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Back in Black: The Wii /w Wii Sports, WS Resort and Wii Motion Plus for $200

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  • #16
    Re: Back in Black: The Wii /w Wii Sports, WS Resort and Wii Motion Plus for $200

    Originally posted by Cheezeman3000 View Post
    Omg so true. If I hadn't already owned a Wii, I would buy one solely for Metroid: Other M.

    Right now I'm not playing anything on my Wii because my roommates and I recently completed New Super Mario Bros. But let me tell you... even though I've spent more time on my PS3, I do think I've had the most fun on the Wii.
    Wii encourages an arcade mentality - you gotta come over to the house to play with friends.

    MS had to refer to Perfect Dark as "The Golden Age of Splitscreen gaming" because, you know, they don't let split screen and LAN stuff happen in games much anymore. Easier to inflate sales of a game if you can force everyone to buy their own copy.

    I don't think NSMB Wii is still selling because of the multiplayer, but because to play the multiplayer, you had to play with your friends. When you did that, you saw the game was great, wanted it and got your own copy.


    • #17
      Re: Back in Black: The Wii /w Wii Sports, WS Resort and Wii Motion Plus for $200

      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
      Don't take this the wrong way, but you say this every time and I don't think anyone cares.

      You made an ill-informed purchase, really. You're one of those people that doesn't get Nintendo is a company operating on two fronts. I've known this since 1989 and wonder why people don't get that. A Nintendo console always plays second fiddle to the handhelds. That's why I waited four years to get a Wii.
      Don't get me wrong, the games which ARE good on the Wii really are worth playing. They're just few and very far between, and I'm forever QQing at how the console with the largest install base this generation has such an anemic release schedule of games (not even GOOD games - just games in general).

      If I really thought my Wii wasn't worth owning I'd have sold it long ago. But am I disappointed that there are only really two or three standout titles on the system each year, give or take? You betcha.

      How's PSP playing second-fiddle to PS3 working out for PSP, though? I could complain, but the times I play my PSP I tend to enjoy it very much, I'm getting my moneys worth. Like the Wii, I waited a few years to invest because I knew it was second fiddle to the Sony consoles. Dissidia and Persona gave me the final incentive, just as Metroid Other M and the JRPG scene shifting to the Wii has turned me to the Wii.

      I am no early adopter except when it comes to Nintendo handhelds. I know there will be support there.
      I play my PSP more than my Wii, which is saying something, because the PSP doesn't exactly have a stellar library of games either (though again, the rare titles that do stand out tend to be really fantastic).


