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Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

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  • Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!


    This Super Street Fighter IV Trailer Thinks Dudley, Ibuki, And Makoto Are Playable - super street fighter IV - Kotaku

    [ame=""]YouTube- Super Street Fighter IV Makoto Ibuki Dudley and the other new chars[/ame]

    Yay now the roster is complete. This really will have many improvements and online features the first one should of had. Plus all of them are unlocked! No tedious routine and time wasted unlocking characters. Just jump online and use anyone!

    This is also the first time the SF1, SF2, SFAlpha, SF3, and SF4 fighters are brought together. This will be wonderfully epic!

  • #2
    Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

    Oh hell yes, Dudley and his tactical roses are back.

    Too bad they didn't bring back Sean.
    Basketballs vs Roses matches with my friend would probably be the only thing that could get me to enjoy SF4.
    Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
    Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
    Name: Drjones
    Blog: Mediocre Mage


    • #3
      Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

      I'm pretty certain SSFIV is still gonig to be awful. The core gameplay mechanics (low block stun, traded AAs into ultras, comeback mechanics, dmg scaling based on # of moves instead of total damage dealt, woeful balance, etc etc) are still going to be bad.

      Lets hope they do intelligent tweaks to existing characters to compress the teirs a bit.
      Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


      This is why I J9:


      • #4
        Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

        This is going to be Street fighter 2 all over again -.- there will be 5-6 diffrent versions, and people will buy every damn one of em.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

          dmg scaling based on # of moves instead of total damage dealt
          Out of curiosity, which fighters have done this, and what's an AA?
          This is going to be Street fighter 2 all over again -.- there will be 5-6 diffrent versions, and people will buy every damn one of em.
          You say it like they didn't do the same with Street Fighter III, and Guilty Gear hasn't been doing the same thing with XX.


          • #6
            Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

            Originally posted by Armando View Post
            and what's an AA?
            I think AA means Anti-Air, like a dragon punch.

            [ame=""]YouTube- my shoryuken is better than yours[/ame]


            • #7
              Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

              Pretty much every fighting game bases damage reduction off of how much the accumlated damage is at any given point of the combo. For example, in cvs2, c.lp x2 will do 2 lp's worth of damage. In SFIV, the second lp will be reduced by 10% because of the hard damage reduction based on moves rule. Damage reduction in most fighters will not begin until after the 4th or 5th hit based solely on accumulated damage output of the previous hits. SFIV damage reduction begins on the SECOND hit, thus deterring the use of long combos.

              Sakura really suffers from this in IV because her primary link is c.lp -> c.hp xx tatsu -> c.lp -> c.hp xx EX tatsu. By having so many lps in the combo in order to extend the LENGTH of the combo, she is actually doing LESS damage than a simpler, shorter combo. Long combos are pretty much for flash in IV, whereas they had a functional and stylistic purpose in other fighters.

              Also, an AA is an anti air. My primary problem is that instead of learning to cleanly beat jump ins with dps, people are practicing TRADING in order to land easy mode ultras (ie. Ryu trades with a lp DP and gets a free ultra, Sagat trades a lp DP into f.rh -> ultra). These are meterless ways to land an ultra and any characters that don't have easy ways to land an ultra have a hard time competing.
              Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


              This is why I J9:



              • #8
                Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                Competitively, most fighting games have changes made to them that generally enhance high level play. Those that think newer versions like SSFIV or BB:CS suck for whatever reasoning, usually have no idea how to play them at a higher level. Rarely do the old versions get any play once new ones come out.


                What Ufgt said is right, i personally feel SFIV put a very tight leash on their combo system making certain characters rely more on gimmicks. That being said, the game is so link centric that combos don't matter a whole lot unless its light attacks or you can FADC (i think the damage scaling is even worse in Super when you FADC with it counting as 4 hits) it into something confirmed.

