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More FFXII in the works?

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  • More FFXII in the works?

    Destructoid - Tech demo of FFXII: Fortress surfaces

    The FFXII Fortress project has come and gone over the years. It was supposed to be an action/adventure RPG that takes place somewhere in Invalice in the years after FFXII.

    At one point it seemed dead, then alive, then dead again. Well a tech demo has surfaced and the environments look like something out of FFXII. And there's a chocobo in it, so that's certainly a Final Fantasy game

    I would certainly welcome another trip to Invalice, so I'm hoping this is legit.

  • #2
    Re: More FFXII in the works?

    Huh... Seems interesting in the least. Thats one odd looking Chocobo though...

    It does seems like it is set in Ivalice if you look at the scenery closely enough. But for a FFXII-2 game... The battle is too fast IMO. The battles where like FFXI in FFXII, and not fast like this video. From what I can tell from FFX and FFX-2, it would follow the same battle type, and characters. But thats just speculating now...


    • #3
      Re: More FFXII in the works?

      I brought up the Fortress project a while ago. ( ) It wasn't linked with FFXII. The video isn't much to watch except for the art. To me it looked more like a buffed FFXI than anything.
      Originally posted by Feba
      But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
      Originally posted by Taskmage
      God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
      Originally posted by DakAttack
      ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


      • #4
        Re: More FFXII in the works?

        the art is so foreign to how FFXII looked and felt. I dunno why they are even trying to make a FFXII sequel without Yoshida as the art director.

        wasn't Revenant Wings the official sequel? I heard that game was terrible anyways.

        maybe FFXII Fortress can support character creation, or character select like Crystal Chronicles, so we can make our own
        main character and stuff. But even then I dunno, this game looks too western to be FFXII, it also lacks the composer from FFXII.


        • #5
          Re: More FFXII in the works?

          Revenent Wings was actually the best of DS RTS-style games in overall design and critically praised. Fans oblivious to the overall continuity of Invalice were "disappointed" with the story for whatever reason.

          FFXII: RW and FFTA2 are said to be continuitous to each other, Vaan and Penelo appearing in FFTA2 after RW. Between those two games and FFT: War of the Lions, some major event happens that wipes Moogles, Viera and other non-human races out from Invalice, which is why they don't appear as races in FFT or Vagrant story.

          Also keep in mind that FFXII is a huge world that we've only seen portions of. FFT covered a tiny fraction of the eastern continent while FFXII, FFXII:RW, FFTA and FFTA2 focus on the western continents.

          FFXII: Fortress is said to run parallel or close to the time of FFXII, possibly pertaining to the war between the Archadean and Rozzarian Empires. That was a side of FFXII we didn't really see and I wouldn't mind seeing what went on there. Rozzaria's emoire would make up most of the Eastern continents.

          What we do know, is that Al-Cid Marges is a pimp and fights for the ladies, as evidenced in FFTA2, but that's all we know of Rozzaria otherwise. His job description is Agent and is as follows:

          "Masters of espionage who travel the world in search of information. They are well known for keeping a woman–or several–in every port."
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 01-18-2010, 12:46 AM.


          • #6
            Re: More FFXII in the works?

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten
            BBQ. Do you have any idea how much I want to punch you in the face sometimes.

            On this, it looks more FFXIV to me than FFXII. That said, more than either of those, it looks like rough-tech-demo; not so much a product that would ever be put out as a test to see what they can do. The main character seems like a complete stand-in. That said, it looks closer to whatever they're calling the Elvaan+, and the enemy more like an Orc+, than anything I can think of from FFXII.


            • #7
              Re: More FFXII in the works?

              The tech demo is called FFXII: Fortress for a reason, Feba. It would mean that it pertain to, you know, FFXII. Which means its would naturally be set in Invalice. I don't think they do these things for shits and giggles.

              It was also said that Akihiko Yoshida had done concepts for it shortly after FFXII was completed. The project was shelved and later moved around, the shelved again, now most recently resurfacing in Eidos Montreal. Yeah, those guys SE owns now. They could have orcs and elves in the eastern region, we've never been there.


              • #8
                Re: More FFXII in the works?

                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                The tech demo is called FFXII: Fortress for a reason, Feba. It would mean that it pertain to, you know, FFXII.
                the video above is supposedly a tech demo for the game
                The news source called it "supposed" for a reason, BBQ. It would mean that it could be, you know, completely unrelated.


                • #9
                  Re: More FFXII in the works?

                  It looks like Risk Your Life.


                  • #10
                    Re: More FFXII in the works?

                    It does look a lot like FFXIV.. Looks like a Roegadyn in armor..
                    A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

                    it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

                    R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

                    Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock


                    • #11
                      Re: More FFXII in the works?

                      That one desert area looks quite a bit like the first screen of the Estersand. But yeah, this looks like an EARLY tech demo. I doubt any big progress has been made of this title, and doubt we'll see it within the year if it indeed is still in the works.
                      Hume M - War lv.10 - Bastok

