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Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

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  • #46
    Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

    Originally posted by cidbahamut View Post
    Wow, the condescending tone of that video iis just awful. Remind me to mail him a bomb for Christmas.
    Don't you know anything about marketing? Being condescending makes people think you--and by association, your products--are cool. It's the same principle that has women chase assholes and men chase bitches.


    • #47
      Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

      that thing really is on TV.....?
      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

      - Pablo Picasso


      • #48
        Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

        "Who wants to pretend their hand is a gun? What is this third grade? Pew, pew pew!" take that Natal.

        It operates differently enough from the Wii that you can't really call it a knock off either. What it will all come down to really is how developers use it, which makes me wish Quantic Dreams had waited a bit longer to do Heavy Rain damn it. Heavy Rain + PSM = dramagasm.



        • #49
          Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

          Originally posted by Icemage View Post
          ^ I believe Kevin Butler is currently the person most made of "win" on the planet right about now. These new Sony commercials with him are really amazing (heck, he even makes the PlayStation Move seem like a good product, and that takes some doing!).

          These seem to be better when they're 30 seconds or less, that one was pretty unfunny, though.

          I think the one about the grandma hogging the PS3 to watch movies was the best one.

          WITH A STICK!


          • #50
            Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            IN AMERICA.
            Yes, that was a wonderful joke. I lol'd hard.

            Originally posted by Malacite View Post
            It operates differently enough from the Wii that you can't really call it a knock off either.
            Sure you can. It's not a knockoff in the technology used, but it's sure as hell a knockoff of the basic concept. The fact is that Sony and MS wouldn't be making Move and Natal if Nintendo hadn't had huge success with the Wii. If the Wii hadn't been realized, had failed, or probably even if it had been lackluster, they wouldn't care.

            But Nintendo built another money printing device, and Sony and MS are trying desperately to regain the ground they've lost.


            • #51
              Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

              "the future of gaming" oh please -.-

              its just another reason for Sony to sell that stupid camera of theirs, and it wont be any different from the Wiimote, other then maybe having more buttons.

              Oh and for that game the person was playing, he was using two.... how much is that going to cost ;p
              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


              • #52
                Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                Originally posted by Feba View Post
                Sure you can. It's not a knockoff in the technology used, but it's sure as hell a knockoff of the basic concept. The fact is that Sony and MS wouldn't be making Move and Natal if Nintendo hadn't had huge success with the Wii. If the Wii hadn't been realized, had failed, or probably even if it had been lackluster, they wouldn't care.

                But Nintendo built another money printing device, and Sony and MS are trying desperately to regain the ground they've lost.
                Sony and MS never lost any ground. Nintendo targeted the audience that were actually stupid enough to buy something with a motion controller, families and the casuals. These people were never on either Sony's or MS's respective radars until recently. They're attempting to steal some ground away from Nintendo, but I doubt they'll have any success because families and casuals hardly play their Wiis as it is. I doubt they're going to throw down some more money for something they wont use.

                Motion controllers will fail. Move and Natal will fail.


                • #53
                  Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                  Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                  Oh and for that game the person was playing, he was using two.... how much is that going to cost ;p
                  Considering how much cheaper it is to put a bulb on something than a set of accelerometers? You'd be surprised.

                  ---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

                  Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                  Motion controllers will fail.
                  Just like they've been failing for the past four years. Yep, market absolutely despises them thar Wiis, that's why Nintendo can't sell shit.

                  Oh wait.

                  People said that video games were a fad too. For that matter, pretty much every new form of entertainment has been described as a fad until people didn't stop liking it.

                  But model trains, those will be around forever.


                  • #54
                    Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    Considering how much cheaper it is to put a bulb on something than a set of accelerometers? You'd be surprised.

                    ---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

                    Just like they've been failing for the past four years. Yep, market absolutely despises them thar Wiis, that's why Nintendo can't sell shit.

                    Oh wait.

                    People said that video games were a fad too. For that matter, pretty much every new form of entertainment has been described as a fad until people didn't stop liking it.

                    But model trains, those will be around forever.
                    mmmm true......

                    ---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------

                    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                    Nintendo targeted the audience that were actually stupid enough to buy something with a motion controller, families and the casuals.

                    uuuummmm no -.-

                    Nintendo's goal with the Wii, was to create something everyone could enjoy, at a decent price, and guess what they did.

