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Discussion about breaking NDAs

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  • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

    Originally posted by Neverslip View Post
    "Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37B of the contract signed by him, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy - "I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained," et cetera, et cetera... "Fax mentis, incendium gloria cultum," et cetera, et cetera... Memo bis punitor delicatum! It's all there! Black and white, clear as crystal! You STOLE Fizzy-Lifting Drinks! You BUMPED into the ceiling, which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get... NOTHING!!! You lose! GOOD DAY, SIR!" ~ W. Wonka
    [nomedia=""]YouTube- YOU GET NOTHING! (Sparta Remix)[/nomedia]
    Last edited by Durahansolo; 04-12-2010, 05:22 PM.
    {New Sig in the works}
    "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

    Originally posted by Aksannyi
    "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
    Originally posted by Solymir
    What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


    • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

      Originally posted by Ufgt View Post
      I love Glimore Girls. Alexis Bledel = .
      Originally posted by Ziero View Post
      ....err, chances are, none of this leaked XIV info will ever be on TV or in any real magazine
      I read this far and stopped reading, lol. That's what my idea, and I am going to guess Cryxen, consider mainstream.. not a live stream on where mostly hardcore FF fans were the ones watching lol.
      Originally posted by Icemage View Post
      Watch the name-calling, folks. This is your final warning.
      Doo doo head!
      A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

      it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

      R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

      Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


      • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

        Originally posted by Pwnagraphic View Post
        Doo doo head!
        BANNNNT! NAOW! *rowr*



        • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

          *cowers in fear*
          A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

          it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

          R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

          Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


          • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

            Originally posted by Ziero
            simply leaking in game graphics and gameplay at this stage will never really leave hardcore videogame nerd websites.

            Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
            This is what i've been stressing all along.

            How will it hurt if educated fans are watching? It won't because they know what stage the game is in it's development.

            I believe SE don't care terribly about these such leaks but stop them when they gain mementum to prevent them becoming saturated.
            SE don't care if the site the information on is a small fan site or a "mainstream" site. Though I'm still not sure what you mean by that.

            Even if it was official information released by SE themselves, chances are it still isn't going to leave videogame nerd websites, simply because the majority of people aren't going to care about it anyway. You aren't exactly going to see BBC headlines if SE announce that a new playable race will be added.

            Yesterday there was a small fansite called FFXIBlog with Pooky's video on it. Later that day the videos were gone. Not because it was a popular mainstream site but because even though it was a small fansite it was reported to SE.


            • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

              Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
              ;_; was it fun? I was looking at some gameplay trailers the about two weeks ago, and the amount of customization had me interested in playing.

              Back on topic, SE asked BG to take down some of their leaked things that had been posted on the site. However, there are still alpha videos being hosted on a video site. I wonder why haven't they been found and taken down yet.
              YouTube is notorious for being slow taking down copyrighted content is why. Heck, I don't even think regular users can report a video for copyright claims anymore.
              Last edited by Corrderio; 04-12-2010, 11:55 PM.

     - Rants and other crap on my mind.


              • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                Originally posted by Kafeen View Post

                SE don't care if the site the information on is a small fan site or a "mainstream" site. Though I'm still not sure what you mean by that.


                I'll put it this way.

                SE will only ban leaks brought to their attention, they won't (and haven't) go out of their way to look for them.

                'Cause they don't really care unless the leak saturated the gaming community such that noobs (those unaware that the final game Won't be buggy) will see.

                How many times do i have to explain this? /facepalm

                ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

                The only thing SE is trying to keep from the community (at large) is the fact that in it's current state the game is buggy.

                All else has already been revealed. Even pooky didn't even reveal anything we don't already know.


                • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                  Originally posted by Corrderio View Post
                  YouTube is notorious for being slow taking down copyrighted content is why. Heck, I don't even think regular users can report a video for copyright claims anymore.
                  The videos weren't on youtube though...
                  {New Sig in the works}
                  "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                  Originally posted by Aksannyi
                  "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                  Originally posted by Solymir
                  What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                  • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                    Originally posted by Durahansolo View Post
                    The videos weren't on youtube though...
                    It was available yesterday : [nomedia=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

                    But now you get :
                    "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Association of Copyright for Computer Software."

                    It wasn't the fill video though, just the first 6 minutes or so, going through the Character editor and a little of the start of the game.


                    • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                      Originally posted by Cryxen View Post

                      I'll put it this way.

                      SE will only ban leaks brought to their attention, they won't (and haven't) go out of their way to look for them.

                      'Cause they don't really care unless the leak saturated the gaming community such that noobs (those unaware that the final game Won't be buggy) will see.

                      How many times do i have to explain this? /facepalm

                      ---------- Post added at 07:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:29 PM ----------

                      The only thing SE is trying to keep from the community (at large) is the fact that in it's current state the game is buggy.

