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MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

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  • #46
    Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

    since 7 p.m. the servers got much better on Monday. most fun hours for a long time! I really like the light machine gun and the assault rifles are effective too. I'm glad this isn't cheap like Uncharted 2 with its dumb uber pistols and shotguns owning everything else. The guns in MAG feel more realistic and useful. Some say light machine gun is accurate but I think it's great. I lost often against assault rifle users so that shows how more accurate assault rifles are.

    One time when I used assault rifle, on someone, my aim was sloppy, and when I ran out of ammo, I switched to handgun and was able to finish them with a few accurate hits. Handguns are good in this game, but I'm glad they aren't dominant like other games. They should often be just a last resort.

    I learned the revive skill thingy, and it's so fun healing players and reviving them!

    It's funny chasing people to heal them, and racing to revive them before they run out of red bar, or press X to respawn faster.

    This definitely is a very enjoyable multiplayer game that is better and feel different from those overrated Call of Duty games. I just think they should of allowed female soldier creation too. More games these days should be equal with
    gender choice just like some games are starting to be more equal with choice of race (though MAG doesn't really have asian race to choose from.)

    Later when I get back I plan on playing my first 256 player domination match since I'm level 10
    I read some impressions

    But ya even with just experience from the 64 player matches, MAG is truely more than just a shooter with more players in a map.
    Last edited by jenova_9; 01-05-2010, 02:15 PM.


    • #47
      Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

      Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
      You should be able to see a player's health above their head once you're able to heal others
      Which brings me to yet another complaint against the game; target identification holy crap. Especially at long range, it's really hard to tell an enemy form an ally some times and as such I've accidentally sniped a few people - _ - and this is with the medkit to boot. I didn't see a health bar so I figured BLAM!

      I keep getting shot from fucking nowhere too. I've noticed a few people somehow able to magically conceal themselves behind trees/bushes and yet somehow maintain perfect sights on their targets. Like, wut? I was unaware there was an upgrade for X-ray fucking vision.

      Also got killed by a dude with pistol shots to my chest area while I was spamming my M4 to his head. Dear God they have a lot of issues to fix.



      • #48
        Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
        Also got killed by a dude with pistol shots to my chest area while I was spamming my M4 to his head.
        That always happens in Uncharted 2 multiplayer and many nominated that game for GOTY. :p Maybe you at least got his health to critical? As for the sniping from the bushes thing, I think even in real life, people who conceal themselves with plants can clearly see what they want to snipe since even leaves have their little openings.

        Ya the I.D. stuff led to a little friendly fire accidents. But overall it's somewhat rare. MAG really is refreshing considering the few other popular shooters people can choose from.

        I'm still anticipating Aliens vs. Predator the most, though. That multiplayer will feel even more new and different for many out there.


        • #49
          Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

          Domination is terrible. There is ZERO coordination, and it feels exactly like MW2 on a bigger scale. I can hardly see myself purchasing this game anymore, not unless the other game modes are really awesome.


          • #50
            Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

            Aww man, I just hit level 10 too and I'm waiting to get into my 1st domination game...

            What weapon type do you find best? I like snipers if you can actually get head shots, but oh man the good scopes and crap are all so high level...

            Plus, both the AR and LMG can get scopes and well, considering they are rapid fire and double as close quarters weapons why even bother with a sniper then? It's not MW2 where I can OSK people in the chest area (or even the legs if I have stopping power)

            I wouldn't mind trying to recreate a knifing class as there seems to be nearly everything in there necessary for it, but oh man you need a shitload of skill points.

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #51
              Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

              I'm only level 13 and I have the .50 caliber sniper rifle and the dual distance scope. I put most people down in a single hit, but others get lucky I guess. Unfortunately, the gun only accepts the bi-pod, so it's a bit more difficult to run and gun. Sniping is pretty easy, but it leaves you immobile so you're stuck waiting for your kills instead of actively hunting for them. The easiest way not to get a head-shot is actually by shooting people in the head. As long as I fire within a few feet of their head I usually get the shot. It seems like the chances are highest while prone, and the lowest while standing/moving.

              My favorite weapon so far is the first rifle you can unlock. Shittily enough, it comes with its own grip so unlocking the grip itself is pointless. Throw on reflex sight and it's good to go. I had a lot of fun with LMGs, too, but I plan on unlocking more of them the next time I can reset my skill points.


              • #52
                Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                Heh, I got fed up with the Beta and deleted it. :X

                Originally posted by Yygdrasil
                Originally posted by Nandito

                You make me want to hurt things.


                • #53
                  Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                  Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                  Domination is terrible. There is ZERO coordination, and it feels exactly like MW2 on a bigger scale. I can hardly see myself purchasing this game anymore, not unless the other game modes are really awesome.