                Sakura is more of a mixup character in this game than necessarily being able to link into combos. You have to be tricky and make resets happen with EX Tatsus. So she is much more gimmicky than her older incarnations. I have heard her crosses up now, and hopefully Ultra II will help her god awful AA capabilities.

                The core gameplay mechanics (low block stun, traded AAs into ultras, comeback mechanics, dmg scaling based on # of moves instead of total damage dealt, woeful balance, etc etc) are still going to be bad.
                I personally think low blockstun (and therefore lack in number of true blockstrings) suck, however the main culprit on why this sucks is usually the shortcut command that you can use for a Shoryuken along with the big reversal window. So if they fix that shortcut i hope that alleviates some of the issues. Like links were hard in ST or CvS2 as well, but you can't just mash your way out of block strings that have gaps in them unless you are just that good in observation.

                I don't have a trouble with Ultras, however I agree with most things you said.


                • #9
                  Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                  Input lienency is something I had forgot to mention. Not only does it make reversals so much easier (as well as GIANT ASS input windows), it makes playing footsies that much harder. For instance, with cammy, it becomes almost impossible to reaction EX spiral arrow under fireballs if you are dancing back and forth outside sweep range because the game will read your qcf as a srk input. Also, you can pretty much forget about walking forward and throwing fireballs with anyone (well, there is a kara technique to do it, but that's a comment for another day).

                  All this wraps up into a game that rewards turtling and makes it very difficult to generate any offense.
                  Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                  This is why I J9:



                  • #10
                    Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                    Pretty much every fighting game bases damage reduction off of how much the accumlated damage is at any given point of the combo.
                    I believe in Guilty Gear, MvC2 and TvC it's based off of the number of hits in the combo, so I'm guessing this holds mostly for "traditional" fighters that don't have really long combos.


                    • #11
                      Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                      Originally posted by Armando View Post
                      I believe in Guilty Gear, MvC2 and TvC it's based off of the number of hits in the combo, so I'm guessing this holds mostly for "traditional" fighters that don't have really long combos.
                      Yah, I'm talking about non-flying fighters. Games like Blaz, Marvel, TvC, MBAA, GGAC, etc. all play by a different set of rules. I know in Blaz and MBAA, starting combos with a c.a scales the following combo my massive amounts (due to how quickly most a's come out).
                      Burning questions are burning: Is jenova_9 really a girl and is she cute? Does she talk like that in real life?


                      This is why I J9:



                      • #12
                        Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                        For Blazblue i know for sure theres prorating on many moves like Taokaka's jabs. However in SFIV and CvS2 it is also by number of hits. In CvS2, outside Customs, the first 4-5 hits do max damage, then scaling off. However in SFIV, after the 2nd hit, theres a HUGE damage scaling that is used so that eve if you do 99 hits and land the does shit for damage. Harsh especially given the execution needed. Feels like a way to dumb down the game for newbs.

                        Just watch how that last combo doesnt kill Chun...

                        [ame=""]YouTube- SF4 Biweekly TACV 07: Abel (Street Fighter IV Combos)[/ame]

                        If you can do that without fucking up then i believe there should be better reward.


                        • #13
                          Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                          I like the combo damage as it is. It people want rewarding combos for one-sided matches with almost no chance for a comeback, they can just play Marvel vs. Capcom 2. :p


                          • #14
                            Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                            If its a one sided match in SFIV it clearly means you are not good enough compared to the other person.


                            • #15
                              Re: Super Street Fighter IV ! SFIII characters trailer!

                              Originally posted by lionx View Post
                              YouTube- SF4 Biweekly TACV 07: Abel (Street Fighter IV Combos)

                              If you can do that without fucking up then i believe there should be better reward.
                              Holy fuck is that retarded!
                              Server: Midgardsormr -> Quetzalcoatl -> Valefor
                              Occupation: Reckless Red Mage
                              Name: Drjones
                              Blog: Mediocre Mage

