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Black Ops > MW2 no contest

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  • Black Ops > MW2 no contest

    So was just checking out Muzzafuzza's channel again and came across some awesome info about Black Ops from him in a recent WaW video he put up (he was commenting on Black Ops the whole time)

    - Recoil is back in force (Thank God, no more cheap shit like the ACR)
    - Killstreaks no longer stack, which is also freaking amazing. So no more Predator Missle into Harriers into Pave Low or whatever; you only get streaks from gun kills. EAT THAT NOOBS!
    - Brand new perks like Hacker which are freaking killer (you can hack enemy claymores and turrets o.O) and what's really hilarious is you can rig enemy care packages with explosives!

    And IMO, the best part of all (certainly my favorite); The following perks have been removed;

    - Stopping Power, Juggernaut, Commando and One Man Army.
    That shit is GONE and it's never coming back, hallelujah! I would have liked it if they'd nixed Last Stand and Danger Close as well but this is fine.

    No more screwy extra bullet damage or life, no more fucking lunging with a knife from 10+ feet away, and no more god damned Infinite Grenades! Though you can still use Scavenger for that but at least that way you need to go out and pick up the kits.
    Last edited by Malacite; 09-04-2010, 10:06 AM.


  • #2
    Re: Black Ops > MW2 no contest

    Those perks sucked, anyways. Nobody will miss them.


    • #3
      Re: Black Ops > MW2 no contest

      It's still a sexist series that lacks true equality. >.<

      I miss Rainbow Six. There's supposed to be a new one after the Vegas saga, mew.


      • #4
        Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

        Halo: Reach > Black Ops > MW2

        Ha! Just kidding. This isn't Gamefaqs.

        That's some pretty good news, but people will find a new Marathon/Commando, OMA/Tube, etc combo one way or another. They always do...
        Originally posted by Yygdrasil
        Originally posted by Nandito

        You make me want to hurt things.


        • #5
          Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

          Originally posted by Nandito View Post
          That's some pretty good news, but people will find a new Marathon/Commando, OMA/Tube, etc combo one way or another. They always do...
          I'm looking forward to Ghost (Cold Blooded basically) + Hacker, that should make for some hilarious shenanigans.

          Oh I forgot to add that killstreaks don't go higher than 11, and DOGS ARE BACK! WOOOOOOOOO!

          And all 4 of those perks were not "trash", they were over powered monsters that needed to gtfo for game balance. I can't tell you how sick and fucking tired I was getting of blasting someone with a SPAS-12 only to get knifed somehow from 10 feet away. I mean really, how stupid was it that you could charge people, get riddled with bullets but still come out fine because you had a KNIFE?! And I'm saying this as someone who loved to knife ppl in MW2... it was just silly. Someone told me that knives are actually an attachment now too apparently or some shit... that was something that always bothered me in MW2 as well.

          People doing Akimbo weapons shouldn't able to knife, should have a way longer reload, and no one with a tac knife should ever lose to someone without one wtf. Bullshit you magically drop your gun and stab me 1st when I've already got my knife at the ready. That's what bayonets are for IW, you dumb shits.

          Thank goodness Treyarc is SMRT. Between Reach and Black Ops I'm gonna be just peachy on the FPS scene for a long time.



          • #6
            Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

            So basically, they just found new ways for you to be a douche and got rid of the old ones.

            Only FPS really on my radar is Brink, which seems quite a bit more bold than most shooters out there.


            • #7
              Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

              Originally posted by Malacite View Post
              And all 4 of those perks were not "trash", they were over powered monsters that needed to gtfo for game balance. I can't tell you how sick and fucking tired I was getting of blasting someone with a SPAS-12 only to get knifed somehow from 10 feet away. I mean really, how stupid was it that you could charge people, get riddled with bullets but still come out fine because you had a KNIFE?! And I'm saying this as someone who loved to knife ppl in MW2... it was just silly. Someone told me that knives are actually an attachment now too apparently or some shit... that was something that always bothered me in MW2 as well.
              They weren't overpowered at all, they were mostly useless. Stopping Power and Juggernaut were equally as useless, because at the end of the day they both came down to how many bullets you shoot. More health? It takes a few more bullets to kill you. More power? It takes a few less bullets to kill somebody else. I had no problems with ammo, so I saw no point in perks that basically conserve ammo. Commando wasn't anything special either. That extra distance never made any difference. I shoot enemies no matter where they are, so they'll never have the opportunity to run up on me and leap at me. If they got me as I was coming around a corner they would have most likely got that kill anyways.

