Destructoid - GDC: Sony reveals first PS3 Move game collections
So its called "Move"... yeah, well, I'm calling it a dildo because that's what it looks like. Who would have thought "Wiimote" and sounding like Elmer Fudd would be more marketable?

Games are knock-offs of things that should be familiar to you on the Wii. Except for perhaps Move Party, which incorporates the EyeToy and reminds you why you hated EyeToy and Sony Cambridge to start with.
Its cool the ball is actually a mo-cap ball and the items you use are rendered on screen in place of the Move Dildo, so you'll have a tennis racket that responds like one. Unfortunately, that's about as cool as it gets so far. In real life, you're swinging around something that looks like and probably could be a dildo.
Waving my arms around is one thing, but having to see me look like a retard on the TV screen isn't my idea of a good time, especially when I'm holding something that looks like a dildo. Most people don't like how they look on camera. Mirrors can be more flattering, cameras never are because they never lie.
I was hoping to see something a little more ambitious than this minigame fodder from Sony, but considering who they're trying to grab the attention of, its to be expected. Considering its only come into the picture now, I don't think the mildly superior technology here is going to change many minds or allegiances.
Doesn't help that its just more shit to buy. PS3's already $300 dollars, getting extra Move Dildos and games would put it back over $400. Hopefully this minigame stuff - for the people that will care about it - will be around the $40 or $30 dollar mark, otherwise I don't see this competing at all.
Just for kicks, here's the google of "Sony Dildo."
[ame="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=tJ1&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=Sony+Dildo&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq="]Sony Dildo - Google Search[/ame]
I would say that if they're going to plagiarize Nintendo, they go all the way and release a solid pink version of this. Girls like pink, yes?