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Nintendo 3DS

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  • Re: Nintendo 3DS

    That being said I would probably end up looking at getting an American 3DS just to play Devil Survivor Overclocked and Persona 5.
    Still don't know where you're getting Persona 5 from. Its not been announced for any system and the Persona team hasn't announced their next project anyway. The name's always just been tentatively "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona" since E3 last year. That could be anything.


    • Re: Nintendo 3DS

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      Still don't know where you're getting Persona 5 from. Its not been announced for any system and the Persona team hasn't announced their next project anyway. The name's always just been tentatively "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona" since E3 last year. That could be anything.
      Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Persona: Nocturne Summoner.


      • Re: Nintendo 3DS

        Nintendo 3DS: No match for iPhone - Video - Technology

        There is too much herp for the derp here and an insufficient amount of face to palm.

        Dude doesn't even know what flash cards are, apparently.


        • Re: Nintendo 3DS

          When he said "its not PS3 graphics but its ok" I stopped listening to him, and then he goes on with "I turned the 3D up all the way and walked away cross eyed" I had to laugh at his lies. Best had to be when he said "the I-phone can do more for less"

          Apple is an obvious pocket liner with this guy.

          Also he insults the system pretty bad at 2:25+ saying things like "its retro design" and "insult to injury it has a stylus" -.- this guy is stupid......
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • Re: Nintendo 3DS

            I actually stopped listening sooner, I can't stand listening to 20-something guys that sound like their balls still haven't dropped. I just read some transcript instead.

            I'm curious to know the "more" iPhone can do, aside from playing Angry Birds and a bunch of other shovelware really well.


            • Re: Nintendo 3DS

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              DS games don't have a region lock. None, so what does it matter if it comes to the US or not? If you want it, you just import it.
              Exactly the point I conveyed. Let me try to understand your position: you're saying that region lockouts isn't a big deal and shouldn't be a factor in the success of 3DS -or- people whining about region lockout are complaining trivially about it -or- you do want region lockout and are telling everyone that unless the hardware gets put on shelf, we should hold off on the finger wagging at Nintendo.



              • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                Let me try to understand your position: you're saying that region lockouts isn't a big deal and shouldn't be a factor in the success of 3DS -or- people whining about region lockout are complaining trivially about it -or- you do want region lockout and are telling everyone that unless the hardware gets put on shelf, we should hold off on the finger wagging at Nintendo.
                I'm saying until we have a real sample of games that are (1) from Japan and (2) Japan only people may very well be making much ado about nothing. As of now, for 3DS we do not have those samples and won't for some time. Sticking a JP copy of Super Monkey Ball into a EU 3DS tells us nothing. Sega was bringing that to the US and Europe weeks later, so why would it need to be region-free?

                Something like Inazuma Eleven, though, probably would be something Level 5 wouldn't bring to the US. There's just no market for the Soccer RPG. If its in Level 5s power to not region lock this, why would they lock it? I don't see much of a point. If they're not bringing it to the US or Europe, they clearly don't care about the data collected in other markets for it.


                • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                  I'm saying until we have a real sample of games that are (1) from Japan and (2) Japan only people may very well be making much ado about nothing.
                  Yes, but it's also an odd posture to make. Akin to "Let's ban cigarretes. Wait, don't bitch yet! Until the revolts happen, you're bitching about nothing."


                  • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Still don't know where you're getting Persona 5 from. Its not been announced for any system and the Persona team hasn't announced their next project anyway. The name's always just been tentatively "Shin Megami Tensei: Persona" since E3 last year. That could be anything.
                    I'm fairly sure it was announced a few years back that the next persona title would be on a handheld and it's a bit too soon for a Persona 4 remake though a port or remake is possible. A direct sequel to Persona 4 wouldn't really work either since the story was wrapped up nicely.

                    That leaves the following as the most likely: Persona 5 or a P4 port, though I have heard some rumours that it could be a P3P port.
                    Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                    Reiko Takahashi
                    - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                    Haters Gonna Hate


                    • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                      Well, I got mine with SSFIV 3D and Ghost Recon.

                      Everything is good except that the left speaker is shot, so I have to return this one unfortunately. Guess I'm going to bed now rather than later so I can run back out at 9am to make sure I can get another. I don't know how many we had in stock as I wasn't working the midnight sale.


                      • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        I'm saying until we have a real sample of games that are (1) from Japan and (2) Japan only people may very well be making much ado about nothing.
                        Even assuming that companies actually do decide not to enable region locks on titles only meant for one country, all it takes is a backfire in your release to screw it up. Fatal Frame 4, for example. Planned for western release, and then canceled. In that case, because it sucked, but people still wanted to play it.


                        • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                          yeah the controls are really REALY bad, I have no clue what the hell they where thinking..... but I plan on running the game on my emulator, and remapping the controls to my game pad, see if I can fix it some what.

                          oh and by the way, got my 3DS, and loving the hell out of Bust-a-Move
                          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                          • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                            My 3DS friend code is 3093 7070 1972

                            Guess I'll sig it, but for those that got a 3DS, I suppose its relevant to post.

                            All I have is Street Fighter for online, though. I don't think Ghost Recon has online multi.


                            • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                              My Friend Code is 3780 9025 1422.

                              Not that I have any games yet.


                              • Re: Nintendo 3DS

                                Well, I got two Street Pass tags today. One from a coworker and apparently one on the way home. Seems the people in Street Pass can be used one time in some Mii Plaza mini-games, one of which is an mini-RPG where your Mii gets captured and locked away, so they're in need of saving and the people you meet on streetpass are to save them.

                                Seems our heroes run away after attacking, though. You can also hire NPCs with game coins, but those are earned through the system's pedometer for everay 100 steps you take with the 3DS. The treasure they earn if they win are hats. My second guy beat the first floor of the place and looted a Mario hat for my Mii.

