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God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

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  • #16
    Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

    all that battle involved was running, climbing and stabbing the giant in the head. Shadow of Colossus is a very unique game, but its a different flavor from something like GoW in how it presents its battles and events.

    You also have to consider the high level of camera work that enhances the experience many times more. so
    the presentation is on a league of its own.

    it blends cinematics and gameplay in ways never experienced before!

    [ame=""]YouTube- God of War III - new gameplay - Kratos Vs. Poseidon HOLY SHIT![/ame]


    • #17
      Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

      Except I have experienced them before.


      • #18
        Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

        no you did not. it's not literally the same.

        oh mew, there's just no convincing your unwavering point of view.


        • #19
          Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

          Shenmue II
          God of War
          God of War II
          God of War: Chains of Olypmus
          Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
          Heavy Rain

          And in every instance, QTE was annoying, pointless crap that could have been done better another way.


          • #20
            Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

            Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
            all that battle involved was running, climbing and stabbing the giant in the head.
            And holy shit guys, did you know that before the Wii, all video games consisted of were PRESSING BUTTONS ON A PIECE OF PLASTIC?



            • #21
              Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

              oh mew -.-;

              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
              Shenmue II
              God of War
              God of War II
              God of War: Chains of Olypmus
              Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
              Heavy Rain

              And in every instance, QTE was annoying, pointless crap that could have been done better another way.
              just remember it's your personal opinion. It's too bad you can't enjoy those games like others who find nothing wrong with QTE in those games.
              Last edited by jenova_9; 03-07-2010, 02:32 PM.


              • #22
                Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                You still have not made good on your wild, irrational claims that "QTE is good when done right." You've made pretty lame excuses for QTE, but you've not supported reasons why it is an effective gameplay design.

                People hate it because it feels insulting to their intelligence. The game goes from being about skills they have learned through the game teaching them to a series of arbitrary button presses for the sake of the game designer being too inept to think of a better way. That or they do it out of fear of their game having the potential to be compared to something else.

                This is like the difference between work and "busy work." An assistant manager might know that he's assigning you a task that's meaningless, but he will assign you that task because the manager or regional manager - who's got a bunch of other shit on his plate - will think you're doing your job. All the manger/regional manager thinks is that you standing around not doing anything is bad.

                And this extends to the worst example of QTE - the killing blow. Its not simply enough that you've beaten the shit out of a boss, no, you must beat him now with arbitrary button presses. There's reason Mortal Kombat is considered the lowest tier fighting game ever on its basis of being a fighting game. It goes from being about fighting to some stupid, unintuitive button/joystick twiddling at the end just to kill someone for better score or earlier victory. Busy work.


                • #23
                  Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                  Hi. I didn't read most of this. I just watched the above trailer and I just want to say:

                  OH WOW IT'S GOD OF WAR AGAIN.

                  Oh sure, a new move or 2 added, some moves rearranged or rebalanced. And the visuals made a bit better. But oh shucks! It's exactly like the other 2 God of War games!

                  Fucking wastes of my time. Ever notice that video game reviewers give points against sequels for being exactly like their earlier installments? So why is it that if a game lets you be a complete asshole and constantly barrage the player with sexual innuendo (or outright nudity), the game gets an auto-10 (or at least high 9)? God of War 2 ranked better than the original, despite being the same game with more stages. It looks like they're going to succeed at the same shit again. And of course, it doesn't matter how many problems a GTA game gets, it's guaranteed "best game of the year" award.

                  This industry sucks.
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • #24
                    Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                    That's because the big outlets can be threatened with no ad revenue and game reviewers being GAMERS, fewer and fewer have the backbone to make a stand for the sake of journalistic integrity, both on a professional level and a "I wanna be there first" gamer level..

                    That and the ability for the common man to have things like blogs and podcasts for relatively free scares the hell out of the websites, so they'll try to get attention by any means necessary. They know the second game hits market their word means little to nothing. They want to keep their advertisers happy and get the attention of gamers beforehand.

                    This is why you find the reviewers you have mindshare with and trust. Ignore the averages and scores on Metacritic and Gamerankings.
                    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-08-2010, 07:57 AM.


                    • #25
                      Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                      what language is that?
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #26
                        Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                        QTEs are fun. Haters gonna hate.
                        Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                        This is why I J9:



                        • #27
                          Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                          And this extends to the worst example of QTE - the killing blow. Its not simply enough that you've beaten the shit out of a boss, no, you must beat him now with arbitrary button presses. There's reason Mortal Kombat is considered the lowest tier fighting game ever on its basis of being a fighting game. It goes from being about fighting to some stupid, unintuitive button/joystick twiddling at the end just to kill someone for better score or earlier victory. Busy work.
                          I love QTE finishing blows. It sucks massive wang to spend 10-20 minutes fighting an epic boss fight only to win on a lucky, weak jab. A QTE finishing blow gives the player an epic end to an epic fight while keeping that player involved in the FMV ending to that epic fight. QTE finishers are eye candy to top off an otherwise familiar fight, as most fights are usually the same in these types of hack and slash games. And correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know if it's true in newer MK games, but with most MK games, you fight until the end and when you win, then you get to use that "unintuitive button/joystick twiddling" to use your finishing move. Which is nothing more then an overly graphic shock scene used for emphasis of your victory and not much else.

