So I figure we should just keep all E3 related awesomeness (and fail, oh lord there is some epic fail this year) discussion to one thread.
Epic Win
- 360 Slim with built in Wi-Fi, black gloss finish. better fans and built-in 250 GB HDD. Is also Kinect ready (all non-slim 360's are now officially out of production according to Joystiq)
- PS3 250 & 500 GB bundles with updated Wireless Card (now compatible with Wireless N routers WOOT!) and Sony Move.
- Halo Reach Campaign Trailer/Gameplay (Sept 14, 2010)
- Dead Space 2 Demo (January 25, 2011)
- Gears of War 3 Gameplay Demo (didn't check date sorry)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (every player gets their own star ship, that's awesome)
Epic Fail
- Sonic Colors (what the fuck SEGA? Just what the fuck.)
- No Wii HD
- Microsoft Kinetic (until we see exactly how it works anyway)
Epic Win
- 360 Slim with built in Wi-Fi, black gloss finish. better fans and built-in 250 GB HDD. Is also Kinect ready (all non-slim 360's are now officially out of production according to Joystiq)
- PS3 250 & 500 GB bundles with updated Wireless Card (now compatible with Wireless N routers WOOT!) and Sony Move.
- Halo Reach Campaign Trailer/Gameplay (Sept 14, 2010)
- Dead Space 2 Demo (January 25, 2011)
- Gears of War 3 Gameplay Demo (didn't check date sorry)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (every player gets their own star ship, that's awesome)
Epic Fail
- Sonic Colors (what the fuck SEGA? Just what the fuck.)
- No Wii HD
- Microsoft Kinetic (until we see exactly how it works anyway)