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Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer

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  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer

    [ame=""]YouTube- Deus Ex 3 Human Revolution GDC Teaser Trailer HD[/ame]

    Warren Spector presented this at GDC just a little while ago. Apparently he's involved in the project now somehow (Spector is with Disney right now, so maybe he's just has an advisory role?), but nothing more was said or revealed beyond this trailer and a promise more would be made know about the game at E3.

    Game is set for PS3, 360 and PC.

    People are claiming this is a prequel, but I'm calling bullshit on that right now.

    From what's shown in the trailer and going back over some of the material of the game, Helios seems to have been purged from JC Denton. Remember that Heilios was born out of two project - Deadalus and Icarus - the dream certainly plays up to the Icarus myth and there are twelve puritans that were shown around that table, arguable representing the Majestic 12 that created Denton.

    It was revealed in the first game that Denton was intended and created to host Helios, but Bob Page wanted to merge so he instead could become a god. Denton kills page, merges with Helios and destroys Area 51

    Due to some imperfections with the nanotech, the merge was not perfect or stable and JC Denton/Helios consented to be placed into stasis until he could be cured.

    Denton's reveals the intentions for the merge were good, he wanted to give Helios a sense of benevolence and use Helios to give every human the same opportunities to live enhanced lives through biomodifcations, creating a post-human society.

    But Helios would also have the ability to read every person's thought as a result of this, people would be able to hear each other's thoughts. While things might have been able to be done democratically, there would be no sense of privacy and as such, no real freedom.

    So either way, JC Denton is setting himself up to be a god.

    The three endings of DX2 you can side with JC Denton, or side with one of the other two factions - the Templars and the Omar - and kill him.

    I would say he's been purged of Helios rather than killed.

    If I'm somehow wrong and its a prequel, then the dream is a prophecy
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-12-2010, 06:46 AM.