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Oh that Nomura!
Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Originally posted by Icemage View PostMy money is on Kingdom Hearts 3. It's widely requested, and isn't over-saturated like Final Fantasy is at the moment.
Side bet: Will be PS3 or multiplatform including PS3. Tetsuya Nomura is a Sony fanboy.
Wada also said last year they were reducing focus on remakes. Only remake that's on the table as of now since he said that is Dragon Quest VI, so he's been pretty true to his word on that one. Also, its disrespectful to fans to put a FFVII remake ahead of a remake for FFV and especially FFVI, which many still regard as the true masterpiece of the series.
Not that they have to go in series order, mind you, but I've seen Atlus receive a fair amount of backlash for putting the Persona 3 Portable project ahead of a Persona 2 IS/EP remake. And they do have a point, Persona 3 already had two rounds on PS2 - those that missed it the second time around did so by choice, because it didn't come up short on the print end or sales numbers.
FFVII is easily found and is selling strong at $9.99 on PSN, I seriously doubt we'll see a remake anytime soon if SE can still make revenue like that on it. Yes, it shows "demand" but how interested can you stay in the same game with only improved graphics. It would need much more than a new coat of paint to catch my interest. For example:
- Materia Fusion and New Game Plus (these are a must).
- A mode that preserves the original story for those that are truly new to the story
- A mode for those that played CC, with new insights based on the story additions from Crisis Core.
- Lots of story holes need to be filled - Cetra, Jenova, Angeal, Genesis, the "remnants," how the Turks relate to Aerith and so on. For a "masterpiece" I have not seen one so flawed in its much-vaunted story.
FFVII Stuff spoiledAngeal and Genesis are very relevant to Zack's story, but they're far more important to Sephiroth now. They were his most important relationships and showed there was a human heart there before he let himself become the monster he's known to be.
It does stick with Cloud's story that they are not included, Cloud never encountered them and when he did he was too comatose from the Mako poisoning (thanks to Hojo's experiments after the Nibelhiem incident) to make a connection between them and Zack. Yet the reason for so many monsters in FFVII's world and what drives Sephiroth has much to do with Angeal and Genesis.
These are things that need to be added along the story for Cloud to discover. It also adds a lineage to the Buster Sword that Cloud does not know about.
Also, CC:FFVII brought an extra dose of humanity to The Turks. They got some of this in FFVII, too, but we saw in CC that Tseng was sympathetic to Zack's plight and Aerith as well, so him backhanding her and kindnapping her for Hojo (someone they wouldn't really ever answer to), no longer makes sense.
It would also be nice to see Aerith act just a bit less like an airhead. And Crisis Core does little to shed this save for the devotion she shows to Zack, even when he's nowhere to be found. This is also important to the Turks, because its pretty clear they have some sympathy for her and aren't just cold corporate tools out to use her.
It would also be nice if she wasn't treated like the plot device she was in FFVII. Most people knew going into Crisis Core that Zack would die, but we didn't know how he died and that's what made it hurt pretty bad. Aerith's death was a cheap plot device and I still think its a crock that people were moved by it at all.
I think most of that stems from how underdeveloped she was prior to her death, most of her story was force-fed later. Not a good use of her character, considering she's rather important.
Then there's the Cetra and Jenova. These are things that just are not explained well in any of the games or sequels. For all this fuss about the Ancients and the Promised Land, we don't learn much about 'em.
Really, though, remakes are not the cash cow people make them out to be. No remake I've known of has sold like gangbusters because there was another version of the game readily available elsewhere.
I think its also important to keep in mind that the FFXIII Project is not complete. There is still Final Fantasy Versus XIII for PS3 and Agito Final Fantasy XIII for PSP.Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 12-29-2009, 01:57 AM.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
Really, though, remakes are not the cash cow people make them out to be.Originally posted by FebaBut I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.Originally posted by TaskmageGod I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.Originally posted by DakAttack...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
I think that's why we say its overrated, TGM. Oh sure, people run in with that "it brought RPGs into the mainstream" bullshit, but they're not mainstream anymore - they're niche again.