                      All else has already been revealed. Even pooky didn't even reveal anything we don't already know.
                      Don't you know so much about what SE wants and does not want? Also if it bugs you so much to explain anything, why are you still doing it?
                      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


                      • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                        Originally posted by Kafeen View Post
                        It wasn't the fill video though, just the first 6 minutes or so, going through the Character editor and a little of the start of the game.
                        LOL well, I can't say I'm surprised, but when I was originally talking about it I wasn't talking about youtube.
                        {New Sig in the works}
                        "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi
                        "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                        Originally posted by Solymir
                        What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                        • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                          Originally posted by Cryxen View Post
                          How will it hurt if educated fans are watching? It won't because they know what stage the game is in it's development.

                          I believe SE don't care terribly about these such leaks but stop them when they gain mementum to prevent them becoming saturated.

                          The NDA bans all leaks to give SE precedent, but they knew that leaks would occur because they are using random people on the internet to test their game.
                          First off, LOL @ assuming most 'fans' involved in the live stream were 'educated'. Most of them were angry trolls from 4chan looking to piss people off and didn't really care about the game. That's generally where most of the drama came from, the chat of the live stream being inundated with aggressive trolling and constant screams of 'ban' and obscenities.

                          SE only stops leaks when they're reported. They really don't have the man power to go trolling the intrawebs to find them all. Pooky's stream was a widely known, heavily reported stream so of course it would get banned. The live streams for the JP Alpha vids on Nicovideo (the second time it's being done mind you) went unnoticed by SE however, since it was limited access (the irony being that they're limiting access to something that has limited access) and thus fewer people could report it. Yes SE knew there would be leaks, but not because it's random people testing their game, it's because there's always leaks, even if it's from people on staff. NDA's are just a basic "coveryo'ass" contract that most people don't really take all that seriously until it actually bite's someone in the ass for screwing with it.

                          Originally posted by Cryxen View Post

                          I'll put it this way.

                          SE will only ban leaks brought to their attention, they won't (and haven't) go out of their way to look for them.

                          'Cause they don't really care unless the leak saturated the gaming community such that noobs (those unaware that the final game Won't be buggy) will see.

                          How many times do i have to explain this? /facepalm

                          The only thing SE is trying to keep from the community (at large) is the fact that in it's current state the game is buggy.

                          All else has already been revealed. Even pooky didn't even reveal anything we don't already know.
                          The general population of the gaming community knew the game was buggy long before the NA alpha started up. In fact one of the biggest complaints from the EU Alpha was their inability to even log in, which is completely normal for first phase alphas. SE only stops leaks brought to their attention not because they don't care (they do) but because they simply don't have the manpower to have people scouring the entity of the internet to find and stop all the leaks. When it's reported to them, especially em mass, SE will take action. Otherwise they go blind and deaf to the leaks simply because they're too busy to really worry about it.

                          Long story short, the simple fact of the matter is, whether NDA leaks affect the game is questionable, but whether or not SE cares isn't. They do care, which is why they ask people to report them.
                          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                          • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                            Originally posted by Balfree View Post
                            Don't you know so much about what SE wants and does not want? Also if it bugs you so much to explain anything, why are you still doing it?
                            It's just logic.

                            If they really cared they'd get rid of the all the hundreds of leaks. Google + korean guy on $.05 an hour = 90% of pics and vids gone in 1 day.

                            But... they haven't.

                            This mean se not care leak much uh?

                            ---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 PM ----------

                            Ziero, were you trying to support my point?

                            Who cares what 4chan trolls think? That was my point about Pooky Poo specifically not doing any harm to the game.


                            • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                              I'm more or less taking the middle ground on this issue, as I've seen enough to know SE does care about even the smallest leaks (pics) and will have them taken down when they see them, yet at the same time believe that these kinds of leaks have very little (if any) affect on the overall outcome of the game.

                              This whole incident with Pooky was blown way out of proportion by both sides of the 'debate', but that's generally what happens when the internet is involved. I don't see Pooky as a 'martyr' or a 'victim' and I don't see the people who reported him/her as being in the wrong either. But generally speaking, everyone ranting, raving screaming and crying and just generally taking all of this crap way too seriously (on both sides) are making this a far bigger deal then it actually was.

                              As I pointed out, Pooky wasn't the first streaming video of the game, nor was he/she the last. Hell, there are JPs who streamed the game both times their Alpha came up and nothing happened. No one got banned in a massive ball of fire and the game didn't self implode and release all it's secrets to the entire world. The NDA is in place to mainly prevent detailed leaks of secured information (aka not just gameplay) while trying to minimize any bad press that will come out of the game when it's at it's worst. It's been set up for pretty good reasons...whether we as fans actually care about those reasons though, well that's a whole 'nother story entirely.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                              • Re: Discussion about breaking NDAs

                                See, i just think the NDA is there to preserve the image of quality about the game.

                                SE has already released all there is to really is to know gameplay wise. All the streams/vids/pics haven't revealed any atomic surprises.

