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Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, and other games/goodies

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  • Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, and other games/goodies

    Well, for my birthday my sister got me a $70 gift certificate to Best Buy, amongst other things, and now I get to decide what to spend it on!

    Today I went out to a Best Buy to poke around some and see how much stuff cost, as I haven't been looking at prices for awhile. While I was out, Valhalla Knights Eldar Saga for the Wii caught my eye. However, when I checked it out on Gamefaqs I see alot of people complaining about it, although it does sound interesting. I'm thinking of seeing if I can rent it first, but I also wanted to ask people here if they had played it and what they had thought of it.

    Also, any suggestions as to something to look into? It doesn't have to be a game, and let's put a price cap of about $120 on it. Safe to say that a new gaming system is a bit out of my current price range at the moment.

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  • #2
    Re: Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, and other games/goodies

    Valhalla Knights is something you might want to read up more on, they tried to establish this series on PSP and it didn't fare very well there either.

    I don't know what platforms you have, but if I were to make any suggestions out of what's been out recently:

    Borderlands for either 360, PS3 or PC.
    Torchlight for PC, its a $20 download.

    Both scratch the dungeon hack itch more than well enough and certainly more than VK seems to. Torchlight is from the people that created Diabolo and seems friendly enough for most PC specs.

    Lego Rock Band is available for all but PSP and is absurdly adorable. David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Queen a Lego characters? I never though I'd see this sort of thing happen, but its still funny.

    DS - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Phantasy Star Zero hits Tuesday, Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story all aim to please. Zelda Spirit Tracks hits in December. IF you can find it, Knights in the Nightmare is awesome (think SRPG meets top-down shooter bullet hell in real time). Also, Devil Survivor.

    PSP - PSN actually has some deals on downloads for games there. Crimson Gem Saga and Dissidia are great picks otherwise. I would hype Persona, but the original Persona is very much an acquired taste, much more than its successors are.

    Wii - New Super Mario Bros. Wii. You can't resist this even if you tried. Also, Murasama.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 11-07-2009, 09:56 PM.