FFVI is a masterpiece largely for the fact that its plot was airtight and they haven't fucked with it. Oh, they might toss a new dungeon with each version, but much like Chrono Trigger, they don't mess with the core of it or try to expand upon its story.
I will say this - Normura is good at expanding stories when they are his stories, but when they're not and he teams up with Kitase, the result is extremely questionable. Crisis Core is airtight, but the other FFVII installments are not.
I would have much more confidence if they got Sakaguchi and Uematsu on-board before they go around poking the the games they were involved in. They were deeply involved in the story process of these games. Even when you get into the guts of the music, there's all this symbolism and it didn't just come from Uematsu, some of it was Sakaguchi's doing, Uematsu just embellished further.
I mean, did you know Liberi Fatali from FFVIII is actually intended to be a riddle? Or that Dancing Mad tells Kefka's life story in song? Or that the forms he takes represent a mockery of life and religious symbols, to boot? Sephiroth is a dark version of the Jewish Kabbalh, in which the ten sephirot represent the ten attributes of God and by story in his attempt to merge with the planet and become a god, he violates all ten attributes.
Nomura and Kitase sure as hell didn't write that stuff into the Sorceresses, Sephiroth or Kefka, they just designed and wrote around it.
I don't think Nomura is quite on that level by himself. He does good with his own creations, but storywise I prefer he keep his paws off what isn't his and just play the artist. Setzer is his though, and I'll give him credit for that.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Is This One Of Tetsuya Nomura’s Unannounced Games? // Siliconera
Well, this is a patented concept for one of his unannounced games, but I don't think its going to be Final Fantasy or KH-related. Its an RPG where you jump into other characters bodies and control them for a short while, then some of their abilities are inherited by the original character when his spirit leaps back to his body.
Sort of a Sam Beckett meets Rogue deal. Steals powers by jumping into other bodies.
Whatever it is, it also seems to be a PSP game.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
goddammit BBQ I've managed to make a quantum leap joke every day for the past THREE DAYS. You may've ruined that streak.
In other news, didn't they make some games like that that everyone agreed was a pain? Ghost and Second Sight come to mind.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Final Fantasy TA 2 is kind of an expansion of Final Fantasy XII. Doesn't it expand upon a few of the main characters of XII? I honestly haven't played XII yet. Maybe I should seeing as I haven't played a new game in a long time.sigpic
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
FFXII is a monster of an RPG, but if you can do all the clan work in FFTA2, I'd say you're already conditioned for FFXII's Clan Centurio and all the grinding that will ensue. Its a little less whimsical, though. Its more in-line with Tactic Ogre, FFT, Vagrant Story or Fire Emblem in tone. Like what if political powers could wield magic - that kind of world. War is serious business and all that.
FFTA2 has Vaan an Penelo appear as guess and it is sort of an epilogue to FFXII's world, but not really for Vaan or Penelo. Revenant Wings is the real epilogue to FFXII and serves as a means to set up events for FFT: War of the Lions. Remember the Invalice of the FFTA games is a sort of dreamworld version of events anyway. Its more of a snapshot of the world post FFXII than it is its history.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View PostThose were first person shooters. The one for GameCube was calld Geist.
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Remember the Invalice of the FFTA games is a sort of dreamworld version of events anyway. Its more of a snapshot of the world post FFXII than it is its history.
As for being conditioned to XII, I love clan building. Really keeps you going to envision how a particular unit will turn out and working towards it.sigpic
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Re: Oh that Nomura!
Originally posted by Clever Ninja View PostDUKE NUKEM FOREVER!Originally posted by ArmandoNo one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.Originally posted by ArmandoNintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.Originally posted by TaskmageGOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA
THE END IS COMING ONE OF THESE DAYS WHEN GOD GETS AROUND TO ITOriginally posted by TaskmageHowever much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
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