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Sony's filed a patent which, instead of displaying "Left eye/Right Eye" images, displays "Screen 1" and "Screen 2" images.

Basically, this means that instead of classic split-screen gameplay, where you can see what your opponent is doing all the time, you effectively turn your TV into two separate screens occupying the same physical space. All the fun of sitting next to someone while you frag them, without all of the fist fights and accusations of peeking.
As Sony also manufactures TVs, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see this trick used to provide a new from of Picture-In-Picture in sets released here in a bit-- allowing two people to sit together and watch two different things; the only problem would be getting people used to wearing headphones at their TV so the sounds aren't all over each other.

Sony's filed a patent which, instead of displaying "Left eye/Right Eye" images, displays "Screen 1" and "Screen 2" images.

Basically, this means that instead of classic split-screen gameplay, where you can see what your opponent is doing all the time, you effectively turn your TV into two separate screens occupying the same physical space. All the fun of sitting next to someone while you frag them, without all of the fist fights and accusations of peeking.
As Sony also manufactures TVs, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see this trick used to provide a new from of Picture-In-Picture in sets released here in a bit-- allowing two people to sit together and watch two different things; the only problem would be getting people used to wearing headphones at their TV so the sounds aren't all over each other.