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new Dissidia matches! player vs player

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  • new Dissidia matches! player vs player

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- Dissidia Final Fantasy Ad-Hoc Party Battle: Emperor (Robo) vs Squall (RDF2050)[/nomedia]

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- Dissidia Final Fantasy Ad-Hoc Party Battle: Golbez (Robo) vs Garland (funkyman02)[/nomedia]

    [nomedia=""]YouTube- DissidiaForums KAoS Tourny: Terra (Robo) vs Aveot (Sephiroth) Loser's Bracket Round 8 Match 3[/nomedia]

    they really should make a sequel exclusively for PS3. or PS3 and Xbox360 as long as ps3 gets to play it too. PSN would get more used all day every day!

  • #2
    Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

    Last video was lame, haven't seen the others yet.

    Been a while since I played, but Tidus & Zidane are still the best characters IIRC.



    • #3
      Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

      they really should make a sequel exclusively for PS3.
      It would be a total waste if they did, actually. What games that were made for handhelds by design have ever been fun on consoles?

      How many discussions do you see between me and Armando about Pokemon Battle Revolution?

      Exactly. It just doesn't work as well on consoles. When its on the handheld, no one questions its design, but the second it comes to consoles a world of different expectations are thrust upon it. And that includes expections from people that don't understand that game at all.

      Not to mention they'd have to remake all the assets they had from the PSP version of Dissidia. You'd probably piss the off all of the Japanese fanbase by forcing them to get a PS3 to play it and all westnern players by making them start from scratch since their progress would not carry over.. Doesn't sound like good business sense at all.

      Dissidia is a game designed to be played into the ground, games like that are never good for consoles. I've logged 140+ hours on it and that wouldn't happen if it were a console game. I've already put 80 hours into Pokemon Soul Silver and I'm not close to finished with it. Still got the remaining Kanto Gym Badges to get, the Kanto Elite Four, the Jhoto Battle Frontier and all these Legendaries to catch.
      Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 05-08-2010, 12:52 PM.


      • #4
        Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        You'd probably piss the off all of the Japanese fanbase by forcing them to get a PS3 to play it and all westnern players by making them start from scratch since their progress would not carry over..

        Like they don't all have one already. PS3 has like what, 3x the market penetration over PSP in Japan?

        It would make the most sense for them to make it a PSN title that you can download to the PSP (all models) and PS3.

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Dissidia is a game designed to be played into the ground, games like that are never good for consoles. I've logged 140+ hours on it and that wouldn't happen if it were a console game.
        IMO platform honestly has no bearing on this... If you're reasoning is simply because on a console you have huge AAA titles that you may rather play, again, I discredit this as it varies according to the individual. Take the Armored Core series; I've played those games way into the ground blowing all kinds of time trying out different combinations for my AC.

        If the game is well built someone will play it until there's nothing left regardless of what platform it's on. I will concede that handhelds, being portable, certainly lean themselves more toward this. However I've sat in my bedroom playing Dissidia to death wishing I could be using my PS3 instead.



        • #5
          Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post

          Dissidia is a game designed to be played into the ground, games like that are never good for consoles. I've logged 140+ hours on it and that wouldn't happen if it were a console game.
          Huh?? I've logged over 100 hours individually in more than a few console games. Hell I put 160 hours into FFX and let's not forget people that play FFXI on the 360 or PS2.
          Originally posted by Feba
          But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
          Originally posted by Taskmage
          God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
          Originally posted by DakAttack
          ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


          • #6
            Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

            I'd rather be lounging on the couch playing a console game than leaning over a handheld with a tiny screen for hours on end. And who are we kidding, I don't travel so the portability isn't really a factor for me, I sit on my ass and play on a TV!


            • #7
              Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              It would be a total waste if they did, actually. What games that were made for handhelds by design have ever been fun on consoles?
              Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce is 100% more fun on console than it is on PSP. and it originated on PSP.

              PSN has much superior world-wide connection between players instead of something inferior like ad-hoc/wi-fi.
              Also better controls, bigger screen, better sound, etc.

              Plus people literally are playing PSOne games on their PS3 even, so graphics nor content stop the masses from playing
              what they feel is fun.

              Also given the fact that despite Dissidia's "simplicity", it's fanservice that is proven to sell tons, Square Enix is missing out on an EASY GOLDMINE simply porting it or making an upgraded sequel for PS3.


