Re: Final Fight & Magic Sword Double Impact
I had forgotten about it, and just happened to check XBL yesterday and it is out. Forgot to mention earlier that it is also on PSN. Downloaded it and played the whole game as Guy and OMG I do not remember dying that many times on SNES ever LOL. The music was a remix remastered version of the original, but it sounds just about as good as the original and it can also be switched to the original BGM. You can have an open game where anybody over XBL can jump in, or you can set it to invite only or nobody. Certain mobs are even more broken that I remember lol especially the Andores and Abagail, HOLY CRAP THEY ARE STRONG!
I'm still trying to figure out how the guy in first place over XBL died 400+ times and has a score of 9,999,999... The guy in 2nd didn't die near as many times lol.
I had forgotten about it, and just happened to check XBL yesterday and it is out. Forgot to mention earlier that it is also on PSN. Downloaded it and played the whole game as Guy and OMG I do not remember dying that many times on SNES ever LOL. The music was a remix remastered version of the original, but it sounds just about as good as the original and it can also be switched to the original BGM. You can have an open game where anybody over XBL can jump in, or you can set it to invite only or nobody. Certain mobs are even more broken that I remember lol especially the Andores and Abagail, HOLY CRAP THEY ARE STRONG!
I'm still trying to figure out how the guy in first place over XBL died 400+ times and has a score of 9,999,999... The guy in 2nd didn't die near as many times lol.