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Divergent Shift

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  • Divergent Shift

    Divergent Shift | The Official Site

    This is a game that recently came out on DSiWare for 800 points and its probably one of the most exceptional games you could download off the service (which is saying a lot because the good stuff is few and far between there) since Mighty Flip Champs.

    This game was born out of a student project a couple years ago and won some awards in indie shows, there's a an old PC build on the site above to play around with if you wish to download it.

    The game features Kirra, a thief (OK, OK, Treasure Hunter) that gets in a bit of trouble when she breaks a magic mirror she was meant to retrieve. Her reality is split into two and the realities don't quite line up perfectly, but to find and restore the mirror, she has to deal with overcoming obstacles on these two different planes of existence. Where one reality might have nothing in the way on the top screen of the DS, its inverted version the other screen might have a pillar obstructing Kirra's path, so you have to find a way to let both versions of Kirra through.

    There also levels where Kirra's "reflection" takes on a more shadowy form and isn't bound directly to her, so this version of her can be manipulated in order to progress, but that's actually more tricky that it sounds.

    The game actually feels like like a classic version of Prince of Persia, though perhaps with more of a Metroid feel to the 2D platforming. Its very much deserving of attention, so if you have a DSi, be sure to check it out.

    It doesn't say on the site if there are plans for other platforms, though i suppose its practical elsewhere, but it feels right on the DSi.

  • #2
    Re: Divergent Shift

    Seems interesting... I may check it out to see how it is.


    • #3
      Re: Divergent Shift

      From what I've played of it so far, there's five chapters and then a bunch of challenge levels that open up after finishing the main game. The story is rather amateurish, but really just there to hold the levels together.

      All and all, not a bad deal for eight bucks.

