Does anyone remember how to win the battle against Wiegraf after he turns into the Lucavi form of Belias? Its the one with the 3 Archdemons at his side, when you're trying to win back Alma and the stone.
I'm sitting here at work and I've had my @$$ handed to me 3 times now and I just tried to use my SAM's aoe Katana move and it broke, so I'm hitting restart.
I'm using Samurai, Ninja, Monk, Summoner/White Mage, and Black Mage/Time Mage.
Tried it with Auto Potion, that Reraise passive ability..... gosh my three mains have a huge offense....
Ideas would be wonderful lol.
Does anyone remember how to win the battle against Wiegraf after he turns into the Lucavi form of Belias? Its the one with the 3 Archdemons at his side, when you're trying to win back Alma and the stone.
I'm sitting here at work and I've had my @$$ handed to me 3 times now and I just tried to use my SAM's aoe Katana move and it broke, so I'm hitting restart.
I'm using Samurai, Ninja, Monk, Summoner/White Mage, and Black Mage/Time Mage.
Tried it with Auto Potion, that Reraise passive ability..... gosh my three mains have a huge offense....
Ideas would be wonderful lol.