SOCOM Fights Piracy On PSP - PlayStation Portable News at IGN
Seems like they're using SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 as a test for a new kind of DRM so what happened with a lot of online games for PSP never happens again.
This particular game comes with a registration code, you just take the code that comes with the game and register it, just like a lot of older games would. If you buy the digital download version on PSN, the registration process is automatic (expansion scenarios were registered automatically for FFXI when purchased online, too).
However, let's say you buy a used copy. Shit our of luck, right?
Well, not really. Sony will sell you an online entitlement voucher for $20 so you can take your used game online.
This does two things:
First off it encourages you to buy new, without punishing you by withholding the offline game content if you buy used (which is how EA seems to want to handle this). If you pirate it and there's no sign of registry, well, tough shit.
I don't know if its a perfect system - it is a DRM after all - but it sounds like a smarter step in the right direction. Seems like this system really only punishes piracy,
Seems like they're using SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 as a test for a new kind of DRM so what happened with a lot of online games for PSP never happens again.
This particular game comes with a registration code, you just take the code that comes with the game and register it, just like a lot of older games would. If you buy the digital download version on PSN, the registration process is automatic (expansion scenarios were registered automatically for FFXI when purchased online, too).
However, let's say you buy a used copy. Shit our of luck, right?
Well, not really. Sony will sell you an online entitlement voucher for $20 so you can take your used game online.
This does two things:
First off it encourages you to buy new, without punishing you by withholding the offline game content if you buy used (which is how EA seems to want to handle this). If you pirate it and there's no sign of registry, well, tough shit.
I don't know if its a perfect system - it is a DRM after all - but it sounds like a smarter step in the right direction. Seems like this system really only punishes piracy,