[ame=http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=21046536&postcount=240]NeoGAF - View Single Post - Konami Trademarks Harmony of Despair[/ame]
That Multiplayer Castlevania Game Looks Pretty Real Now
GamerBytes - Castlevania: Harmony Of Despair Rated In Australia
Mew mew mew MEEEEEW! I would buy a Xbox 360 for this! Oh mew! This should go multiplatorm! Console gamers waited YEARS for something like this! Yay! Classic CV characters playable! 6 player co-op searching for a boss in the level! Lots of replay value to be sure!

The gameplay and squeeeness overflows! xD
"What is a mew? A wonderful bundle of kawaiiness!!!!" =^^=
That Multiplayer Castlevania Game Looks Pretty Real Now
GamerBytes - Castlevania: Harmony Of Despair Rated In Australia
Mew mew mew MEEEEEW! I would buy a Xbox 360 for this! Oh mew! This should go multiplatorm! Console gamers waited YEARS for something like this! Yay! Classic CV characters playable! 6 player co-op searching for a boss in the level! Lots of replay value to be sure!

The gameplay and squeeeness overflows! xD
"What is a mew? A wonderful bundle of kawaiiness!!!!" =^^=