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Discussion about breaking NDAs

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  • #61
    Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

    Leaking for fans of the game does absolutely no harm, in fact it gives the game a good reputation among the diehards.

    Leaking such that everyone who doesn't know about the game (who willl only see it's faults) hurts the game. (THIS is why NDAs exist)

    It's almost impossible to have a live stream that many common gamers will see, as only diehards will be on forums that could possibly link to it.

    NDA is a safety net to not let things get out of hand, it's not a way to slap gamers who weren't lucky enough to get into the beta in the face. This is why SE lets out info to Famitsu and Dengeki about the beta.

    Anyone who says otherwise needs a boot so hard up the ass they need a dentist to remove it.



    • #62
      Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

      Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
      Leaking for fans of the game does absolutely no harm, in fact it gives the game a good reputation among the diehards.

      Leaking such that everyone who doesn't know about the game (who willl only see it's faults) hurts the game. (THIS is why NDAs exist)

      It's almost impossible to have a live stream that many common gamers will see, as only diehards will be on forums that could possibly link to it.

      NDA is a safety net to not let things get out of hand, it's not a way to slap gamers who weren't lucky enough to get into the beta in the face. This is why SE lets out info to Famitsu and Dengeki about the beta.

      Anyone who says otherwise needs a boot so hard up the ass they need a dentist to remove it.

      I think this is the most logical post in the entire thread.

      I know people want to see more info on the game, but it still has ~9 months before it's out. There is a high probability a lot of things are going to change from the leaked info we got. And since SE opened up a YouTube channel I'm pretty sure they'll have game content up on it when stuff is getting finalized and more stable than what we currently have. - Rants and other crap on my mind.


      • #63
        Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

        Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
        Leaking for fans of the game does absolutely no harm, in fact it gives the game a good reputation among the diehards.

        Leaking such that everyone who doesn't know about the game (who willl only see it's faults) hurts the game. (THIS is why NDAs exist)

        It's almost impossible to have a live stream that many common gamers will see, as only diehards will be on forums that could possibly link to it.
        Then why have the NDA at all?

        If only people who are fans are going to see leaks but the seeing those leaks will only dissuade "common gamers" from liking the game then there's never going to be any reason to have a NDA.

        The NDA is there for one reason. To give the owners of the IP control over what information is released when. Whether or not you think that releasing that information is meaning less, its not your right to decide, its theirs. If you don't agree to that condition then you should never agree to the NDA.


        • #64
          Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

          The NDA exists because:

          Leaking such that everyone who doesn't know about the game (who will only see it's faults) hurts the game. (THIS is why NDAs exist)

          People who don't already know a lot about FFXIV may not realise that the bugs and issues are only temproary. SE thus doesn't want everyone to see . But the type of people who will look for and watch a live stream will obviously be more educated.

          If there was no NDA leaks would be everywhere and regular "uneducated" gamers would make pre-emptive decisions. The NDA exists to stop this, but what type of casual gamer would seriously look for a live stream of the game that would only realistically be up a couple of hours every few weeks?
          Last edited by Cryxen; 04-12-2010, 01:24 AM. Reason: stuffing


          • #65
            Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

            And that's what it says in the NDA? Don't leak any information to "uneducated" gamers?

            The NDA states that it can't be discussed outside of the alpha/beta forums. Discussing it outside of there is a breach of the NDA whether its to fans or not.

            If we use the traffic law analogy again. Just because you can drive at 100 MPH without hurting anyone, it doesn't mean that doing so isn't against the law.

            The terms in the NDA aren't there as a suggestion of what you should you should and shouldn't do. Its a legally binding agreement. SE are unlikely do do anything more than just revoke someone access if they breach it but if they wanted to could take things futher and take out legal procedings against the offending parties. I don't think they would unless someone was selling off the informtion since it would be very bad publicity but they would be in their rights to do so.

            Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the leaked information as much as anyone else here but it doesn't change the fact that its breaching the NDA and shouldn't have been done.


            • #66
              Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

              SE is having a public beta. Public!!!!!!!!!

              NDA is to prevent the footage going "mainstream", they know it will end up in the hands of those who really want it.

              They know the NDA will be broken by the die-hards, they don't care about that. They just don't want uninformed people making uninformed decisions.