              Cold-blooded was the most useful perk. It saved you the hassle of dealing with most kill streak rewards.


              • #8
                Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                It takes a few more bullets to kill you. More power? It takes a few less bullets to kill somebody else. I had no problems with ammo, so I saw no point in perks that basically conserve ammo. Commando wasn't anything special either. That extra distance never made any difference. I shoot enemies no matter where they are, so they'll never have the opportunity to run up on me and leap at me. If they got me as I was coming around a corner they would have most likely got that kill anyways.
                Except that MW2 is such a horribly lag-based game that that 1 extra bullet can mean the difference between life & death. Stopping power also screwed things up royally with the absence of juggernaut to balance it out;

                Two people meet up. One guys an MP5k, the other guy let's say the Tar-21 since it's the fastest 3-shot AR. MP5k dude has stopping power, Tar guy doesn't. Unless there is massive lag, or some kind of epic bullet-time reaction by the dude with the Tar, his ass is going down every single time because the other guy's gun fires faster and takes 1 less bullet to kill.

                So yes, Stopping Power made a hell of a difference, particularly with LMGs as it enables them to 2-shot at any range, as well as Snipers keeping their OSK with a silencer. I'm glad it's gone, no more screwy damage tables. Commando was also insanely annoying. There's no way you can intercept a guy with commando 100% of the time, don't think you're fooling anyone here. The aforementioned lag only makes that bullshit even worse; idk how many times I put a shotgun round or at least 3+ shots into a guy only for the stupid killcam to show that I got knifed.

                Never mind all the crazy stupid jumping off of buildings and taking absolutely no damage for it. There's a good reason 90% of the CoD community hates Commando and wanted it gone.

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #9
                  Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                  Wow, you are mad salty.

                  MW is a game of positioning and strategy as opposed to twitch combat. Play more HC, imo.
                  Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                  This is why I J9:



                  • #10
                    Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                    So you're saying camping...

                    [ame=]YouTube - Legitimate strategy[/ame]
                    Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                    Originally posted by Nandito

                    You make me want to hurt things.


                    • #11
                      Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                      Well, snipers do camp in RL.

                      Its just in RL people don't respawn.

                      So yeah, in terms of karma, you're kinda being a douche when you snipe the reincarnation of someone. I think spawnkillers' deaths should count extra, one extra point for all they've spawnkilled

                      I think Mindjack might offer the best solution to spawnkillers, just mind-hack 'em.


                      • #12
                        Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                        Well, Search and Destroy would fix that... for one round.

                        Tsk, we're all going to hell.
                        Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                        Originally posted by Nandito

                        You make me want to hurt things.


                        • #13
                          Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                          Yep, def saying camping is a legitimate strategy.

                          Also, HC SnD is the greatest format in the MW games.
                          Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                          This is why I J9:



                          • #14
                            Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                            Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
                            Yep, def saying camping is a legitimate strategy.

                            Yeah, if you're a pussy who can't aim. Takes no skill to hide in a corner waiting with a shotgun for people to run by >_>
                            That's why I loved bad company 2 and it's destroyable environment.

                            And HC mode in MW2 sucks. Most guns kill in 1 shot without stopping power, cover provides pretty much zero protection and friendly fire incidents are way too frequent. I'm not objecting to the use of cover and fighting tactically, I'm objecting to asshats who just pick a spot and set up shop for the whole game so they can rack up kill streaks. Stopping power really fucked things up though as generally in MW2, unless you're like right at a corner or some form of cover, you have no chance of running into cover whatsoever.

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #15
                              Re: Black Ops &gt; MW2 no contest

                              If you are losing to pussies that can't aim, I think that's a personal problem. That's what grenades are for. And yomi. And communication with your team. And killcams in non HC. Or, y'know, just don't go that way and make the camper waste his time.

                              Or just play HC SnD and you won't have that problem.

                              All the problems you complain about are pretty much pilot error.
                              Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                              This is why I J9:


