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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

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  • #46
    Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

    The UAV is a pretty decent tool if you're busying pointing things out and taking down snipers and vehicles. Camping the helipad isn't bad either, it's pretty much a free 230 points.


    • #47
      Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

      Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
      The UAV is a pretty decent tool if you're busying pointing things out and taking down snipers and vehicles. Camping the helipad isn't bad either, it's pretty much a free 230 points.
      Yeah, I still miss being able to call out people by shooting them or targeting them for awhile like on the first BC.
      {New Sig in the works}
      "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

      Originally posted by Aksannyi
      "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
      Originally posted by Solymir
      What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


      • #48
        Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

        You can still do that, and it's worth 20 point spotter bonus if somebody takes them out. Use Back/Select or whatever it's called to paint them as a target. It's one of the things I enjoyed in BF2142, the ability to call out targets. I also miss the small communication wheel for asking for a ride, telling people to bail, etc. That would have come in handy more times than I can count in the demo.


        • #49
          Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

          I've submitted a bug report, and by that I mean I left a thread on EA's feedback forum. I was wondering if anybody else experienced anything similar.

          It sometimes takes extra long to kill somebody. Depending on what they're doing, they'll successfully carry it out before dieing. They may kill you, then die; set off C4, then die; etc, then die. The odd part being you get the credit for their death, even if you're dead or it looks like it should have been a suicide. I've noticed this myself, the way they give you a few seconds before officially killing you, when I get shot and take cover only to die behind it.

          Explosions; only the C4 explodes with proper splash damage. Everything else is like throwing darts.

          Immediately after firing the RPG you'll register a kill, even though the rocket hasn't reached its target yet. This is an obvious one because it travels so slowly, yet people seem to be dead before it reaches its target.


          • #50
            Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

            Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
            It sometimes takes extra long to kill somebody.
            Ugh, yeah I've seen that before. One of those "YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" moments, then they kill you and die at the same time LOL.
            {New Sig in the works}
            "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

            Originally posted by Aksannyi
            "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
            Originally posted by Solymir
            What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


            • #51
              Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

              Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
              You can still do that, and it's worth 20 point spotter bonus if somebody takes them out. Use Back/Select or whatever it's called to paint them
              Glad you told me that, I thought you could only do that in the UAV so I didn't even think to try it lol.

              Got a friend of mine to download the demo and we were playing it last night together. His comments when first getting into the game were "OMG! I don't even know what is going on lol! Straight war!" The game separated us for some strange reason causing me to send him a party invite so we could talk. It was kinda funny playing with somebody else talking about how horrible the chopper pilots were, mainly the ones that immediately take a nose dive about 1 minute after taking off. Also how the people piloting the UAV weren't taking out gun placements or the soldiers manning them.
              {New Sig in the works}
              "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

              Originally posted by Aksannyi
              "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
              Originally posted by Solymir
              What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


              • #52
                Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                So last night I scored the single greatest kill I have ever gotten in an FPS and am still unbelievably proud of myself for it.

                These 2 enemies were up in a Heli pissing my team off (I'm assuming anyway, for whatever reason there were 2 enemy choppers up and NEITHER OF THEM NOTICED ME despite being on top of one of the construction sites) and at one point I believe 1 of them was shot down by our UAV.

                Cue the other chopper. Now again, despite having flown right past my face several times, these guys never opened fire on me. So, having had enough of their BS, I took aim and lo and behold headshot mother fucker right on the pilot with my bolt-action sniper. I could not believe my eyes, popping a freaking heli pilot in the head with just 1 shot. That kid must have been some pissed off! *sigh* if only I could have recorded it, that was Youtube worthy material right there...

                Then my next kill was a knee-jerk no-scope on some guy guarding the docks area of the 3rd base. I couldn't even see him, I just instinctively hit RT and it said I shot him in the head... was a great match for me, I went 9 and 2 and I don't think I've ever had such a smooth sniping run in any game. Last night was just full of win in general, prior to that game I beat 3 people by myself in a game of 3 v3 Halo Wars. It sure does suck coming down from a high

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #53
                  Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                  I've begun mastering the marksman head-shots, but I've always been a bad judge of distance so it's difficult for me. I think my best was 5000 points in a single game with another 6000 in awards afterward. I didn't think too much of the bolt-action rifle at first, but it's pretty much a one-hitter quitter when it comes to firing at wounded hostiles. Since health doesn't regenerate I can pretty much clean up after witnessing a small fire-fight. Not to mention a lot of people walk around wounded without even knowing it. If I'm moving in to support an objective we're capturing the semi-automatic rifle is the better choice. If two or three people are attempting to disarm at the same time it's best to unload as quickly as possible. Plus, it's not bad as a no-scope option if you don't feel like switching to your pistol.


                  • #54
                    Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                    Personally I hate the sights on that thing. I can aim with the Semi-auto worth a damn.

                    I still have a huge problem taking shots at extreme range though and I can't understand for the life of me why. Okay, I get it, sometimes I have to compensate by aiming a little higher, but I still end up missing shots that are perfectly lined up and it's pissing me off a great deal, particularly on stationary targets.

                    For example, I've shot at a number of people crouching behind cover where all I can see is their freaking head to begin with and yet I get a hit marker, but no kill. Now the F does that work?! If their head was the only visible part of their body I could hit, and I got the hit marker, how did they not die?!

                    "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                    • #55
                      Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                      I'm really starting to get the whole long distance sniping thing down, and it's great. Marksman head-shots all over the place. I've pretty much found a bunch of great defensive sniping locations, as well as a bunch of great offensive locations. They're actually mostly the same.

                      In the first area, offensive snipers can sit on the rocks and take down anybody in the tower. There aren't many other good offensive spots here, but you can push up to the outer walls. Either way, you've got to watch your back and throw the occasional motion sensor. Defensively, there aren't a lot of good positions here. If you're in the tower you're pretty much a bullet magnet from snipers and UAVs, so you have to be careful. You can set up in the attic next to A, and with a few C4 you've got a great view, or at the corner of B with a good view there.

                      In the second area I don't bother with A, it's a nightmare to defend. I'll hop into the attic of the building next to B, blow out the walls so I have a good view of the objective, and kill anybody who gets near it. I do pretty much the same thing whether I'm attacking or defending, because either way you're securing it. Just make sure nobody sneaks up the ladder behind you, and hope they don't blow out the attic walls with a tank.

                      In the next area, offense and defense is pretty much the same. Secure the tower, and blow out the wall blocking your line of sight to objective B. You'll be able to secure it with relative ease. If you're on offense, you'll might get hassled by the people waiting for the helicopter because you'll probably have killed them a few times already. There's an MG here in case you need it.

                      In the fourth area, offense and defense are primarily centered around objective B again. On one side of the building is a stack of explosives, which you can use to blow it open if you're on offense. Throw some C4 down, arm it, then run back to the shed where you'll have a perfect LOS on it. Blow it when you're safe distance away. Alternatively, and what I do on defense, is blow out the side walls facing the building on the opposite side of the road. You'll have another great LOS, as well as a view of the roof of objective A, and a few other key locations.

                      I can't wait for the full game. I heard there's going to be a hardcore mode. If there is, I'd love it if enemies weren't shown my location after I pop their skulls. It's bad enough the muzzle flash stands out so much and they can hear the bullet's snap if I miss. What else do they need?


                      • #56
                        Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                        Sniping has gotten a lot more fun (and the game in general really) now that I've gotten the hang of pointing targets out. Those little orange triangles are a Godsend.

                        Still can't seem to get my aim down pat though. It just feels like the hit detection is waaaaaay off in that game. It's ironic as hell too because in most FPS I have a hard time lining up shots, where as in this game I can do it perfectly; but the stupid bullet travel mechanics they have screw me up! I CAN'T WIN! > _ <

                        "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                        • #57
                          Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                          The more I play this demo the more I don't like it. I'd say somewhere around 25% of my hits don't register, which gets me killed a lot. Some engineer climbed up the ladder into my attic, and I had knifed him four times by the time he got to the top of the ladder and stood up. He had his RPG, hit me with it point blank, and walked away. Sometimes, while I'm sniping, I'll line up a shot and fire, and as I'm watching my bullet fly through the air I see the other person's muzzle flash and suddenly I'm dead. Are their bullets faster than mine? Why don't mine even hit? Worse, I can't even hide behind cover anymore without mysteriously being killed. It's full-body cover, like a wall or a house or something, and I just die.

                          I've been looking at different ways to counteract a good defense. A great offense would suffice, but my team isn't always up for that. Placing C4 directly onto the M-COMM takes a long time, but so does Destruction 2.0. Although, with a tank, Destruction 2.0 can take much less time. It doesn't seem like some buildings are even capable of being completely destroyed, but a lot of them are.


                          • #58
                            Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                            Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                            Placing C4 directly onto the M-COMM takes a long time, but so does Destruction 2.0.
                            So true, I hope that land mines do the same amount of damage that they used to do because 3-4 landmines and a rocket could destroy almost any crate.

                            I felt like a complete idiot the other day when I was playing as assault and realized that assault has C4 too >_>. You can tell I never play as assault lmao.

                            one thing I havent done in the demo that I did on the first bad company and battlefield 1943 was to sneak inside a base and throw C4 (or in 1943, Dynamite lol) on all the vehicles then blow them as soon as they leave the base.
                            {New Sig in the works}
                            "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                            Originally posted by Aksannyi
                            "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                            Originally posted by Solymir
                            What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                            • #59
                              Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                              Assault can't use C4 in the demo. All we have access to is the grenade launcher, which can be helpful but mostly isn't. Like all explosives in the game, it does more damage when you hit a wall and there's somebody else on the other side of the wall. It's usually an instant kill. If you fire it at somebody's feet it does a paltry amount. In fact, just like every other explosive, it does more damage to you than enemies if fired at the floor between the both of you.


                              • #60
                                Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360

                                Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                                Assault can't use C4 in the demo.
                                If you switch to the shotgun you can, probably since the shotgun doesn't have a grenade launcher on it. I'm doing it right now.
                                {New Sig in the works}
                                "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                                Originally posted by Aksannyi
                                "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                                Originally posted by Solymir
                                What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?