              If they wanted it utterly protected it would have been in-house. Not for every 1 in a 100 that signed up. The NDA wasn't written by some bearded dude on a stone fucking tablet.


              • #67
                Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                SE is having a public beta. Public!!!!!!!!!
                Eventually, yes. At the moment the're in a closed alpha. Then the plan os for a closed beta, then finally a public beta when THEY choose for that information to be released to everyone.

                Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                NDA is to prevent the footage going "mainstream", they know it will end up in the hands of those who really want it.

                They know the NDA will be broken by the die-hards, they don't care about that. They just don't want uninformed people making uninformed decisions.
                Then why was Pooky banned if SE don't care about it being leaked?

                Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                The NDA wasn't written by some bearded dude on a stone fucking tablet.
                No, it was written by SE's legal department.

                Information gained while under an NDA shouldn't be shared with anyone not under the NDA. Fan or not. It has nothing to do with people making uninformed decissions on the game.


                • #68
                  Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                  Pooky was banned so it didn't go mainstream.

                  It is a public beta, it's not an OPEN beta, SE knew there would be leaks with a public beta. They just don't want it to go mainstream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Are you dense by merit of being stupid? Or are you a magnificent breakthrough in the study of metallurgy?


                  • #69
                    Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                    Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                    Pooky was banned so it didn't go mainstream.

                    It is a public beta, it's not an OPEN beta, SE knew there would be leaks with a public beta. They just don't want it to go mainstream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Are you dense by merit of being stupid? Or are you a magnificent breakthrough in the study of metallurgy?
                    If you want to take part in a discussion can you do so without personal attacks and insults please?

                    Nowhere in the NDA agreement does it specify that its acceptable to disclose any informtion from the game with anyone, I'm not sure what makes you think otherwise. I'm sure SE know the risks of allowing people access to the beta. I'm sure they knew that there would be people who would breach it. That doesn't mean that its right for people to do so. SE's NDA for Final Fantasy XIV is especially strict. Not being allowed to mention that you have been accpeted as an Alpha / Beta tester is unusual and personally I can't see any action being brought against anyone that breached the agreement on those terms, it could still happen though. I was taking part in the APB beta over the weekend, the NDA for that made no mention of not being able to disclose that you are a tester on it.


                    • #70
                      Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                      Originally posted by Kafeen View Post

                      Nowhere in the NDA agreement does it specify that its acceptable to disclose any informtion from the game with anyone, I'm not sure what makes you think otherwise.
                      I think it was all the winking.

                      In my opinion, SE is the master of hype and any leak is a calculated risk on their part.


                      • #71
                        Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                        Gods above, must i explain myself once more.

                        I personally think:

                        SE knew there would be leaks with a public beta. They just don't want it to go mainstream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Meaning that they are only genuinely concerned with leaks going mainstream, that's why they delete extreme behaviour leaking the game.

                        And that is why there is a NDA banning "all leaks", they know that leaks will get out but the NDA bans all leaks so they have justification to remove leaks that will go mainstream and make uneducated gamers make uninformed decisions.

                        If all the village idiots all over the world left their villages and made their own village, you would be the village idiot of that village of idiots.


                        • #72
                          Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                          Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                          If all the village idiots all over the world left their villages and made their own village, you would be the village idiot of that village of idiots.
                          Oh well, I guess you can't take part in a discussion without resorting to insults...


                          • #73
                            Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                            Oh, my one weakness. How did you know.

                            I guess you're right. SE will take off the velvet glove and come down on the thousands of existing beta pictures and numerous videos with an iron fist.

                            Oh wait.

                            I want to exist in this thread like you make love: Alone.


                            • #74
                              Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                              Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                              Pooky was banned so it didn't go mainstream.

                              It is a public beta, it's not an OPEN beta, SE knew there would be leaks with a public beta. They just don't want it to go mainstream!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Are you dense by merit of being stupid? Or are you a magnificent breakthrough in the study of metallurgy?

                              Alpha, closed beta, both are not to be talked about under the NDA

                              Open beta, still closed of to everyone but the selected, but can be talked about

                              public beta, open to anyone that wants to join, and can freely be talked about
                              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                              • #75
                                Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                                get a room, the two of you
                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

