Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Demo 360
Okay I really need to give it another try but so far I'm absolutely hating the game.
Played 2 games last night and they were both a 1-sided laggy slaughter of my team. I really don't like you can't strafe at all, you have to move the right stick to turn (wtf?) and it's really beginning to piss me off when I go for body shots on a still target and somehow miss. Reticle is dead-center on the asshole, yet I miss. Ok then.
It's even worse with moving targets as I'll frequently have my shot lined up perfectly only to see them teleport 5 meters ahead >_>
And just now my Xbox froze so bleh... really didn't like the flight controls etc etc...
I dunno, I had a fairly decent run of it a moment ago (the 1st half of this was started this morning and I forgot to finish LOL so here I am hours later) but over all I really do not like the game. The controls are god awful & at times confusing and the lag is intolerable.
Though, I do have to giggle a bit that my very first kill in the game came from a freaking no-scope of all things on a guy who spotted me 1st with an AR about 5 feet from my face. He must have been some pissed off...
Okay I really need to give it another try but so far I'm absolutely hating the game.
Played 2 games last night and they were both a 1-sided laggy slaughter of my team. I really don't like you can't strafe at all, you have to move the right stick to turn (wtf?) and it's really beginning to piss me off when I go for body shots on a still target and somehow miss. Reticle is dead-center on the asshole, yet I miss. Ok then.
It's even worse with moving targets as I'll frequently have my shot lined up perfectly only to see them teleport 5 meters ahead >_>
And just now my Xbox froze so bleh... really didn't like the flight controls etc etc...
I dunno, I had a fairly decent run of it a moment ago (the 1st half of this was started this morning and I forgot to finish LOL so here I am hours later) but over all I really do not like the game. The controls are god awful & at times confusing and the lag is intolerable.
Though, I do have to giggle a bit that my very first kill in the game came from a freaking no-scope of all things on a guy who spotted me 1st with an AR about 5 feet from my face. He must have been some pissed off...