Destructoid - The Gamer's Red Carpet: Final Fantasy
This was a great post made on D-Toid today, its the start of a series this guys going to do, but since FFXIII is out next week he wanted to do a Joan Rivers style retrospective of Final Fantasy characters and their fanshon decisions.
His take on Lulu:

Hands down, the greatest outfit in the history of Final Fantasy. IT’S A DRESS MADE OUT OF BELTS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
A dress.
Made out of belts.
I love you for wearing this, Lulu.
This was a great post made on D-Toid today, its the start of a series this guys going to do, but since FFXIII is out next week he wanted to do a Joan Rivers style retrospective of Final Fantasy characters and their fanshon decisions.
His take on Lulu:

Hands down, the greatest outfit in the history of Final Fantasy. IT’S A DRESS MADE OUT OF BELTS, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
A dress.
Made out of belts.
I love you for wearing this, Lulu.
