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Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

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  • Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

    Mega Man Universe announced [Update]- Destructoid

    Well, whatever this Mega Man Universe game is going to be, its been confirmed as an XBL and PSN release, but that's about it so far.

    There's also this rather retro-looking logo with a map of the world behind it. Take it for what you will.

    Personally, I think MMX series is better source material for an online multiplayer game, if that's even what this is. Dr. Light and Dr. Wily can't just spend all day making robots, you know.

  • #2
    Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

    of course they can! I like the classic style robot masters flavor instead of the megaman X flavor (even though MMX4 is so awesome and memorable.)
    Dr. Wily > Sigma.

    oh they better not use Battle Network or MMZero flavor/art. >.<

    but Megaman Legends flavor would be....interesting!

    Mega Man Universe Announced - PlayStation 3 News at IGN

    the logo is GREAT! Hopefully this game is less sexist than the other megaman games, maybe they will add universal character creation?

    But overall, I'm so glad it's coming to XBLA, AND PSN!!!!!!!!! (still miffed about Harmony of Despair being only XBLA.)

    next week, screens, videos and gameplay are sure to be seen at comic con!

    Also next week, Ono reveals the next fighting game, it's either Darkstalkers 4 or Rival Schools 3.

    but you know, since MMUniverse is for PSN and XBLA, I'm not expecting much,
    Capcom digital market games and digital market games in general are never massive and big budget enough.


    • #3
      Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

      mmmm the more I think about it, unless they went the rough like Castvania did, the only version of Mega Man I see working Online, would be the battle network series.

      Although, as I said with Castvania online, I feel that Mega Man is another one of those titles that really should not be multiplayer, but hey the Castlvania titles has started to grow on me a little, so maybe the Mega Man one will too.
      Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


      • #4
        Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

        Mew mew mew! online multiplayer can work for Megaman games!

        Go play SHOCKMAN on Turbografx16. I think Wii store has it too.

        That game back then was bold enough to do things Megaman dared not to do.

        1. 2 player co-op
        2. male and female protagonists that are both playable (2 playable characters!)
        3. team attack
        4. multiple cutscenes during progression

        of course it had its flaws, but it really sets an example of areas Megaman can improve upon.

        But you know, since it's called Universe, I have a feeling all Megaman character design incarnations (MM, X, Legends, etc.)
        will be intergrated into the character creation or character select system.

        They did mention classic gaming, so that proves it will still be 2-D gameplay, but perhaps 2.5D since 3-D has proven easier to work with for character creation, character edits, costumes, etc. faster and better than 2-D can.

        Oh mew but if the gameplay is like Battle Network or something slow paced and wonky like that, I will probably ignore this. -.-;

        Classic 2-D style gameplay/platforming/combat, with 3-D graphics, and character creation, multiplayer and maybe even co-op and/or versus, and then we might be getting somewhere.

        Hmm I wonder if there will be a stage creator if they are like the classic MM games? Maybe players can make their own robot master and challenge other players to get through their stage and fight them,

        while waiting, the robot master player can spectate what the hero player is doing. That would be so cool.


        • #5
          Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

 changed your avatar. For a second I thought we had another mew'er on the forums...
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it



            • #7
              Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

              Originally posted by TheGrandMom View Post
     changed your avatar. For a second I thought we had another mew'er on the forums...
              There can only ever be one J9, you know this. If we ever get a second it will end in blood splattered all over the ceiling.
              Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
              Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
              Name: Drjones
              Blog: Mediocre Mage


              • #8
                Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                Well they've taken Megaman so many directions that I actually can see a multiplayer game. But the mechanics of Mega Man Zero games are probably the peak of the series. If they could provide a robust character creation system with elements from MMZ games, I could go for that.

                I've really only just started the MMZ games, but I like it better than most Mega Man games already just for the weapons and RPG elements.


