I keep getting an error for every game I try to play, even if I want to play it off line.
the error is Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will now quit. (8001050f)
I searched online, and found others are having this issue as well. Cant play of line games, cant play games online, cant even play games that you downloaded. I have yet to try to play a PS2, or PS1 game though. I was able to connect earlier and play MW2, but for some reason, I can't even play any games.
Anyone else having PS3 issues like this? I can't even connect to the browser on my PS3 either, only thing I can really do is just play music. :/
the error is Registration of the trophy information could not be completed. The game will now quit. (8001050f)
I searched online, and found others are having this issue as well. Cant play of line games, cant play games online, cant even play games that you downloaded. I have yet to try to play a PS2, or PS1 game though. I was able to connect earlier and play MW2, but for some reason, I can't even play any games.
Anyone else having PS3 issues like this? I can't even connect to the browser on my PS3 either, only thing I can really do is just play music. :/