I know most players are divided on this issue but I think we should get use to it in away. I say that because EXP per battles don't exist anymore at least for FFXIII and FFXIV to come out. It will be more about a sphere grid or in FFXIII CRYSTARIUM where you earn Crystogen Points (CP) to make you character stronger per say or a better mage etc... I thought I would have a problem with that but so far I don't. I thought exp points were the way to go. I say just keep an open mind when you play the games. Out of the characters in FFXIII Lightning, Hope, Sazh, Snow, Vanille and Fang which is your favorite and please tell me why? What is your favorite Paradigms so far as well?
---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------
So, I take it many people are not playing FFXIII?
---------- Post added at 03:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:50 PM ----------
So, I take it many people are not playing FFXIII?