                • #9
                  Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                  Well the teaser trailer really isn't much to go by.
                  YouTube - megaman universe
                  But I kind of fear that they might actually be adding characters from other Capcom games in this game. It might feel out of place.

                  This could turn out to be a very fun fun game, or a really bad bad one due to certain design choices. >.<


                  • #10
                    Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                    Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                    Well the teaser trailer really isn't much to go by.
                    YouTube - megaman universe
                    But I kind of fear that they might actually be adding characters from other Capcom games in this game. It might feel out of place.

                    This could turn out to be a very fun fun game, or a really bad bad one due to certain design choices. >.<

                    I know that was supposed to be a teaser trailer...but the hell? That made no sense at all ;p
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #11
                      Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                      Capcom creating Mega Man Universe - News at GameSpot

                      "This is something that you have never seen before, and we have included some hints into this teaser trailer," Mega Man series producer Kenji Inafune told GameSpot. "If you take a look closely, you will be able to imagine a lot of different possibilities. So try and use your imagination, and you may figure out what makes this game special."

                      Beyond the cryptic promises, Capcom released few details. The game will launch on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Store, and the publisher has promised it will deliver "the core experience fans want," on top of its innovations. Despite the Mega-moniker in the title, the publisher also proclaimed that "imagination is the star of the game."


                      • #12
                        Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                        mmm at the end of the trailer, it says Mega Man Universe, followed by the words "Your World MEGA FIELD"

                        that and what you just posted, this is starting to sound like Little Big Planet, but with Mega Man and a few other Capcom characters.
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #13
                          Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                          it should have more content than that game. especially since it's focused on Megaman genre gameplay, instead of a wide variety of different game types, there should be tons of character customization, stage customization, maybe even design levels to be co-op style or single player.

                          Maybe even create our own Megaman games with whatever kind of main character or original robot we think of, and we can create 8 robot masters, and final stages and share them online? That would be so great! Especially if our created stages have optional co-op option. Oh ya and the gameplay graphics/art style should look good.

                          I don't like LBP's sack people they try to be kawaii but I find their design and their use just as dumb and annoying as Teletubbies. *cringe* -.-;

                          hmmm Megaman Universe might surpass Harmony of Despair.


                          • #14
                            Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                            LBP's content is user-generated content, as such, its not lacking in any content.

                            What you just said about LBP would be like saying there's nothing to watch on Youtube or Flipnote Hatena. If you mean "killing the hell out of robots" being "content" I suppose this game could have more, but that doesn't have to be what the other user-generated content games have to be about.

                            Can't really even be sure this is a user-generated content game yet.

                            And really, if it were that for Mega Man, that could actually be the worst thing you could do. If there's anything I could say about Mario, Sonic and Mega Man fans - its that they're not the most creative set of fans out there.

                            Check out Mario Vs. DK: Minis March Again or the Sonic Level creator - They either emulate what's been done before or come up with the most braindead garbage you can think of and they ask their friends to "rate up" their piece of shit levels.

                            I kid you not, someone will spend hours upon hours just recreating scenarios you've seen before in Mega Man if he's given the option.
                            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 07-16-2010, 09:55 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Mega Man Universe announced... and that's it

                              I've really only just started the MMZ games, but I like it better than most Mega Man games already just for the weapons and RPG elements.
                              Don't get too attached, only the first one had the Skill-up system and linked all the boss areas into one world (the latter comes back in ZX though.) From 2 onwards you get to learn boss skills for the different weapons if you scored A or S in the previous mission though (bosses will use their extra attack in 1 under these conditions, but you don't learn them.)

                              Mega Man X and Mega Man Legends are definitely the most MMO-able. Especially Legends, it was exploration-heavy; but it was also kind of a departure from the main series. Mega Man X has the Maverick Hunters organization going for it.
                              Oh mew but if the gameplay is like Battle Network or something slow paced and wonky like that, I will probably ignore this. -.-;
                              Battle Network combat was very different, but far from slow.

