laguna, ever the lovable moron.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                              Originally posted by Nandito View Post
                              Hey hey. This baby came out yesterday. Where's all the impressions? Reviews? Favorite characters? Do thy love or do thy hate?!

                              Is Shantotto still kicking ass?
                              Shantotto Changes

                              # Couple Attacks executes faster and can combo without hitting. It no longer executes chase but it executes Wall Rush.
                              # Retribution has different area of effect, tracks better and staggers opponent if blocked.
                              # Stun can combo into other attacks, including HP attacks, and has greater range. (Specifically: A couple Attacks, Retribution, Aero and Stone)
                              # Bind tracks longer before trapping opponent.
                              # Bio does increased damage and damages over shorter periods of time, but lasts for less time. Can now be reflected.
                              # All HP attacks execute faster and have decreased lag. All HP attacks stagger opponent if blocked, regardless of level, and can chain if blocked.
                              # HP attacks level up to improved forms at lower amounts of Bravery. Level two is achieved at 2000 Bravery, and level four at 4000.
                              # Spirit Magic [Ice] has better tracking and does more Bravery damage.
                              # Spirit Magic [Wind] has stronger absorption.
                              # Spirit Magic [Water] has stronger absorption but lower range.
                              # Spirit Magic [Fire] has a number of flames that will chase the opponent and better tracking.
                              # Spirit Magic [Thunder] no longer has Wall Rush and knocks opponent upwards instead.
                              # Spirit Magic [Earth] has less range.
                              # EX Mode ability Manafont has had effects changed - after dealing HP damage, Shantotto's Bravery drops to 0 and remains there for approximately two seconds before instantly recovering to her base Bravery.

                              Personally from fighting her in Prologus, she is better than in Dissidia, but the AI is still so bad with her it will really take a human to determine if she has really improved.

                              PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                              • Re: Dissidia 2 at TGS next week?

                                Yuna kinda sucks. Very hard to judge the distance of Ifrit and Shiva, additionally the summons other people use she doesn't seem to have access to, even though you can set them as reserves anyway.

                                Vaan, Lightning and Laguna are all solid, but Laguna's just way more fun because he feels like he came in out of a third-person shooter. Haven't done Tifa's chapter yet, but Kain had lots of potential from what I played of Prologus.

                                Secret Reports are interactive and show the bad guy's side of the story this time out, just be careful with it because if you didn't have all your characters leveled up from the last time around those can be a bit of a clusterfuck. I never leveled up Kuja from the last game so he was level 1 going into a party battle against an amped-up Bartz, Zidane and Squall that can crank out EX Mode at the start. This is a huge error made on SE's part because whether you picked New Game + or Level Reset on data transfer, you're still fucked if you didn't level everyone, so if you did you may as well just go with New Game +

                                So I had a level 1 Kuja for report 1, but a level 100 Terra (yes, she's Chaos-aligned this time)on the next report, as I had maxed her out last game. Good news is for the time being Reports seem completely optional to engage in, so maybe I can level up some of the baddies later.

                                The overworld is a nice breather from the grid maps and Destiny Points have been eliminated, replaced with Kupo Points. How these are earned is similar to DP and AP - by meeting certain battle conditions. When you move to a grid map, which are the dungeons of the game, if you chain consecutive encounters together along with meet the condition for earning KP, the KP earned is multipled by the number of chained encounters. I walked out of one dungeon with 25 KP after chaining five fights using Cross Chain.

                                As for what KP does? Its used as currency in Moogle Shops. In this special store you can buy summon stones, more notable weapon upgrades, accessories and Rosetta Stones. Yeah, you're not limited to the stones you find on the field anymore, so it will be easier to upgrade accessory slots for everyone this time out.

                                So far the main story is really focused on the six new characters and the progression between them is fixed, so you can't pick favorites right away.

                                Story mode makes poor, infrequent use of Assists because of the story which is incredibly stupid, so the benefits of the new Assist feature aren't really seen except in Prologus and later modes.

                                That's sort of sad when you think about it - the story mode for Prologus was thought-out better, not leaving anyone without a backup character to assist them. It doesn't matter so much that I don't get to choose who the Assist character is, but I'd still like the option of having someone at least.

                                Aside from Secret Reports and the underutilized assists of the Story mode, there's very little to complain about otherwise. The game looks to be just as feature-rich as its predecessor, though some of it still seems mostly locked off until you complete the story. For returning players, it would have been nice to have the option to level up older characters without having to unlock that option, though, as this would have gotten round my quibbles with Secret Reports on Kuja.

