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So... Starcraft 2?

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  • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

    Only reason I don't have SC2 yet is money, and I've been looking for a job for a long ass time now @_@ still waiting on several people to (hopefully) call me back

    Halo Wars just doesn't cut it anymore, as the majority of good people have left and it's mostly trash players who have no clue what the hell they are doing, or pull off some janky all-in rush and then quit the moment their troops are all killed off and I go in for the counter push. It's only fun when I do 2v2 or 3v3 with my friends, I don't bother with 1v1 anymore (most people just boosted their way to the top of the boards anyway so no one gives a shit)

    So most of my games now come down to me looking for the most retarded ways to pull out a win, or I see a stupid rush coming and get serious (and the aforementioned results occur) Not trying to be arrogant here as I'm by no means the best RTS player ever, I've had my ass handed to me plenty of times but to imply that either strategies or tactics are the same at all levels is asinine.

    Now granted, there are only so many methods that can work and at some point yes people will stick to the cookie cutter methods but I just don't see it happening across the board at all levels by every player.



    • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

      Joined a game last night with a friend of mine where our opponents had both chosen Zerg. My friend and I had both chosen Random. As luck would have it, we're both Terran on a map where our initial base and natural expansions can only be accessed by a single ramp, so we wall it off quickly.

      A few minutes later I scanned their base and saw what looked to be their planned rush converted into banelings, so I freaked out and produced six siege tanks and a raven to uncover the area slightly outside of ramp. This paid off so hard, not a single baneling made it to the gate.

      After that I built four Banshees to harass, but they had detectors and ended that mission prematurely. The harass worked, but not as well as I had hoped. Another scan revealed the one I hadn't harassed decided to counter with corrupters, anti-air, so I fell back onto vikings. This was a strange decision, because both were anti-air, and the opponent I did harass had a decent sized army of hydralisks. I built about six Battlecruisers alongside my vikings, which was the icing on the cake.

      The whole game, my friend made sure they didn't expand by harassing their expansions. He was pretty well invested in that, which gave me the time to tech, freely. At the end he walked in with four, or so, Thors and raped the hydralisks while I sent the vikings in for their AA, which they had partly converted into broodlords. I pulled my battlecruisers in let the thors tank while I raped everything.

      Fun game.


      • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

        So most of my games now come down to me looking for the most retarded ways to pull out a win, or I see a stupid rush coming and get serious (and the aforementioned results occur) Not trying to be arrogant here as I'm by no means the best RTS player ever, I've had my ass handed to me plenty of times but to imply that either strategies or tactics are the same at all levels is asinine.

        Now granted, there are only so many methods that can work and at some point yes people will stick to the cookie cutter methods but I just don't see it happening across the board at all levels by every player.
        I will garuntee that you will see a 4 gate in bronze,silver,gold,plat and diamond, as well as a 2 gate robo, or a 1 rax FE or a 14 pool 16 hatch, or a 12 pool 14 hatch, or a 1:1:1 build or any other build you can dream up. Just like you will see a bunker rush, a 6 pool and a canon or gateway rush at any level.

        The difference is the games you watch on youtube are played by people who know how to react more so than someone in bronze league for example, they have played with the build more, or at least make it work better because they are faster at timing. But the core build plan is the same, it doesn't change just cuz you go up a league, all that happens is it comes faster and faster and faster, and the more you play the faster you can get it out.

        Like the fast BC build that I am using, I can get a BC out very very fast, to the point I usually will win the game on my initial attack, but the first time I saw that build was in bronze league in the beta, then I saw it happen with a TLO vid in the dimond league. Now I am using it in gold league. See my point.

        It is asinine to assume that high level players have the monopoly on ability to run an opening BO. Every game I have played win or lose comes down the opening 15 minutes, if I let my opponent do the BO he is trying for than I could very well lose. It is why I harass, delay, force him to change plans etc. Just like he does to me... If you think the same tactics and strategies stop being used after you climb down the ladder past those top 10,000 people then you sir are very very naive.

        sig courtesy tgm
        retired -08


        • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

          Random XvX games are annoying. I stopped participating in it as I saw my IQ drop a bucketload just watching the others "play".



          • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

            Any advice on the late rush?

            It seems like no matter what my friend and I do, we lose to the late rush. At some point our opponents shift from economy to massing and army, and then they storm one of us. We both know the plan at that point, but our chances of survival are slim. And, it always seems like the enemy is hampering our growth while increasing theirs, so recovery is a slippery slope.

            It doesn't really seem fair that teammates are separated from each other. It makes coordinating attacks much easier than coordinating defense. I guess that's something we have to incorporate into our strategy, but we need some kind of build order that allows us to continue growing our economies up to a point of cheese or growing both our economies and armies simultaneously.


            • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

              Almost every map I've encountered has some form of choke point. If you want my advice, try to be a little crafty.

              1. Build some tech buildings away from your core buildings (maybe somewhere out of the normal places you'd find them) If they're terran and scan, they can't scan continuously if they're using the same energy for their mules.

              2. Get some harassment going if frontal assault isn't doing anything or if you're constantly under seige. Depending on your race, there's varying ways of doing this. I sometimes find a group (3 blink stalkers) as 'toss pretty good from the back side of their base, kill a few workers and then blink back off the cliff. You'll need sight to make this work, but if you got scanners, that will work as well.

              3. Build your barracks at the choke points. Speeds up getting your attack units faster.

              4. If you're toss, cannon rush one of them and make sure your partner defends your choke point. It will force them to tech to air to get out or make them waste a lot of time dealing with it and you can stop a fast expand (do this against zerg, it's very devastating)

              5. You guys should download a speed test map which will allow you to hone your build times. Try to get things out fast and just keep doing it.


              • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                MMM ball is the most aggravating thing to fight against as Toss. My god.
                Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                This is why I J9:



                • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                  Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
                  MMM ball is the most aggravating thing to fight against as Toss. My god.
                  Yup, 3M is pretty beast even with Colossi out from what I've seen. It's pretty much Psi Storm or gtfo at that point

                  "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                  • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                    MMMG beats Psi Storm. WTFFFFFFFFFFF. God, I hate terran. I'll just stick with all in DT warp drop and if that fails... quit. LOL.
                    Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                    This is why I J9:



                    • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                      Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
                      MMM ball is the most aggravating thing to fight against as Toss. My god.
                      When I notice they got 4-6 rax up, I go Colossi with Thermal Lance and go massive Blink Stalkers. They get bowled over in a few seconds then just march on down to their base and trash it.

                      ---------- Post added at 01:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 AM ----------

                      Some White-ra footage ... Husky needs sleep :p

                      YouTube - HuskyStarcraft's Channel


                      • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                        First time I see a stalker and collosi with my op scan Ill just mass marauders + vikings and counter you =)

                        sig courtesy tgm
                        retired -08


                        • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                          Marines aren't nearly as great as people claim. I'm not sure why people love them so much.


                          • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                            They are useful against just about every unit though and cost effective. Thats why I like them, they are strong anti air for the most part, and strong against things like immortals. But like all tech 1 units, their usefulness only goes so far.

                            sig courtesy tgm
                            retired -08


                            • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                              Useful, yes, effective, not really. It's the Marauders that make the bioball combination successful, because they can steamroll most ground units and roll through static defenses with little problem. With Medivacs, Marines are more effective, but they're still not that great.


                              • Re: So... Starcraft 2?

                                A marauder is 100 minerals and 25 gas. 2 marines is only 100 minerals. Both combinations costs 2 supply. And yet, the marines have better DPS, even against armored targets. With the modified clumping of SC2, their "critical mass effect" is crazy. Obviously, marauders are still fucking potent. Just worth noting that marines are no pushover.
                                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