              • #8
                Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                Originally posted by Fliegar View Post
                I'd rather be lounging on the couch playing a console game than leaning over a handheld with a tiny screen for hours on end. And who are we kidding, I don't travel so the portability isn't really a factor for me, I sit on my ass and play on a TV!
                This. Bugs the hell out of me that NIS put the Prinny games on the PSP and not either the PS2 or PS3. Ditto for the FF3 re-release being DS only.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                • #9
                  Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                  Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                  Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce is 100% more crap on console than it is on PSP. and it originated on PSP, which was crap itself.

                  Also, really bad example. I seem to remember tons of Dynasty Warrior games on console before it ever even hit PSP, what do you think the PSP games were based on? Is it really a surprise there was a console version?

                  Originally posted by TGM
                  Huh?? I've logged over 100 hours individually in more than a few console games. Hell I put 160 hours into FFX and let's not forget people that play FFXI on the 360 or PS2.
                  I've found it happens a lot more often with handheld games, seeing as they can be taken anywhere.

                  Originally posted by Fliegar
                  I'd rather be lounging on the couch playing a console game than leaning over a handheld with a tiny screen for hours on end. And who are we kidding, I don't travel so the portability isn't really a factor for me, I sit on my ass and play on a TV!
                  Unfortunately, you and your couch do not make Japan.


                  • #10
                    Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    I've found it happens a lot more often with handheld games, seeing as they can be taken anywhere.
                    You know you'd think it would be the opposite. Handheld games would be shorter and easier to to play for short bouts. Handhelds were made for on the go gaming so they'd make most games on the go friendly. Console games are for when you are at home and can dedicate longer periods of time to playing. So long games would work well since you don't always need to save quickly and many times you can just set the controller down and brb.
                    Originally posted by Feba
                    But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                    Originally posted by Taskmage
                    God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                    Originally posted by DakAttack
                    ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                    • #11
                      Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                      but Dissidia battles are no longer than console fighting game battles, in fact, Dissidia bouts can be longer since they have no timer and most attacks don't do HP damage. It would make an excellent and widely accepted console game!

                      They should at least make it as a full game downloadable for PS3 use on PSN Store.


                      • #12
                        Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                        Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                        but Dissidia battles are no longer than console fighting game battles, in fact, Dissidia bouts can be longer since they have no timer and most attacks don't do HP damage.
                        Have you ever watched top-rank MVC2 guys duke it out?

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #13
                          Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                          Is dissida actually competitive? I have the notion that there are some unreal combinations of items that make matches super short and retarded. I don't really have my eye on the competitive scene for dissidia, but are there banned items and such? What type of ruleset do they run? Are there stage bans like in Smash?
                          Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                          This is why I J9:



                          • #14
                            Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                            [nomedia=""]YouTube- Dissidia 'PearlOfTheOrient' 1st Squall(SquallCloud) vs Emperor(Leorixx) 2nd vs Cloud(Cloudstrife024)[/nomedia]

                            AMAZING!!! MEW MEW MEW !!!!! Good matches!

                            Ya there is a big competitive scene, but it's largely underground because of course PSP like all portables are inferior with it's inferior online/connectivity options compared to PSN and XBL. And of course PSP is really reserved for people too lazy to get a console and TV for pure quality gaming!

                            Dissidia would be 10000000 times more played and popular if was was released on PS3. even re-releasing it by porting it to PS3 would be a easy way for SE to make money without having to invest on a new game from scratch.

                            The only problem is that from what I seen, SE doesn't include online gaming in a game unless they are charging for it, or it's just made as a low budget title for a inferior platform like a portable system.

                            but other than that, mew, they are missing a big opportunity! Dissidia and the community could be so much more on PS3!


                            • #15
                              Re: new Dissidia matches! player vs player

                              The whole idea that console is made for longer experiences is complete bullshit. That's like saying Paper Mario requires more time and dedication thank Pokemon. Games are generally what the developer makes of them regardless of platform. But Dissidia was clearly designed for handheld play. Even though you might have long sessions with it, it still a game you can quit at any time and is designed for quick fix play when it comes to that.

                              As for the comfort nonsense, neither PSP or DS have ever given me a problem with my neck. We hunched over Game Boy because there was no light and we wanted to see it better. We have nice, bright backlit screens now, I don't have to stick the DS or PSP right in my face to see them.

