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FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

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  • FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win


    Does anyone remember how to win the battle against Wiegraf after he turns into the Lucavi form of Belias? Its the one with the 3 Archdemons at his side, when you're trying to win back Alma and the stone.

    I'm sitting here at work and I've had my @$$ handed to me 3 times now and I just tried to use my SAM's aoe Katana move and it broke, so I'm hitting restart.

    I'm using Samurai, Ninja, Monk, Summoner/White Mage, and Black Mage/Time Mage.

    Tried it with Auto Potion, that Reraise passive ability..... gosh my three mains have a huge offense....

    Ideas would be wonderful lol.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT IS MORPHING TIME!"


  • #2
    Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

    Cheap tactics to exploit:
    *High Brave (cough Ramza cough) Monk with Dual Wield (stupidly sick damage.)
    *Yell/Accumulate/Scream like a madman with Ramza.
    *Chantage (guessing you don't have this or you'd be using it.)
    *Drain (It's %-based, so it deals huge damage to all Lucavi since their max HP is relatively high.)
    *Draw Out is based on the Magic Attack stat, so depending on how much you're relying on normal katana swings and how much you're relying on Draw Out, you may be better off giving Draw Out to a SMN or BLM with maxed Magic Attack gear. This tactic does idiotic damage at endgame, and it probably works just as well midgame.
    *Throw's range is the same as your Move range, so you should max out your NIN's movement as much as possible so you can Throw from way out of the enemy's range.
    *You can probably nerf their nuke damage to hell by gimping your Faith.
    *Sunken State (turn invisible when hit) reaction command may help a weak party member stay alive.

    See if that helps.

    P.S. If you're using Auto Potion I hope you sold all your low-tier potions.
    Last edited by Armando; 11-11-2009, 04:37 PM.


    • #3
      Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

      The best way by far, as Armando's already pointed out, is to super-crank up Ramza's speed with Yell (or use his final ability that jacks every stat by one, forget the name) over and over and over while maintaining maximum distance. Any abilities and gear that increase how far you can move are also a major plus.

      He'll probably smack you a couple of times in the beginning but eventually with your movement & high speed you should be running circles around him. It's time consuming but there's practically no way to lose with this method.



      • #4
        Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

        I don't remember the specifics but I trained all of my characters in Arithmetic, equpped some chameleon robes, and just went to town with Arithmetic/Holy. Made everything laughably easy. For extra chuckles you can tack on Soul Bind as a reaction ability to make even quicker work of enemies (yes I mean you Wiegraf).



        • #5
          Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

          The gay thing about Auto Potion is they give you a Hi Potion as a reward from the previous battle, so you have to go in and manually throw it out to not get a shitty heal. I remember Holy Explosion being extremely useful for me here, you want to not have so many people gathered together cause of Cyclops. If you're playing the PSP version it's prolly an even easier fight. It takes abit to figure out the first time if you don't want to go with the cheap method listed above, but unless your severely handicapped in jobs/levels it's still doable
          Cleverness - Hades
          DRK/NIN/WHM/BLM/SCH/WAR/PLD subs


          • #6
            Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

            just have no potions, only have x-potions.

            have auto-potion ability.

            make Ramza a Squire with Item as sub ability to use X-potion if auto-potion doesn't trigger.

            Then just Yell and run around the map. move +2 or something like that helps. If Wiegraf moves north, move south.
            With enough Yells, you can eventually have 5+ turns in a row before he can act again.

            If you have Accumulate, you can then use a lot of time to boost Ramza's attack power. Do it so much and you could
            probably kill both forms with 1-2 hits each.


            • #7
              Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

              if you have a problem with you lv go in frist battle in the plain and just pwlv you with acumulate (word) and drop the barve off your foe when they are under 20 i thing they will change in a chicken so just continue doing acumulate.


              • #8
                Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

                Couple of exploits:

                1) The first battle with him is bugged. Equip the Chameleon Robes and he will stop spamming that lethal ranged lightning attack (forgot it's name). The bug is still in the PSP version. Even though said attack is Lightning elemental he will NOT use it if Ramza is wearing that robe.

                2) Use a White Mage and load up on ethers. Holy always hits for a nice amount and because White Mage's melee attacks are based on MA in the PSX version of the game they can easily outdamage Knights if you gear them right. Or just give the White Mage a Chantage. It's impossible to lose any battle (via party wipe) if your White Mage is holding one.

                I'm fairly sure they fixed White Mage melee attacks in the PSP version as they don't hit anywhere near as hard as they used to but it was a viable tactic against Lucavi bosses in the original FFT.

                3) I'm fairly sure that you can still chicken the lesser demons in the PSP version though it will take a while and probably isn't practicable
                Rahal Gerrant - Balmung - 188 DRK
                Reiko Takahashi
                - Balmung - 182 AST, 191 BLM, 182 SCH, 188 SMN
                Haters Gonna Hate


                • #9
                  Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

                  If you haven't saved into that fight already, you're probably better off grinding in a random battle (as someone previously mentioned). Have Ramza use Steel (his +5 Brave boost ability, 100% acc) on himself and the people you plan to use so that you can start working up thier Bravery permanently (for every 4 points of Bravery you raise in battle, one of those points becomes a permanent increase after the fight). That way, reaction abilities will go off more (the percentage chance they go off is the same as your Brave score).

                  Another tactic if you're not waist deep in X-Potions for Auto-Potion (which you should be, because Auto-Potion is the heat), is to use either Shihiadori/Blade Grasp (Samurai) or Reflexes (Ninja) and equip an Aegis Shield and Featherweave Cloak. With high Bravery, no physical attacks will hit you, and the majority of magic will either bounce or not hit at all. While this won't work against Sword Techs (hi2u Wiegraf), the fight, as people said, is glitched, and equipping a Chameleon Robe will keep that from happening. Also, that combo will pretty much make your characters invulnerable to most monsters in random battles, so your units can roam the field with near impunity.

                  Some attacks can do more damage than Auto-Potion can handle, and can even one shot a unit so A-P never gets to trigger, so having a backup combo can really be a lifesaver.
                  Last edited by LilithAngel; 11-17-2009, 09:43 AM. Reason: Of course, if you're like me, you have 3 Dark Knights shortly after Warjilis shows up...


                  • #10
                    Re: FFT - Riovanes Castle Keep Battle to Win

                    Originally posted by LilithAngel View Post
                    Some attacks can do more damage than Auto-Potion can handle, and can even one shot a unit so A-P never gets to trigger, so having a backup combo can really be a lifesaver.
                    My reaction ability of choice was typically Mana Shield + MP Regen. Mana Shield works great for non-spellcasters, especially with MP Regen on move. No matter how much damage a hit does, if your Mana Shield triggers, even 1 MP will absorb the entire hit, even if it's thousands of damage. This basically gives your characters immunity to 1 attack every turn, so unless they're terminally slow, or get swarmed by enemies, you really shouldn't take much, if any, damage.

                    Even for casters it's useful if they have a backup plan (mine was Arithmetic, which always costs 0 MP).