                    They did not concentrate or prioritize graphics, they wanted the game to play fun first, then look good.
                    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                    • #55
                      Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                      Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                      These seem to be better when they're 30 seconds or less, that one was pretty unfunny, though.
                      You have no sense of humor though I thought we'd already established this.

                      ---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:19 PM ----------

                      Originally posted by Feba View Post
                      Sure you can. It's not a knockoff in the technology used, but it's sure as hell a knockoff of the basic concept. The fact is that Sony and MS wouldn't be making Move and Natal if Nintendo hadn't had huge success with the Wii. If the Wii hadn't been realized, had failed, or probably even if it had been lackluster, they wouldn't care.
                      You do realize that this was all started back in 2004 as a project for the PS2 and has been evolving since right? Nintendo just got the fad moving, and what's more that fad is going to die off soon if we keep getting more shovelware. I'm not the only one sick of getting maybe a couple of great games a year alongside an ocean of garbage.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #56
                        Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        You do realize that this was all started back in 2004 as a project for the PS2 and has been evolving since right?
                        You do realize that with nothing to go on but the overwhelming success of the EyeToy, Sony never would've bothered to bring this to market, right? Just like the motion sensors in the Sixaxis-- sure, it was nothing new, but there's no way they would've been there had the Wii not happened.


                        • #57
                          Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post

                          Just like they've been failing for the past four years. Yep, market absolutely despises them thar Wiis, that's why Nintendo can't sell shit.
                          In Japan, the Wii sits in the shadows of the hand-held platforms with the PS3 and the 360. It may have sold well at some point, but that doesn't mean it's still popular. Sure, they have a lot of software sales, but it's mostly recycled Nintendo franchises pulling in repeat buyers. It's definitely not as popular as it may have been four years ago.

                          Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                          Nintendo's goal with the Wii, was to create something everyone could enjoy, at a decent price, and guess what they did.

                          They did not concentrate or prioritize graphics, they wanted the game to play fun first, then look good.
                          The Wii is as fun as any other toy. I haven't found toys fun since I was four.


                          • #58
                            Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                            Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                            In Japan, the Wii sits in the shadows of the hand-held platforms with the PS3 and the 360.
                            Also in Japan, they still have arcades, and they sell Beer and used panties in vending machines. Doesn't mean jack shit about commercial viability in America.

                            Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                            I haven't found toys fun since I was four.
                            Boy, your life must suck.


                            • #59
                              Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                              Originally posted by Feba View Post
                              Also in Japan, they still have arcades, and they sell Beer and used panties in vending machines. Doesn't mean jack shit about commercial viability in America.
                              As far as America goes, I know a bunch of people who own a Wii, but I don't know anybody who plays one. It's just a bunch of kids who weren't allowed to get an Xbox 360 for Christmas and bunch of people who "like" video games, saw Mario Kart Wii, and said "Hey, I remember playing that when I was a kid!" and then realized it wasn't as rosy as they thought.

                              Some real statistics would be nice, but all I can find are random articles that don't list their sources and stupid Onion articles.


                              • #60
                                Re: Sony's Wiimote unvield - its called "Move," catchy, eh? Ok, its not.

                                Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                                As far as America goes, I know a bunch of people who own a Wii, but I don't know anybody who plays one. It's just a bunch of kids who weren't allowed to get an Xbox 360 for Christmas and bunch of people who "like" video games, saw Mario Kart Wii, and said "Hey, I remember playing that when I was a kid!" and then realized it wasn't as rosy as they thought.

                                Some real statistics would be nice, but all I can find are random articles that don't list their sources and stupid Onion articles.
                                you base your opinions off nothing, I will admit that I dont like the PS3, but I wont go around saying things like you have, with nothing to back it up at all.

                                I can tell you right now me and my two best friends (we are all 25-26) play the Wii and love the hell out of games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros., Dokopon Kingdom, Boom BLocks, Mario Party 8, Monster Hunter, Resident Evil, and Mario and Metriod, along with countless other good titles on the Wii.

                                Yes there are plenty of bad games on Wii, but there are plenty of good ones too. Your "its for kids" mentality is doing nothing but making you look like a fool, and shutting you off to some good games.
                                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