                          Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
                          Fucking wastes of my time. Ever notice that video game reviewers give points against sequels for being exactly like their earlier installments? So why is it that if a game lets you be a complete asshole and constantly barrage the player with sexual innuendo (or outright nudity), the game gets an auto-10 (or at least high 9)? God of War 2 ranked better than the original, despite being the same game with more stages. It looks like they're going to succeed at the same shit again. And of course, it doesn't matter how many problems a GTA game gets, it's guaranteed "best game of the year" award.
                          Maybe, just maybe, when a sequel comes out to a game people loved, and features all the elements of the original game that people loved only done better with new things on top of all the old things people loved...people will love it too? I mean, if you make a great game, and then make a sequel to that great game, are you going to get rid of all the things that made the first one great or are you just going to refine the great things and hopefully add more? If they came out with a sequel to SotC right now and everything about the gameplay was the same, with the only differences being better graphics, more monsters and harder fights, you bet your ass people would love it. You don't fix things that aren't broken and you don't change things that define the game for what it is.

                          p.s. if it's a such a waste of your time, why do you even pay attention to it? I hate playing GTA I completely ignore them. Why don't you do the same if you dislike this game?
                          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                          • #28
                            Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                            Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                            I love QTE finishing blows. It sucks massive wang to spend 10-20 minutes fighting an epic boss fight only to win on a lucky, weak jab.
                            Yeah, it's so much better to fight for 20 minutes and then lose because you mistimed one button press. Especially if it was your first time fighting that boss and you didn't even know it was going to HAVE a QTE. That's the kind of gameplay that puts controller-shaped holes in the windows.

                            QTE is lame because it's a gotcha, and gotchas are always fake difficulty. On top of that, they're usually fake branches in the gameplay -- one branch is either a game over, or something so obviously inferior that every player is going to saveload until they beat the QTE. So they're pointless irritations, unless they have enough gameplay of their own to be minigames.

                            I don't have a problem with the last hit of a fight being a weak one - you have to pound on most bosses for a long time to get them down to that low HP anyway. I get that epic feel from being almost out of items and other resources (being vague because it depends on the specific game, but you get the idea). Or just avoiding the boss's attacks in order to be able to land my own.

                            A QTE finishing blow gives the player an epic end to an epic fight while keeping that player involved in the FMV ending to that epic fight. QTE finishers are eye candy to top off an otherwise familiar fight, as most fights are usually the same in these types of hack and slash games.
                            Well, if that's true, then that's more of a problem than QTEs or no QTEs. You need ways to vary your actual gameplay to keep it interesting.

                            If the fight is really epic, it doesn't need an FMV ending -- it would only be anticlimactic compared to the fight itself, with or without a QTE. Conversely, no FMV ending can improve a boring fight against a weak boss.
                            Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                            RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                            All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                            • #29
                              Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                              There's a fellow in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne called Matador.

                              He's a skeleton dressed up as a bullfighter, big surprise. He's the first of many special bosses in the game and he's there basically to take everything you thought you knew about the game and show you how wrong you are.

                              All those status buffs and debuffs you could have learned you looked and said, "Those are gay, I want powerful melee attacks." Well, he's going to show you how stupid you are. He's going to impair your evasion/accuracy and raise his own to the point you always miss and he always lands his attacks. He's also going to pound the crap out of you with multi-hit AoAE attacks and wind magic.

                              And people accuse Atlus of making this boss "senseless trial and error" and "luck-based" when neither case is true. In reality, Matador being the honorable guy he is, he's trying to teach you that the game is about more than exploiting the weaknesses of your enemies, which you've learned early on. But Matador has no exploitable weaknesses, so he's pushing you to learn to fight defensively. You have access to the ability to beat him, you're just going to have to find that method.

                              And there are about ten other bosses like him in the game, including Dante from DMC, on top of the standard bosses and minibosses. You can opt out of some of the fights, but not Matador.

                              Zelda does this with every dungeon, its just nicer about it. Its going to give you an instance almost right away where you can use that shiny, new tool you got out of a chest. And if you don't learn to keep on using that tool in that dungeon, the dungeon becomes an impossible task. But you have to tools available to you, just like the Protagonist can find the tools to take on Matador and beat him at his own game.

                              These two games are, in their own way, teaching you the ropes and making sure you pay attention. And they're being fair about it.
                              Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 03-08-2010, 06:23 PM.


                              • #30
                                Re: God of War 3. next gen revolutionary presentation?

                                It sucks massive wang to spend 10-20 minutes fighting an epic boss fight only to win on a lucky, weak jab.
                                I prefer the KH2 approach where weak jabs don't kill, only combo finishers do. No fancy-pants annoying QTE bull, but still gives you a satisfying finish.