                  Domination is FANTASTIC! My squad was coordinating well and I think our leader was speaking with the other squads to help them capture each part better.
                  Domination requires a lot of teamwork for the Attacks to win, but it really feels more intense, fun and rewarding than even
                  the Battlefield games.

                  I bought I think the 2nd assault rifle for Raven faction, and I upgraded the scope to the 2nd one that almost maxes out its accuracy. Fun fun fun! MAG really feels like a must buy, even though Aliens vs. Predator is only a few weeks after that release.

                  Hmm, I might get MAG while waiting for AVP. Its just so much fun I 've ever had in a shooter.


                  • #54
                    Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                    Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                    Domination is FANTASTIC! My squad was coordinating well and I think our leader was speaking with the other squads to help them capture each part better.
                    Domination requires a lot of teamwork for the Attacks to win, but it really feels more intense, fun and rewarding than even
                    the Battlefield games.

                    I bought I think the 2nd assault rifle for Raven faction, and I upgraded the scope to the 2nd one that almost maxes out its accuracy. Fun fun fun! MAG really feels like a must buy, even though Aliens vs. Predator is only a few weeks after that release.

                    Hmm, I might get MAG while waiting for AVP. Its just so much fun I 've ever had in a shooter.
                    I bet if I hit you with my car I'd be washing rainbows and sunshine off the hood.


                    • #55
                      Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                      Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                      I'm only level 13 and I have the .50 caliber sniper rifle and the dual distance scope.
                      Where the hell did you see the .50 cal? The .50 is like the last sniper you can get from what I read in the official MAG forums.

                      And I've had a few really good domination matches and I have to say, that's where the real fun is at HOLY SHIT! The 128 vs 128 battles, if people know what they're doing, can be ridiculously epic! Right now my major problem is I keep getting fucked disconnected midway into matches and it's seriously pissing me off. I need to win games as a Squad leader to earn leader points but I keep getting Errors 11:1 and 5:4 which are really, REALLY pissing me off now.
                      Last edited by Malacite; 01-06-2010, 11:44 AM.

                      "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                      • #56
                        Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                        Originally posted by jenova_9 View Post
                        TOO MANY SMILEYS!!! MAKE IT STOP! *Head starts spinning.*

                        As much as I like the concept of the game, I think I might end up renting it when it comes out, and I haven't rented a game in a looooooooong time.
                        {New Sig in the works}
                        "There will come a day when the world will realize that Superman can no longer create miracles. If my name was Superman, that day would be today." 4/29/2009 - Me

                        Originally posted by Aksannyi
                        "Hello! 100+3 Leathercrafting, your materials, 5k! Mention code LTH74 for a special discount!" - they'd get blisted by everyone they sent that to.
                        Originally posted by Solymir
                        What do you have against Ants? Is iVirus some new Apple product?


                        • #57
                          Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                          Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                          Where the hell did you see the .50 cal? The .50 is like the last sniper you can get from what I read in the official MAG forums.

                          And I've had a few really good domination matches and I have to say, that's where the real fun is at HOLY SHIT! The 128 vs 128 battles, if people know what they're doing, can be ridiculously epic! Right now my major problem is I keep getting fucked disconnected midway into matches and it's seriously pissing me off. I need to win games as a Squad leader to earn leader points but I keep getting Errors 11:1 and 5:4 which are really, REALLY pissing me off now.
                          You only need two points in a tier to move onto the next one. The fifty is in Raven's fourth tier, if I remember correctly. It requires five skill points to unlock, so it can be obtained at level eleven. I'm at thirteen now, so after unlocking the fifty I have access to the fifth tier, which has the dual distance scope.

                          Now, I have to earn another 3000 repsec points so I can check out the LMGs. They have a small tier, so it shouldn't be difficult to grab the final weapon with points to spare.


                          • #58
                            Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                            Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                            You only need two points in a tier to move onto the next one. The fifty is in Raven's fourth tier, if I remember correctly. It requires five skill points to unlock, so it can be obtained at level eleven. I'm at thirteen now, so after unlocking the fifty I have access to the fifth tier, which has the dual distance scope.
                            well shit. Figures, I picked Valor so there's no nice, shiny 50 cal :/

                            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                            • #59
                              Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                              Well, everybody is supposed to have very similar weapons, so yours is probably as good as Raven's.


                              • #60
                                Re: MAG ! Super awesomest game of the year ever ???

                                SVER or bust yo..
                                A mans strength isn't measured by the size of his muscle, but by the size of his heart.

                                it's better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.

                                R.I.P. Dura's Moms Hard Drive. 2002-2009 Gone, but not forgotten.

                                Your family must havehad a hen farm growin', up cause you sure know how to raise a cock

